"An Bodhisattva, do you want to die?"

Xu Yang scolded coldly.

"Can you kill me?" An Bo sneered, and sighed exaggeratedly: "I really want to die, please send me on my way."

Xu Yang's eyes are full of murderous intent!

It's not that he can't really kill this dark bodhisattva, just because if he kills this dark bodhisattva, then many generals under his command will all die, and he can't bear this kind of loss.

An Bo glanced at Xu Yang sarcastically, and then slowly looked at Lin Fan: "That useless man fled half dead, just to invite you?"

Lin Fan snorted heavily: "Tell me, what is the purpose of trying to get this deity to come here?"

He is not stupid.

Knowing the leopard from the spot, this dark man did so many things just to lure him out.

"Kill you." An Bo's eyes suddenly turned cold, without hiding it.

"Kill me?" Lin Fan sneered: "There are too many people who want to kill me, you count that onion."

An Bo climbed up to the sky calmly and calmly. He stood firmly in the sky and pointed at Lin Fan: "Come on, let's fight."

"Brother Lin, I'll kill him." Xu Yang said, he wanted to kill this dark Bodhisattva, and let out a bad breath.

Lin Fan refused: "Don't argue, he came for me."

"Hmph! Can this be up to you? He used a vicious trap to make Yanlong's tamper swear an oath of soul, forcing the young master not to dispatch an army to crush them, and he was timid and aggrieved. Get out of the way, I must You can't kill him." Xu Yang was cold.


With a roar, the mountains and rivers shattered, and within a hundred miles, all mountains and rivers collapsed!


Who is he?

Son of the Forbidden Zone.

In many dark ages, he has been dormant, and his clan has almost coexisted with the sky and the earth. If the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed one day, a complete world was divided, resulting in the death of the gods in the clan. Who would dare to look at the sky and the earth? Talk to him half a word.

At this time, there were actually two people who were not the same age as him, vying to kill him.

"Come together!" An Bo shouted, he wanted to kill two people alone.


Thousands of hectares of thunder sea rolled, and there was a sudden suppression of a thunder spring. In the thunder spring, there was a golden chain swaying like a lotus of the avenue.

Lin Fan took the lead and announced the start of the battle with Wang Leiquan.

The reason is that he used the eyes of the runes to see that this dark bodhisattva is tricky, which is very unusual. It clearly seems to have been asleep for many ages, but the bone age and so on are only the same age as him.

This is a monster that cannot be judged by common sense. He is afraid that Xu Yang will suffer.


An Bo yelled angrily, and a dark symbol burst out of his mouth. This is like a mysterious and unpredictable Tianyan rune. Just looking at it will make people dizzy, as if the soul will be sucked into this dark rune.

The suppressed thunder spring rippled, and the golden lotus of thunder liquid that bloomed in it withered, and with a bang, the thunder spring collapsed into an arc of lightning.

Lin Fan's expression became serious. He knew that he had met his opponent. This was a rare enemy.

"Tsk tsk, Great Sage." An Bodhis words were cold and yin and yang: "It's been a long time since I drank the blood of the Great Sage."

This kind of words made a group of people horrified.

The Great Sage has not appeared in several epochs, and there is only one one in this world, but this dark Bodhisattva sighs here, he has not drank the blood of the Great Sage for too long.

"What bragging! What level of existence is the Great Sage? Are you worthy of drinking his blood?"

In Zhantian Army, some generals sneered again and again.

"Hehe, talking to Xia Chong about ice? This deity is not that boring." An Bo smiled lightly.

"What he said is true." Lin Fan said solemnly, and asked very seriously: "Who the hell are you? Could it be that an old monster is rejuvenated? Or was it born stealthily?"

There was a hint of surprise in An Bo's eyes: "You know a lot, and you even know about the Heaven Thief. Could it be that you have met it before?"

"Huh!" Lin Fan snorted coldly, the heavy halberd in his hand clanged, the tip of the halberd buzzed, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter and would choose someone to devour.

An Bo saw that Lin Fan was not going to answer this question, but just smiled. He walked towards Leihai, and every step he took, the world would tremble.

"I'm not a stealer, and I'm not the Returning Pill refined by that person. Rejuvenation is a joke." An Bo continued.

These words made Lin Fan tremble!

Returning Dan!

This is the Dan name on the Mysterious Medicine Code, and it is recorded at the end.

Then, the identity of "that person" in Anbo's mouth is ready to be revealed.

"How long have you lived? Have you met the God of Medicine?" Lin Fan asked urgently.

He felt that he might be able to know some great mysteries today.

"I've never seen it before, but he came to our family and borrowed a certain treasure. At that time, I was still sleeping in the sleeping place, and I only saw that figure that seemed to be as high as the sky in a trance." His awe and admiration can be heard from his mouth.

Even Xu Yang was stunned.

In a few words, he seemed to be able to barely guess something. This dark bodhisattva actually existed since ancient times?

But why was it born again today?

An Bo sneered: "The Great Sage is not tolerated by the heaven and the earth, it seems that you should be the backhand of the false gods left in the world, or a pawn."

Lin Fan's pupils flickered coldly!

This dark bodhisattva can't stay any longer.

You know, since he ascended to the upper realm and crossed the two realms, his name is known all over the world, but no one has ever been able to infer his roots from the little things.

Moreover, this An Bo said that he is a backhand, or a pawn, and he has this awareness.

This is a serious problem that must be killed or surrendered.

"Well, don't worry, it doesn't matter whether it's a false god or a god of heaven, it has nothing to do with our family. Our family sits and watches the ups and downs of the years and sees all the gods die. I haven't seen anything." An Bo said, but it was more like a kind of showing off.

"It's said that your ethnic group is so against the heavens, but why did you end up as a lackey of the country's uncle's mansion?" Lin Fan sneered, of course, this sentence was also a test.

An Bodhis eyes were murderous at the beginning, and these words seemed to trigger his rebellion, but then he said with a bit of sadness: "How can there be a long-lasting family in the world, and where does it come from? The gods in the family In the years of old age and death, the world has changed, and it is no longer suitable for the cultivation of the older generation, and finally "

An Bo sighed and shook his head when he said this, it wasn't because he didn't want to say it, but when he was about to tell the root cause, there was a sudden explosion of muffled thunder above the sky, and thousands of purple-red thunders hovered above his head.

This made Lin Fan terrified.

What General Dark Bodhisattva said has definitely touched the top fan of the world, and even attracted Tianxin's attention, releasing a thunderous warning that could kill everything.

"Okay, let's not talk about gossip, today is just to kill you." An Bo opened his mouth, he continued to move forward, sighed, and said: "The name An Bo, don't worry about it, it is a name bestowed by God, wait for me to become a god Use it when you have time, you can call me the restricted zone."

He changed his name.

But it also revealed his terrifying life experience and shocking courage.

Dark Bodhisattva is actually a name bestowed by gods.

And he wants to keep this name in the dust for the time being, and use it as a god name when he becomes a god in his youth.

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