"I'm just one of the people who came to participate in Lin Fan's auction, just like you. In this market, I'm just the most ordinary auctioneer, so don't be too polite." Princess Jue asked everyone to stand up, and then looked at Meng Ke said, "Continue with the auction."

Meng Ke respectfully said: "Obey."

The auction continues.

The ensuing scene is hilarious.

For example, this scene happened during the auction of a sacred bone pill.

Although this sacred bone pill can make the saint's tibia stronger, it has too many limitations. Originally, according to Lin Fan's estimate, it would probably fluctuate around [-] top-grade primordial stones.

But after Princess Jue showed her curiosity and moved her heart, she said frankly: "I think this sacred bone pill is very remarkable, and it is worth 20 top-grade primordial stones."

It was just a simple sentence, and there was an uproar below, and finally a hero surnamed Lu succeeded in snapping up the auction with a high price of 35.

Then this Haoxiong surnamed Lu respectfully gave the sacred bone pill to Princess Jue after changing hands.

This action made Zhu Xiong's eyes light up slightly.

This is simply the ten best ways to flatter a horse.

The next thing is to learn from each other, one by one scrambling to be the first, but all the auction items that Princess Jue showed the slightest interest in were successfully auctioned at several times the price of Yuan Supermarket.


Do you dare not participate in the auction?

Are you questioning Her Royal Highness' vision?

His Highness has already said that it is worth at least 30 top-grade primordial stones. If you don't pay 40, you won't dare to show your loyalty, and you won't be enough to flatter.

Lin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Turn around and sincerely thank Princess Jue.

In fact, Lin Fan has made various preparations for this auction. He is sure that there will be various difficulties in this auction.

But those preparations turned out to be useless, and Princess Jue solved it in the most domineering way.

Lin Fan even felt that the reason why Princess Jue deliberately opened the bottle cap was intentional in the first place, just to find a sign to let the heroes participate in the auction honestly, and the final intentional price increase was probably out of a woman's narrow-mindedness. After Jiu moved out of the country's uncle's mansion, everyone was flattered and unhappy.

This auction ended like a comedy. Of course, there were no unsold items. Leaving aside the fact that Lin Fan took out the elixir, it was really against the sky. The words that Princess Jue casually said from time to time were also very important.

Admiral's Mansion.

Princess Jue threw all the auction items sent by others to Meng Ke, and only left behind two years of beauty, and she also proposed to Lin Fan very narrowly——

"Lin Fan, I feel that we can work together."

She was very serious, but Lin Fan also became serious and said, "Princess, please tell me."

"This kind of auction can be held a few more times." Princess Jue smiled and waved her little hand: "At that time, we will split the bills, you seven and I three."

Lin Fan smiled wryly besides wryly.

Princess Jue could do this unscrupulously, but if Lin Fan dared to agree, he would never know how he died.

At the very least, Lin Fan was sure that those heroes who participated in the auction might be pointing at his back and scolding their mothers behind their backs.

"You, don't entrap Brother Lin." Xu Yang said speechlessly: "For this kind of thing, if you want to cooperate, you have to cooperate with the three of us. Brother Lin just provides the medicine, I will hold an auction, and you will raise the price."

Lin Fan didn't look at Xu Yang with grateful eyes, and wanted to slap him on the forehead.

This guy had a treacherous face, he clearly didn't want him to eat alone with Princess Jue, so he wanted a share of the pie.

"That's a good idea, so it's decided. I remember that the General's Mansion also has a store in Mozun City?" Princess Jue became interested.

Lin Fan was not in the mood to listen, he gave the two of them a hard look and left, waiting for the two of them to discuss how to cheat the world's wealthy.

Lin Fan walked away.

"When will Your Majesty meet His Highness?" Xu Yang looked at Princess Jue speechlessly.

Princess Jue said: "Father means that when he returns to the world of heaven and man, it is best not to let him know."

Xu Yang frowned: "This is too cruel."

Princess Jue sighed, and said: "Father said, if elder brother knows that there is such a father as him, his will to go forward and my invincible fighting spirit will be weakened, which is not good for elder brother."

Xu Yang sighed, instead of entangled in this topic, but said: "Where is the uncle's mansion? When will it be moved? My family has been preparing for it."

Princess Jue sneered: "It's just the country's uncle's mansion, not to mention other things, I can easily destroy him with the power in my hands alone."

Xu Yang's eyes turned cold: "Then kill them all first; they are getting more and more excessive, and the father even suspects that the uncle's house is colluding with some abyssal creatures."

Princess Jue waved her hand and said domineeringly: "They can't make waves, besides, if my brother wants to inherit the position of father, he also needs to establish his prestige and win over a group of capable people. Do you think that if your brother destroys the country's uncle's mansion, then so much?" For many years, will those hidden heroes in the mountains who have been oppressed by the uncle's mansion until their families are ruined be grateful to my brother?"

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

Princess Jue continued: "Conquering the world is not easy, but how can it be easy to defend the world?"

Xu Yang said: "Your Majesty has worked so hard, the Tao is ruthless but sympathetic, have you paved the way for Brother Lin in advance?"

The results of this auction have been counted. There are hundreds of millions of top-grade primordial stones. With a wave of Lin Fan’s hand, Meng Ke and Anu collect the incredible treasures. In addition to leaving 3000 million top-grade primordial stones behind, they summoned the great casting masters. , and the rest are year-old tributes.

After that, Lin Fan, Xu Yang, and Princess Jue went to the General's Mansion together.

The general's mansion is majestic, just looking at the mansion makes people feel awe, there is a sense of iron and blood.

Wan Yu didn't follow her. Strictly speaking, wherever Princess Jue appeared, Wan Yu would never appear.

Princess Jue also knew it well, but she didn't bother to care about it. She really had a heart for Xu Yang, but if Xu Yang dared to entangle with that woman, she could cut her love with a sword of wisdom.

After arriving at the General's Mansion, General Zhantian was not in the mansion, which made Lin Fan a little disappointed. He originally wanted to thank General Zhantian for his protection last time, and specially refined a pill to dissolve General Zhantian. The killing yin qi accumulated on his body.

It's just that General Zhantian was not there, and Lin Fan didn't mention it either.

Afterwards, Xu Yang hand-picked [-] soldiers, charged many tributes, and headed all the way to Mozun City.

At this time, if one looks down from a high altitude, one can see that teams like long dragons, escorting convoys full of treasures, are gathering at the same place—Mozun City.

Every year's New Year's Eve is also a time when bandits are rampant, and bold abyssal creatures or degenerates will always want to take this opportunity to make a fortune.

But Mozun Palace didn't care about it, and even issued a decree on purpose, all convoys escorting Sui Gong were not allowed to use teleportation formations, and were not allowed to install space rings, as if they were deliberately giving those bandits a chance to rob.

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