Twin martial arts

Chapter 2033 Sui Gong

The two came and went, Lin Fan wanted to behead his head, but Xu Yang stopped him, or Xu Yang snorted coldly and attacked fiercely, and Lin Fan used his heavy halberd across the shivering saint's neck to stop him.


Finally, the saint couldn't take it anymore, it was worse than death, he committed suicide, and he was very straightforward and decisive, very cruel to himself!

"Do you all want my head? I just won't give it to you!"

These were the last words he left in the world, and then there was a bang, and his head exploded into blood mist.

"It's all right now, there's no need to argue." Lin Fan smiled, and he put away the heavy halberd.

Xu Yang was very dissatisfied, and stared at Lin Fan fiercely: "You win once."

"Hmph, didn't I behead more than you that time?" Lin Fan squinted at Xu Yang.

"Really? Why don't I remember?"

Xu Yang walked forward with his hands behind his back, refusing to admit it at all.


Lin Fan stretched out his middle finger and also walked forward.

But in fact, both Xu Yang and Lin Fan knew that if they really had a fight, they would at most draw. Although Lin Fan is a great saint, Xu Yang should not be underestimated. He has been at the level of Lindi for a long time. Lin Fan even felt that Xu Yang was deliberately suppressing the realm, otherwise he should have stepped into that level.

The battle has come to an end, because the hostile army is the famous God Slayer Army, so Lin Fan and Xu Yang, from the beginning of the battle, even if they strangled the saints, they did not forget to take care of them. More than ten thousand.

What made Lin Fan and Xu Yang horrified was that even so, the soldiers on their side suffered heavy casualties. There were [-] soldiers in total.

Lin Fan's face was heavy: "This is the result of Tu Shenjun's useless fighting spirit in order not to reveal his identity. If it is used..."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said with relief: "The 80 slaughtering army has experienced two battles of world destruction.

That is the legion rolled out of the sea of ​​blood, and the torch is passed on from generation to generation, no outsiders are accepted, and the father dies and the son joins, so it is normal that the combat power is strong.

How long has our legion been around?It hasn't happened in a year, and this result is already considered impressive. "

Lin Fan sighed.

Xu Yang said: "Don't bear it, I know what your kid is going to do, and if you want to do what you want to do, you alone? Or those brothers you mentioned? This is simply impossible, the current Cruelty is the only way to minimize the casualties of relatives in future fights and battles."

Lin Fan didn't say anything more, he just crushed the communication jade and asked Anu to bring the soldiers who had been trained for half a year to form an army of [-] again.

The emperor's war in Tianwai also ended, and all the emperors in Guojiu's mansion died except for the emperor who fled with two legs and one arm.

Of course, some emperors were also injured on Lin Fan's side, but after Lin Fan aggressively took out some elixirs that only existed in legends to compensate, the emperors smiled happily.

Anu came with [-] new troops and reorganized into the legion again, but only [-] were left, and the rest returned to the Dudu's Mansion together with Anu again.

Lin Fan intends to enter the Eternal Sage within five years, and then return to the Heavenly Human Realm, there is plenty of time.

Moreover, he has calculations. In the past six months, although he has never been in the admiral's mansion, he also knows how many soldiers he has available under his command at this time.

If those who could kill with a knife were counted, there would be a total of 6 people, but Lin Fan only needed to choose the best [-] people.

This wave first hit 3 people, and in the remaining years, it was to repeatedly temper the two legions of 6 people. After returning to the Heaven and Human Realm, Xiao Nuo took charge of one army, and Xiao Wu took charge of the other army.

The road to massacre opened again.

This time it was more cruel and direct. Under Xu Yang's instruction, the new recruits were not given any time to breathe and adapt, and directly entered the brutal and inhuman fight, fighting with monsters, fighting with ghosts, and fighting with devils. , Fighting with the bandits, the battle continued.

Another half year.

A ragged and blood-stained legion appeared in front of Admiral's City with neat steps.

This is the [-] Legion that has been tempered for a year, but Lin Fan has not named them, and thinks it is better to leave it to Xiao Nuo and the others.

Naturally, someone will take care of the troublesome matters of arranging these returning warriors.

In the admiral's mansion.

"I'll go back to the General's Mansion first." Xu Yang said this.

Lin Fan looked at the major general who had been with him for a year, and his eyes were full of warmth.

"Don't look at me with that look, I like beautiful women." Xu Yang muttered.

Lin Fan, who had known this guy's temper for a long time, was not surprised.

When I first fought this guy in the Celestial Realm, I felt that this guy was absolutely cold. After coming to the Seventh Realm, I felt that this guy must be arrogant, the kind of arrogant and evildoer with a very sonlike air.

But after getting along, Lin Fan felt that the only difference between Xuyang and Li Guang was that Li Guangda always said that there was something and nothing, and that he couldn't keep anything.

On the other hand, Xu Yang has no right line of work, and always acts foolishly. The more familiar you are with him, the more his nature will be exposed. Can make the crowd silent.

Lin Fan said angrily, "We must have a drink."

"Drink your sister." Xu Yang said this sentence smoothly, but in the end he spit out without a trace, and said in a disguised way: "No, no, I have to prepare the New Year's tribute. My general's mansion is not as good as you. Your Majesty You don't have to bear the annual tribute."

"Sui Gong?" Lin Fan frowned. He called Meng Ke and said, "Are you ready for what you were asked to prepare?"

Meng Ke smiled wryly and said, "Prepare as hard as you can, but the consumption of tens of thousands of troops is too terrifying. Even if there is a money-making machine like the Yuanshi mine like Dantang running, there is not much money left at all, so I'm afraid it will be very shabby."

Xu Yang frowned: "You want Sui Gong? It's completely unnecessary. If you don't Sui Gong, who dares to say a word, I'll go and swell his face."

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "We must take this opportunity to express our gratitude.

You still have to wait two more days, when the time comes, I will go to Mozun City with you, and pay a visit to General Zhantian by the way. "

Xu Yang was left behind, Meng Ke looked pale, and said, "My lord, it's only been three days, but now the inventory is only 10 yuan stone, which is not enough according to the minimum annual tribute standard."

Lin Fan patted his head and scolded with a smile: "I am the number one alchemist in the world, will I be short of money? Are you not afraid of jokes if you tell me?"

Then, he said to himself, two days should be enough time.

Turning back, looking at Meng Ke, he said, "Go and announce to the entire seventh session that this alchemist will auction off a batch of precious pills at the largest store in the admiral's mansion in the future."

"What? The day after tomorrow? The time is too hasty." Meng Ke was shocked.

"Don't be in a hurry, there is no way to be in a hurry. I don't want those little characters to scream. Those who are qualified to participate in this auction are only a few steps away from thousands of miles away."

Lin Fan was full of confidence, thought for a while, took out a piece of paper at random, and wrote down the names of the successive pills, of course he didn't forget to indicate the efficacy behind these pills.

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