Twin martial arts

Chapter 2014 Blue Strikes

It will take time to prove whether the escaped 'one' can really give birth to all things and transform all Taos, but the fire of rules is indeed more brilliant and mysterious, adding many mysterious order runes and symbols of Tao, which are mysterious and unpredictable.

The whole world is boiling!

Because Lin Fan blocked the road and robbed, all the holy fruits were snatched by him forcefully; without exception, even the little son of the Tian family, Tian Busheng, was beaten to death by Lin Fan.

This is shocking news, shocking the entire seventh session. You know, it has never happened before that one person snatched 49 holy fruits. How many people can resist the gravity that can crush the mountains?

Even if it was Bruce, he only shot from the top of the mountain, and in the end he only snatched 33. Even if he was as strong as a major general, he only snatched [-].

But Lin Fan was even more determined and ruthless, he would not miss any of them, but anyone who dared to resist would be beheaded.

God is angry.

Stakeholders can't wait to kill Lin Fan right now.

holy fruit.

what is that?

A heavenly thing that can improve a person's aptitude and make a practitioner closer to the Dao, and allow people to control one of the three thousand ways of the Dao.

But no one dares!

Afterwards, even more shocking news came out again. At the [-]th level, Lin Fan suppressed and killed the fairies of the clam tribe, and strangled each of the Tianjiao.

This is a big deal.

The Clam Clan and the Three-Eyed Clan are both powerful and prestigious clans.

At this time, Lin Fan beheaded and killed the two clans' Tianjiao, how could there be no catastrophe?


"Lin Fan, wash your head, here I come."

Bruce said, he is the eldest brother of the Three-Eyed Holy Emperor, who set a terrifying record and climbed to the top of the Holy Mountain in four days.

On a certain isolated island, suddenly there was a long roar, the clouds moved in ten directions, the sea water rushed to the high sky and smashed hard, the water waves rose up, the isolated island was silent, and a bronze-colored slender figure tore through the void, coming towards the outer sky island, The burly body is like pouring molten iron, strong and powerful, and every move seems to be able to reach the stars and the moon.

He didn't hide his figure, and turned into a streamer; he tore through the space all the way, and nothing could stop him. Wherever he passed, the mountains collapsed and the earth collapsed, like an indestructible killing god.

"My lord, Bruce." Someone exclaimed, some of the islands he passed trembled, and some heroes who commanded an island with hundreds of thousands of soldiers rose to the sky, and put their posture very low, please Bruce Go down for a while.

But Bruce ignored him, his eyes opened and closed, and the terrifying beam of light was overwhelming.

But no one thinks that he is arrogant, his own strength is not bad, he is the best in the holy land of the Three Thousand Islands, and the power of the clan is extraordinary, and he will marry the Tian Family, the light on his body can illuminate the entire Three Thousand Islands.

On Tianwai Island, Lin Fan and his party were walking on the street. Lin Fan didn't take Bru seriously at all, but Wang Kui and Wang Xiu's faces were pale and their hearts were trembling.


That is a godlike name.

Yu Junjie, the so-called proud of the Three Thousand Islands, lost his temper.

"My lord, he is very strong, maybe not weaker than the major general." Anu said anxiously.

Lin Fan said: "It's okay, he's here, just kill him."

On the entire island, everyone stayed away from Lin Fan and his group, avoiding them like snakes and scorpions, as if Lin Fan and the others were ghosts and ghosts, they were unknown, they had to stay away, anyone who got close would be robbed.

Many people were pointing and pointing secretly, and there was a lot of discussion. Of course, the main theme was that Lin Fan must die.

The Three-Eyed Clan played this move very well. No one has ever dispatched the emperor, and Bruce took the righteousness to avenge his brother. After beheading Lin Fan, no one can say anything.


The entire Tianwai Island trembled, as if it was about to sink to the bottom of the water, and the murderous intent was terrifying, making everyone on the island chill, as if being pointed at by a sharp knife, the killing intent made the body chill.

"Lin Fan, I'm here, come to lead the death!"

The words rumbled, shaking the entire island violently. If it weren't for the Tianjia's large formation guarding the Tianwai Island, it would definitely split up this day.


A blood-red sole stepped down from the sky domineeringly, covering a radius of a hundred feet, trying to trample and kill Lin Fan and his party.

How domineering and arrogant this is, Lin Fan's prestige is not taboo, but it is so direct that he will be trampled to death.

Wang Kui and the others screamed, with panic and despair on their faces. Under the soles of their feet, everything seemed to wither, unable to withstand the terrifying murderous intent.


Lin Fan opened his mouth, and he pushed horizontally with one hand, as if pushing the entire space, making Anu and others away from Baizhang out of thin air, and punched them away with heavy fists.


Tianyu exploded, and the blood-red soles were smashed to pieces.


Everyone exclaimed.

They saw that ecstatic man, with a blood-colored spear in his hand, and a cold and secluded suit of armor-colored armor, like a demon god who came out of hell, exuding a monstrous power.

Here comes Blue, the day has finally arrived.

This is eagerly awaited.

In fact, with Bruce's cultivation base, if he really hurried on his way, he could find Lin Fan in half an hour at most, and the two would directly start a life-and-death battle.

But he just left for three days!

This is to make Lin Fan wait in fear and anxiety, to let Lin Fan slowly taste the taste of imminent death.

"You are very good, but you didn't run away." Bulu said coldly, pointing the bloody spear between Lin Fan's eyebrows in his hand, the murderous intent gathered into a light, twisted to shatter the void.

"You think too highly of yourself." Lin Fan said, the electric light flickered under his feet, he ascended to the sky, holding the sky in his hand against his shoulder, the golden light was gorgeous.

Bruce stepped forward: "How did my ineffective brother die?"

Lin Fan chuckled, "One foot, one palm."

Bruce's face was cold, and he said with a sneer: "Really? Then I will send you on your way like this."

The bloody spear in his hand disappeared.

This is so arrogant that it is boundless. If Lin Fan killed the Three-Eyed Saint Emperor with one kick, then he will use the same method to kill Lin Fan.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, and the Zhutian in his hand also disappeared.

"One punch will send you on your way!"

Bruce roared angrily, he didn't wait any longer, and after asking the question, he directly shot domineeringly, and the fist prints were like mountains, covering the sky.

This is not a description, but is actually happening, a bloody fist smashed down from the sky, the texture on the fist finger is clear, full of murderous aura.

"You can not."

Lin Fan shouted loudly, his voice was like a dragon, he also punched out a punch, the power of the fist was unmatched, not weaker than Bruce, and they fought for each other.


The fist prints collided, the entire Tianwai Island glowed, and the big formations that had been laid out early were all activated, but even so, thousands of houses collapsed, the sea swept across the sky, and ruthlessly rushed towards the island, as if they were about to destroy World.

With a sigh, a big hand stretched out from Tianjia's mansion, turned its wrist in the sky, and the sea water that seemed to destroy the world was taken into the giant hand, and then gently put into the sea, the wind and waves were calm.

Lin Fan glanced casually.

The one who shot was Tianwaitian, he knew this kind of breath.

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