Twin martial arts

Chapter 2052 The battlefield is quiet at this time

Very shocking!

Anu beheaded the head with the long knife in his hand, above the long knife, there was a faint blue flame, and the four-headed dog of the holy level was really like a demon general rushing to kill people in hell.

The four fields were quiet.

It's just World War I. The Legion of Hell has justified their name. They are definitely not in vain, nor are they pretending to be arrogant. They can really crush many legions here.

When they set off, they were silent, and when they returned to the team, it was still the same, only the three-headed dog was breathing heavily, and the crowd was terrified, and they didn't dare to say anything more.

The silence at the very beginning made everyone think it was an act of pretentiousness, but at this moment it was so desolate.

"Good! Wonderful!"

There was a clear applause, it was Princess Jue, she was smiling, and her graceful figure was like a cheerful butterfly.

Princess Jue took the lead, and everyone immediately applauded and applauded loudly, like a mountain collapsed suddenly.

"Hmph!" Huang Yulong snorted heavily.

He always felt that the sound of applause was a slap on the face of his uncle's house, and he glanced at Lin Fan and others with murderous intent.

The battle continues.

On Lin Fan's side, everyone closed their eyes, as if everything had nothing to do with them. In this noisy and tragic martial arts arena, they seemed so out of place, as if everyone was drunk and I was sober.

The Zhantian army had a bye, so they didn't have to participate in the first fight, and all the legions participating in the martial arts performance felt lucky.

After all, the end of the Zhantian Army who won the bye lottery meant that there was a legion that was about to be eliminated.

And the Tushenjun who won the No.14 red lottery really shocked everyone including Lin Fan with their peerless combat power. In just ten breaths, an army was killed to the point of surrender .

It seems that the Tushen Army did it on purpose, trying its best to restore the influence brought about by the failure of the Uncle's Mansion.

Soon, the first round of fighting ended.

Only eight legions remained.

They are Hell Legion, Heaven Slashing Army, God Slayer Army, Dread Bone Army, Wuhou Army, Invincible Army, Xu Family Army, and Qinglong Army.

These eight teams will reach the top four tomorrow.

After a temporary rest for a day, the four legions will choose the second to fourth positions again.

in the military camp.

Princess Jue arrived, and in the tent, the three of them felt like they had reunited after a long absence. They talked and laughed very happily. Princess Jue's clear laughter like a silver bell never stopped, making the eunuchs who came to protect Princess Jue smile all over their faces.

It's rare to see such a happy smile on this day's charming girl.

"Brother, you have to be careful, don't lose." Princess Jue waved her small fist fiercely: "I want to beat all the legions of Uncle Guo's lineage until his mother doesn't even know him."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "It depends on Xu Yang, it's no problem for me to charge forward, but it's really hard for me to arrange troops."

Xu Yang rolled his eyes: "If you're lazy, be lazy, why make excuses?"

Xu Yang glanced at Lin Fan: "Boy, I know everything about you. There have been so many terrifying battles in the lower realms. How dare you say that you are not good at arranging troops."

Lin Fan still didn't speak.

Princess Jue didn't speak either.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you brothers and sisters." Xu Yang pouted: "Hmph, left and right are just two legions."

Princess Jue had a cold look in her eyes: "Not two, but three."

Xu Yang's pupils shrank suddenly: "Besides the Tushen Army and the Xu Family Army, which army has defected to the Uncle Guo's Mansion?"

"Marquis Wu." Princess Jue's eyes became colder.

Xu Yang's face changed slightly: "It is indeed a hard nut to crack."

Lin Fan said with a smile: "Wuhou Army, Xu Family Army, Tushen Army, I don't know what the Xu Family Army is like, but this Wuhou Army can fight against your Tianzhan Army."

Xu Yang bared his nose: "You can fight with a bullshit, if it weren't for Hum Hem, what would he be Wuhou Army?"

Princess Jue said: "Father said, Zhan Tianjun no longer needs to deliberately hide their edge, it's almost time."

A hint of ferocity appeared on Xu Yang's face: "Well, we've been exhausted for this long time."

Lin Fan patted Xu Yang on the shoulder, and in a few words, Lin Fan heard that Zhan Tianjun's ranking should not be as simple as being second, but it was just at the behest of the Demon Lord, and it was just a matter of concealing his edge like this. I really can't figure it out.

Of course, it wasn't just Lin Fan and others who gathered to discuss in the barracks, it was also the case in the barracks of the Slaughtering God Army.

Huang Yulong's face was cold and stern, sitting tall and high, with Ceylan, the leader of the God Slayer Army on his left hand, and Xu Yekuang, Xu's eldest son, Xu Yekuang, deputy head of the Wuhou Army, and Wuchang, who was trained as Emperor Lin, sat on his right hand.

"Tomorrow, I want the Hell Legion to die!" Huang Yulong cut to the chase without even hiding his murderous intentions.

Ceylon grinned and said, "Don't worry, my lord, it's just a hell army, killing them is like slaughtering dogs."

"Bastards!" Huang Yulong scolded angrily: "The Tushen Army is a sharp weapon against the Heaven Slashing Army. If it is a mere Hell Army, they will let you fight, so why does my uncle's house support other legions?"

Xu Yekuang's face changed slightly, he got up and clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, young master, the Hell Army will be handed over to my Xu family's iron cavalry. This subordinate is willing to issue a military order. If you can't kill the Hell Army, I will come to see you."

Huang Yulong's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's so good, I killed [-] hell troops, I will ask for credit for you, and I will give you [-] unparalleled armor."

Xu Yekuang clasped his fists and bowed deeply.

Wuchang did not speak the whole time.

Huang Yulong looked at Wuchang, and said with a pleasant face: "Little Wuhou, this time you Wuhou army can try to see if you can step on the corpse of Zhantian army."

Wu Chang said: "This time, we must kill all the Zhantian Army."

Overnight, the entire Mozun City's gambling stalls opened up, and there was an endless stream of gamblers at various markets.

Of course, the bets in the Demon King City are too scary, and of course there are not many fools.

The only ones that are difficult to entangle in placing bets on are the Wuhou Army, Heaven Zhan Army, and God Slayer Army. The ranking of these three legions is really hard to predict.

But basically, bets are still based on the rankings over the years.

Tushenjun still ranks second.

Zhan Tianjun is still third.

Wuhou Army is fourth.

As for the Hell Army, they were ranked eighth, and this was because of their terrifying performance during the battle with the Dragon Knights.

If the hell army can rank seventh, the ratio of betting stalls is one to three.

If ranked sixth, the ratio is one to five.

Fifth, one to seven.

Fourth, one to nine.

Third, one to twenty.

Second, one to thirty.

The rest of the legions have their own proportions, so I won't list them here.

Those who set up gambling stalls are scratching their heads at this time.

It's just because there are too few fools, and no one is trying to make a lucky bet with a small fortune.

They are all wantonly pressing on the legion that is making money without losing money.

In this way, it is difficult for several gambling stalls not to mention making money, but not losing money.

The gambling stall opened by the uncle's mansion is the first to get rid of this kind of problem.

Because, in the middle of the night, a man covered in a black cloak bet [-] million top-quality primordial stones at once, betting that the Hell Legion ranked third!

An hour later, someone came to place a bet of [-] million, betting that the Hell Legion ranked third.

An hour later, another beautiful woman bet one billion, also ranked third in the Legion of Hell.

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