Twin martial arts

Chapter 2048 Victory and Return

The mane on the neck is thicker than that of a lion, and it is like a sharp sword, reflecting the iron-colored killing light!

The roots are separated from the body, and they are like a hundred thousand immortal swords killing array on the sky.

"God hide!"

With a roar of Lin Fan, thousands of golden soldiers rushed away, and disappeared into the void one by one with the cut off fairy swords. Some swords cut through Lin Fan's chest, but it didn't work at all. The horrible blood hole that had just appeared healed in an instant.

He slammed forward with one hand, and a void passage appeared, and Lin Fan stepped into it, Lin Fan was still visible in the eyes of everyone, but his figure was lost in the soul.


There was another crisp sound, and a scene was repeated!

The five-headed handsome raised his hand, blocked Lin Fan's heavy halberd that went straight between his eyebrows, and retreated a thousand feet back again!


Xu Yang roared, and he flew away: "Five-headed handsome! The three tricks have already passed."

The heavy halberd in Lin Fan's hand disappeared, and the map of mountains and rivers flew back and draped over his body. However, many mountains, rivers, mountains, rivers, etc. on the map of mountains and rivers were destroyed badly, and his face became pale as paper in an instant; his steps staggered. After a few strokes, he said, "It's a fluke."

The handsome five-headed man looked cold and stern, but actually, his heart was trembling and fearful!


Twice in a row, he wandered between life and death.

If this man is going up a small step, not to mention becoming a Hengsheng who can truly kill the emperor, as long as he reaches the top of the great saint, he will die when he is stabbed between the eyebrows by the heavy halberd twice.

No one saw that his fore paw, as thick as a mountain, was bleeding, and no one knew that although he had scruples in his heart, he did not dare to kill that man's son.

But the shot was really merciless, but even so, it still didn't go as he expected, the first blow made Lin Fan bow his head and admit defeat.

It's about meritorious deeds and defense. The most important thing is that his own emperor's prestige is actually useless to him, exempting the normal state that the saint's spirit and fighting spirit will first decline before fighting in front of the emperor.

Thinking of the thin layer of white light on his body, the handsome five-headed man looked solemnly, took a deep look at Lin Fan, and then said: "This deity has lost this bet."

Lin Fan forced himself to stand up straight: "Senior, I'm just showing mercy."

The five-headed handsome face is ugly: "This deity is not the kind of person who can't afford to lose, he deserves to be that"

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly turned pale, and he didn't dare to say the next words.

Lin Fan didn't care that the handsome five were hesitating to speak, but just looked at the handsome five.

The five-headed handsome snorted coldly, and said: "This matter is too big. Although the deity lost, it is still a major issue within the clan, and it needs to be discussed with the clan."

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly turned cold: "This governor has already paid respects, risking his life to bet with you, it is very reasonable, and it can be regarded as giving you enough face for the three-headed clan, but if you dare to lose and refuse to admit it, this governor can also Very unreasonable."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly: "Think about the consequences yourself, if so, then you know, it's not just Zhan Tianjun who will come."

"You don't need to threaten me." The five-headed commander looked extremely cold: "If the clan disagrees, the emperor's soldiers will send you off. Of course, whether you can surrender is your business. If you can't take it Let's go, it's none of my business."

Lin Fan never spoke, but just watched coldly.

The five-headed handsome left, and soon returned, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Obviously, the people in his three-headed clan did not agree to this matter, and what he brought was his lineage.

Thirty thousand and 84 dogs were displayed in front of them. Even the three hellhounds were three feet high and eight feet long, and they just stared at Lin Fan and the others.

"This emperor's ugly words are up front. Of course, you think it's okay for this emperor to play tricks. If this emperor loses the bet, he will give up all the bets at this time. But if you don't have the ability to take it away, don't blame this emperor. "The five-headed commander was extremely cold, and added: "You will be conceited if you are killed or injured."

Lin Fan snorted coldly: "Then you don't have to worry about it."

He flew up and pointed towards the most powerful four-headed dog. The four-headed dog was indeed violent enough. When he saw Lin Fan flying towards him, it turned out to be human-powered and roared like a dog howling at the moon. A few big moons fell, slamming and killing Lin Fan.

Lin Fan just sneered, stretched out his palm and squeezed it hard, the falling moons were all crushed, lightning flashed under his feet, and landed hard on the back of the four-headed dog, and his feet had already been inserted into the back of the dog Above, straight to the ankle!

In this regard, this hell dog dare not be presumptuous.

Xu Yang was still the same, and more directly. When he flew up, he used two straight punches to beat one hellhound half to death, and also surrendered one.

Anu experienced a lot of hard work, but finally managed to recover one of them.

According to Lin Fan's intention, he wanted to keep shooting, knock down all the hellhounds, and then let the soldiers under his command come.

But Xuyang stopped it.

It's just that without explaining the reason, Lin Fan sighed and flew to the distance alone, and this place obeyed Xu Yang's arrangements.

Lin Fan sat alone on a pitch-black cliff, calm and calm, but the roars and screams coming from afar made him frown from time to time.

He knew that this was no less than a battle.

But he, Lin Fan, had tried his best. If he hadn't resisted the emperor's three attacks, at least thousands of people would have died.

This conquest or counter-conquest lasted for half a month.

When Anu came to greet Lin Fan with a pale face, Lin Fan sighed again, 3000 people died!

All the dead people became the prey of the three hell dogs.

However, when Lin Fan and the others were about to leave, they didn't know how the five handsome men would agree to leave together with Lin Fan and the others, and of course they never forgot to take all their subordinates with them.

Haohao soup soup.

On the sixth floor, the migratory locust who was waiting for Lin Fan and others to return, heard the noise from the passage, and the poisonous needle suddenly rushed towards the passage.

But he saw that the big golden hand held the poisonous needle and twisted it fiercely, and the locust died directly like this.

The [-] migratory locusts that had been hoarded here suddenly scattered.

All the way without resistance, unimpeded.

When Lin Fan and Xu Yang returned with [-] hellhounds, they were really shocked.

Cerberus is an excellent mount, but who would not be greedy for a general leading an army?

If it weren't for this, the uncle's mansion wouldn't think about it, and General Zhantian wouldn't do it himself, but what these two giants have never done, was actually done by a small governor.

It's not that no one wants to rely on their own territory to slaughter a fortune and leave tens of thousands of three-headed dogs arbitrarily, but anyone who has this idea will be thrown into the abyss by the major general.

[-] hellhounds a few feet tall swaggered all the way to Admiral City. Meng Ke, who had received the news a long time ago, was overjoyed, while Hong Lian waved her hand and sent all the residents of an important town next to Admiral City Relocation, in just half a month, a pure military town was created to house the hell army.

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