Twin martial arts

Chapter 2022 Meng Ke's Choice

The general was cursing in his heart, and his face was very smelly; on his face with a straight nose and square mouth, every fine wrinkle seemed to indicate that I was very unhappy.

Tianwaitian spat out a mouthful of blood.

After being a cow and a horse for so many years, he was loyal to the uncle's mansion, but the ending was too tragic.

It is not normal for the general to accept Lin Fan as his "adopted son", but how could it be a secret for the man who almost stood on top of the world?

But that man, knowing such things and being familiar with the general's protective nature, let him kill Lin Fan, which is clearly treating his family as an abandoned son who can be discarded at will.

Tianwaitian was miserable, at this moment, he seemed to be bent a lot, he bowed to the general, and apologized: "I don't know about this."

The general snorted coldly and didn't speak.

Lin Fan cupped his fists and said, "Father"

The general shuddered and said: "Stop, stop, I just want to save your life, and you can do the rest yourself, don't bother me."

Lin Fan smiled, but he heard the general's eagle stare at the wolf, he glanced around, Bing Sen said: "By using your mouth, I will tell the people in this world that all cultivators under the emperor's realm will be allowed to treat Lin Fan Whenever an attack is launched, even if thirty or fifty Lin Emperors attack him at the same time, this general will not intervene.

But if that emperor-level figure dared to attack him, I would personally lead a hundred thousand iron hooves to crush the other nine clans. "

Everyone was silent.

This sentence seems reasonable; but in fact it is extremely unreasonable.

Of course, this is a cut-throat.

You know, the current Lin Fan is already a great sage, who would dare to say that he will kill Lin Fan except the emperor?

Leaving aside the combat power, just talk about where did the thirty or fifty Lin Emperors who besieged and killed Lin Fan come from?

Moreover, even if there were thirty or fifty Lin Emperors besieging and killing Lin Fan, with Lin Fan's cultivation level, if he knew he was invincible, he could kill a wave first and then walk away calmly.

The general's words were undoubtedly a life-saving talisman for Lin Fan.

"As ordered."

The emperor who rode the prisoner bull was the first to express his opinion, and he was very sincere. He called Lin Fan His Highness, very polite, without any initial killing intent.

The general came suddenly and left suddenly, just like when he came, no one could find out when he left.

In the arena, the emperors still trapped Lin Fan in it, but no one dared to release a little bit of killing intent. Lin Fan no longer turned into the dharma figure with the sun and the moon on his shoulders, and returned to himself. Of course, Bruce and the sky were still defeated by him Clamping, looked at Tianwaitian with a faint smile, and said slowly: "Island Master, can you listen to my conditions now?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Tianwaitian's face, but he calmed down only in an instant, and said, "How dare you make a condition with the governor?"

He sighed and said: "I know what the purpose of the governor is. From now on, there will be no war servants in the entire Three Thousand Islands. The governor can take it away."

The big stone in Lin Fan's heart fell to the ground, and Anu smiled even more.

If he gnaws down the big bone of Tianwai Island, at least he, Lin Fan, can form an army of 3 people.

Moreover, these 3 people are all warriors who have fought a hundred battles. The brave men honed between life and death, the army composed of these characters is undoubtedly powerful.

The emperors were about to leave, but they saw Lin Fan clasping his fists in all directions, and said, "Please, seniors, please give me a word."

The emperors stopped and looked at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan said: "I have the life-snatching pill, which can help the emperor prolong the life of ten years, and I have countless holy fruits. I would like to exchange it for the robes of the heavenly and human realm."

"What? The life-killing pill?" The emperor riding the prisoner's ox screamed, his eyes urgent, and he asked: "Dare to ask, but the old man Wang Xiong swallowed the life-killing pill?"

Lin Fan laughed and said, "No kidding, it's the real deal."

The emperor's eyes burst into light: "If one kills, how many war servants can I exchange for it?"

"Two thousand." Lin Fan said.

He had already figured out the ratio of this exchange.

Although the life-killing pill is sought after by the world, in fact, for him, it is nothing more than that, he naturally has a treasure pill that is much stronger than this life-killing pill.

"Okay!" the old emperor said, and laughed: "Don't worry, the governor, this emperor will go to contact a group of old brothers. We will make money but not lose money in this deal."

Lin Fan said solemnly: "Please trouble me, senior."

The old emperor even said that it is not necessary, it is just a win-win exchange, and he said with a smile: "What about the holy fruit? What is the exchange rate for the governor?"

"One thousand." Lin Fan stretched out a finger.

This is the ratio he had long thought of.

Although the sacred fruit is rare and is a treasure, it is a product of the Three Thousand Islands and has never been cut off. This ratio; he thinks it is not a loss.

"Okay!" The old emperor smiled, feeling that Lin Fan was very good.

"May I ask the governor, where is the transaction place?" Youdi asked urgently.

They are all emperors with insufficient longevity, so they have been falling into a half-dead sleep, a dark sleep, even if they gain years, what is the use?

"It's in the governor's fief." Lin Fan smiled, then looked at Wang Xiong apologetically, and said, "I guess I have to trouble the old senior. Of course, the boy will not let the senior suffer later."

Wang Xiong laughed: "I would like to thank the governor for giving me the opportunity to repay my favor, why should I be so polite?"

Today's matter came to an end as Lin Fan left Bru and Tianbusheng to Tianwaitian like throwing rubbish.

On the second day, the three giant ships Haohao Tangtang left Tianwai Island and braved the wind and waves all the way.

On these three giant ships, there were fifty thousand battle-ready men and eight thousand infants.

Lin Fan stood at the bow of the boat, with the sea breeze blowing, his clothes fluttering, and his black hair flying, making the people behind him feel that Lin Fan would ride the wind and go away at any moment, turning into a fairy.

Since bringing these people out until now, Lin Fan has never said a single word to these people, and the fear in their eyes is too strong; this cannot be blamed on them.

They have endured hardships in this seventh world, wandering between life and death every day; even if Lin Fan takes them away, how can they be sure that under Lin Fan's hands, it will be another hell.

Admiral's Mansion.

Meng Ke supported the entire mansion by himself, all sorts of miscellaneous tasks, all kinds of interpersonal dealings made him burnt out; if the major general hadn't given him [-] available people at once, he would probably die of busyness.

Having received the news a long time ago, he led the people from the Admiralty's Mansion to the border to meet Lin Fan and the others. The meeting was naturally a pleasant exchange.

However, when Meng Ke saw the ragged man behind him, but full of murderous spirit and sharp eyes, the complicated look flashed across his eyes.

Lin Fan patted him on the shoulder and said: "Meng Ke, this is not my world after all, I will go back after all, you can think it through first, it's not too late to leave now."

Meng Ke's body froze, and he stopped in the yellow sand. Lin Fan and others walked past him.

"My lord, I'll go and kill him." Anu said, "He knows that if lord's plan is Gao Mi, there will be a catastrophe."

Lin Fan's eyes were complicated: "Let him go."

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