Twin martial arts

Chapter 2017 The sky is overwhelming

The golden full moon illuminates the entire universe, turning into the only light.

And right above Lin Fan's head, wisps of golden moonlight streamed down, blocking the giant black gate that was engulfing him, making him unable to get any closer.

Bruce roared loudly, clearly seeing that the opportunity to kill Lin Fan was in front of him, but it happened in an instant. The big gap between hope and disappointment made Bruce furious, and his murderous intent was like a sea tide crashing on the shore.

"Lin Fan!" Bruce shouted, he raised his arms high, and slapped it down fiercely. The huge black door was split into two, and then into four, spinning around Lin Fan, clanging.

Moreover, under Lin Fan's feet, the starry sky collapsed and became a black hole, swallowing everything, and all the surrounding stars were swallowed away, only the star fragments that were smashed by the black hole flew out.

Lin Fan screamed, he climbed into the sky, trying to get rid of the infinite suction from his feet, but it was useless, he followed him like a shadow, these four portals trapped him in a limited space, and the black hole under his feet followed him.

Lin Fan roared, and a golden light fell from the golden full moon, shining on the black hole under his feet, reducing its rotation speed, which made Lin Fan excited. Emperor-level secrets really need the same level of secrets to offset them.

The golden full moon once again radiated four golden rays of light, each of which shone on a black portal, and immediately, the black portal melted.

Lin Fan rushed away and got out of the predicament——


Bru was chopped, and the scarlet holy blood splashed, and the blood droplets crushed many stars, and the intestines, liver, lungs and lungs filled the starry sky.


The screams came from the mouth of Bruce who had been dismembered. It can be seen that the two halves of his blood corpse, the granulation, were wriggling, trying to connect everything and reassemble the body.

Lin Fan snorted coldly, he leaped into the sky, held the ten-mile full moon with one hand and turned it violently, a golden beam shone on the two petals of the corpse.


There was green smoke, and the two halves of the blood corpse suddenly aged as if it had been hundreds of years. Bruce's screams never stopped, and the fear and pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made his heart tremble.

It can be clearly felt that the vitality of his physical body has dropped sharply, and his soul has been slowly melted under the golden moonlight!

"My life is over!"

he whispered.

Really can't beat this saint.

It's like a joke.

How strong is he?

He is invincible in the three thousand seas, even if he loses to Xu Yang by only one move, he doesn't take it seriously.

The purpose of this birth was to behead Lin Fan to death, and then to pick off Xu Yang's head, and to marry the princess of the Tian family with two heads of Tianjiao as a dowry, and from then on, he reached the pinnacle of his life.

It's a pity that his ambition was not fulfilled, and he must die today.

Lin Fan was very indifferent, he held up the full moon and turned it around, golden beams of light mercilessly wiped out everything, and the group of people watching were stunned.

Too ruthless and poisonous, completely crushing, and with Lin Fan's means, he could have suppressed and killed Bruce, but it happened like this, in order to let Bruce fully feel the taste of death.

This is blood for blood, to repay Bruce for letting him wait for a few days.

Everyone has complicated expressions.

Bruce has never been defeated since he was born, and the endless halo has shrouded his life. Unexpectedly, this defeat was a complete defeat for his whole life.

"Brother Bruce, why should you be discouraged? I'll help you!"

Suddenly there was a loud roar, and the measuring ruler rushed from the ground to the sky.

Lin Fan's figure was disillusioned, he went to the other side of the sky, and saw that the measuring ruler smashed down hard, turning the golden full moon into nothingness.

"The measuring ruler of the island owner!"

"This is an imperial weapon."

A group of people are horrified.

The Tian family made a move.

This is not unexpected at all, this Bruce is already the son-in-law of the Tian family, how could he allow him to die in front of his eyes like this.

"Tianwaitian, are you sure you want to be my enemy?" Lin Fan roared, his voice rolled, shaking the stars and space, and the endless sea below set off a tsunami, about to destroy the world.

"The governor was joking." Tianwaitian's voice sounded, full of helplessness, and explained: "The soldier has been in the ancestral hall, and was stolen by the dog."

He never showed up.

And this explanation is too pale and weak.

This is an imperial weapon!

Without the permission of his master, Tianwaitian, how can he be ordered by Tianwaitian.

However, this explanation is so necessary.

"Hmph! Do you really think Dudu Lin is a loner?" Wang Xiong roared, and a sharp sword with a cold light was thrown from the island by him, clanging and killing Vector Tianchi, and Wang Xiong said: "Although the governor fights to his heart's content, the emperor is incompetent to intervene in the battle."

Lin Fan laughed wildly, he paced forward, first looked at Tian Busheng who was holding a red-tasseled gun from the corner of his eye, then squinted at Bruce who hastily reorganized his body, and shouted: "Come on, I will kill you all by myself."

"Arrogance!" The sky roared angrily.

On the stairs, he was almost beaten to death by Lin Fan. If it wasn't for his father, he wouldn't have doubted that Lin Fan would really kill him and turn him into pieces.

He had been holding back his murderous intentions for a long time, and he went out to fight today to wash away his past shame, but he never thought that Lin Fan would be so mad, and dare to say that he and Bruce would be suppressed and killed by himself.

The two imperial soldiers confronted each other, and went to the depths of the universe. Occasionally, shocking murderous intentions erupted. In the depths of the universe, there were lightning flashes, thunder, and stars exploding.

But here, the three unrivaled figures are facing each other, their murderous intentions are overwhelming, the three confront each other at an angle, and the stars within a thousand miles are turned into dust, unable to withstand the strangulation of such murderous intentions and the crushing of fighting intentions.

"Brother Bruce, take care of him for now, and watch me kill him alone." Tian Bishen yelled.

Blu looked complicated, and said: "Be careful, he is too strong, beyond common sense, and I even doubt that he has successfully embarked on that path."

"Hmph!" Tian Busheng snorted coldly, and said, "Could it be that you were gutted? What is he, Lin Fan? How is he compared to Xu Yang?"

Bruce cast a sharp glance at the sky, and said nothing, just sitting cross-legged in the void like this, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth to quickly repair the injured body.

He knew that if he won this day, he was not Lin Fan's opponent at all.

If he wanted to survive today, he had to combine the strength of the two of them to kill Lin Fan, and there was no other way to go.

"Lin Fan, I've always wanted to kill you." Tian Busheng's face was ferocious, and he pointed at Lin Fan: "Would it be nice to humiliate me like that when I was on the stairs while I was powerless?"

Lin Fan smiled lightly, and stepped forward: "It's very cool, if it wasn't for your father, I would have killed you directly."

The sky roared with fury.

Is this mocking him for relying on the blessings of his parents?


The sky rushed forward, two balls of flames spun under his feet, and the red-tasseled spear in his hand shot straight out, but there were hundreds of millions of gun shadows shooting straight at Lin Fan at the same time.

Lin Fan stepped forward, and the golden ring made him look like a god walking in the kingdom of heaven. In the ring, endless rules of magical soldiers flew away, obliterating all the shadows in the sky.

"You can't." Lin Fan said lightly, and said, "Today will kill you until your heart breaks."

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