Uncle Guo spoke very casually and lightly.

The old housekeeper grinned and left.

Anu and Meng Ke walked through every big shop in Mozun City, but they didn't buy anything. They didn't get nervous until an undisguised cultivator from the uncle's residence appeared behind them.

Then it's up to you.

Anu and the others want to buy a 1-year-old pearl grass, and they bid [-] top-grade primordial stones, which is already a high price. You must know that this kind of grass has narrow uses, and it usually costs seven thousand at most.

But immediately, people from Guojiu's Mansion lined up [-] top-grade primordial stones, rushing to buy them unreasonably.

For example, if Anu and the others want to buy a mutton fat jade bottle worth up to 15 top-grade primordial stones, the people in the uncle's house will immediately offer [-] with a smirk.

It's completely rich and powerful, just like I have money and sincerely come to sabotage, how dare you do it.

Then Anu's violent temper and the snatchers almost started fighting, but it happened that a golden armored warrior from Mozun Palace came to stop the fight, and bluntly said that fighting is not allowed in Mozun City.

Then it's up to you to fight.

But the Admiral's Mansion failed to buy anything.

The whole world is watching a good show.

Lin Fan's yearly tribute was taken away, this kind of thing cannot be concealed at all, and under the publicity of the uncle's mansion, everyone knows it.

As for the purpose of such snap-buying at the Uncle Guo's Mansion regardless of the cost, everyone knows the purpose.

"Lin Fan is miserable this time."

"Who said it wasn't? Besides, I also blame Lin Fan himself. He obviously didn't have to pay the yearly tribute, but he just wanted to show his loyalty. The result is hehe, in my opinion, even if His Highness wants to protect him this time, he will be separated if he doesn't die. Skin."

"Just wait and see how the gang of idlers in Guojiu's Mansion deal with this governor from another world."

All the feudal officials or the heads of families who had already arrived at Mozun City and would enter it just waiting for the palace gate to open, all looked on indifferently.

This farce-like panic buying continued until very late, until many shops closed.

"My lord, make sure that the admiral's mansion doesn't buy anything." The housekeeper smiled smugly.

Uncle Guo nodded slightly.

The housekeeper said again: "It's just that the price is a bit high. It took a full 20 ​​billion top-quality primordial stones."

The corners of Uncle Guo's eyes twitched slightly.

It is difficult to be in charge of the family, even if the uncle's house of another country is high above, these 20 billion top-grade essence stones are not easy to give up. You must know that the military expenditure of 80 to destroy the gods is only a mere 40 billion top-grade essence stones a year.

"It's worth it, it's all worth it." The uncle's mansion said harshly.

At this time, the Princess Mansion.

The shopkeepers of the major shops honestly offered all the property purchased by the uncle's mansion.

Then it's very simple, sit on the ground and divide the spoils.

Princess Jue four, Lin Fan three, Xu Yang three.

It was a windfall.

"At the grand meeting, I told this matter directly, will Uncle Guo vomit blood in anger?" Lin Fan was very narrow-minded.

He put away his primordial stones, and at the same time felt relieved that with so many primordial stones, it would be a while for the very nervous admiral's mansion.

Xu Yang said: "Yes."

The three smiled knowingly.

The gate of the palace was wide open, and the governors and heads of families from all over the world filed in.

Lin Fan and Xu Yang also merged into the crowd.

It's just that everyone looked at Lin Fan with ridicule.

"Admiral Lin."

Suddenly there were gloomy words.

Lin Fan looked back, and there was a man about his age who came from behind. This man was six or seven points similar to the uncle of the country, and his eyes immediately turned cold.

Turn your head back and keep going.

"Tsk tsk, the governor is very courageous. Losing the yearly tribute is a serious crime. You don't want to escape, but you dare to go forward." The man said, very cold.

Lin Fan stopped in his tracks: "What's your name?"

"Huang Yulong." The man said proudly.

Lin Fan nodded: "Why didn't you appear in the Great War of Two Realms?"

Huang Yulong frowned slightly, Lin Fan regretfully said: "If you showed up, I wouldn't let me see your unappetizing honor today."

"Lin Fan! Don't be crazy, you will cry later." Huang Yulong was furious.

He always thought that he looked better than Pan An, and he thought he was more romantic, but in the end, Lin Fan was the only one who was ugly when he opened his mouth, so ugly that no one could see him.

"Wait and see, I guarantee that your uncle's mansion will be very surprised." Lin Fan sneered.

This is a huge courtyard, in which there are individual colored seats, on which Lin Fan is already tired of eating phoenix wing and dragon marrow, and of course there are other rare delicacies, and the wine is packed in transparent jade bottles In the middle of the night, the wine turns emerald green; like flowing emeralds.

When His Majesty Mozun came wearing a black dragon robe, sweet springs gushed out from the ground, and the celestial glow just covered the table, making people feel like they were participating in a party in the heaven, or tasting delicious food on the clouds.

"Let's raise our glasses together."

Mozun is obviously a person who doesn't like to talk too much. After he walked up to the dragon chair and sat upright, he leaned over and raised his glass directly.

Everyone raised their glasses and saluted, saying that His Majesty will live the same life as the sky.

The Demon Lord drank it all in one gulp, and everyone naturally did the same. After the Demon Lord sat down, everyone sat down.

Then there is the annual tribute.

The first thing to start is the General's Mansion.

This is also the usual practice. Every year, the annual tribute goes to the general's mansion first, then to the uncle's mansion, then to the officials of the frontier, and then to the major aristocratic families.

The year-old tribute of the general's mansion is like a mansion, full of iron and blood. Most of them are forged weapons, or products of the abyss, but their value is indeed extraordinary.

"General Zhantian stopped the abyss, you kid has been in charge of the general's mansion for a year, and you haven't lost face of your father." Mozun looked at Xuyang kindly.

Xu Yang chuckled, obviously he was very familiar with Mozun.

Then I went to Guojiu's Mansion. The things in Guojiu's Mansion were expensive, but they had no special features. They seemed to be randomly collected, as long as they were expensive, not good ones.

The annual tributes were sung according to the annual tribute booklets they submitted.

Some people in the palace counted the annual tribute on the spot, and His Majesty Mozun only occasionally uttered words of praise. Whenever this happened, the person who was praised would be arrogant, as if he was superior to others.

Lin Fan had nothing to do, and Phoenix Wing and Dragon Marrow couldn't see it. Thinking of the "tragic" experience in those half a year, his legs couldn't support his own weight, but he loved this wine very much, and drank it on his own.

Huang Yulong stared gloomyly, and he flirted with the eunuch who sang the ceremony, and the eunuch nodded slightly: "Admiral Lin Fan, the old tribute is..."

The eunuch actually didn't realize that when he nodded insignificantly, there were at least seven or eight murderous intentions in the court that suddenly rose and disappeared in an instant.

But no matter what, the eunuch must be dead.

After the eunuch sang the ceremony, Huang Yulong was amazed, and said: "Dudu Lin is indeed a good manager. He has just been here for a year, and he can receive such a rich annual tribute. I think he is a capable minister."

When he opened his mouth, all the officials in the Uncle's Mansion immediately agreed, which was flattery.

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