Twin martial arts

Chapter 2012 Robbery

Lin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The fire of rules within Zhutian had given him great help as early as he had just stepped into Taoism, and it was the most direct source for him to comprehend the principles of Taoism.

But after that, I always felt that it was useless, but at this time, it was too strange to swallow this 'one' that had never been given to anyone.

Tian Busheng's face was gloomy, he was frightened just now, the holy tree and the holy mountain resonated, and his Tian family almost became ruins.

But this change came suddenly, but it went away inexplicably.

Take a deep breath.

Then he looked at Lin Fan with a strange expression, and a murderous intent surged in his heart.

That look, is it a pity that his heavenly home has not been turned into ruins?

In fact, this is really not complaining, the main reason is that Lin Fan is staring down the mountain at this time, really seems to be mocking his family.

"Lin Fan, are you still rolling down the mountain?" Tian Bishen said, very coldly.

Lin Fan turned his head: "This mountain belongs to your family?"

The sky is overwhelmed with a late payment.

No one in this world knows that his family was once condemned by the heavens, so he wanted to monopolize the holy mountain and the holy tree, but in the end, the ancestor fell, and many masters in the clan died.

If it wasn't for that kind of accident, how could his Tianjia be just prestige today?

Immediately glared.

The reckless man chuckled, and said: "Young Master, why bother to get angry with such a person? He just climbed to the top six days ago and returned empty-handed. Now he may be impatient to beat everyone's anger and have a fight with him." Great battle, so as to vent the dissatisfaction and anger in his heart."

Hearing this, Tian Busheng immediately smiled, and nodded, "What you said is true, I was almost fooled, oh, I figured it out, from now on, no one is allowed to talk to him, and let him be suffocated by the anger and anger in his heart." die."

All those who have attained the holy fruits laughed.

They did have the capital to ridicule, and most importantly, they were really intimidated by Lin Fan's reputation and his ruthlessness at the [-]th level.

But the result is——

Lin Fan reached the summit later than them.

And he was condemned by God, and he had no holy fruit to choose him.

This makes them happy.

There is a feeling that if Lin Fan is nothing but this, he will eventually be inferior to them.

"Captain." Wang Xiu said softly, "I know that the chief is very human. If it wasn't for the need to support me, I wouldn't have climbed the holy mountain at all."

Lin Fan smiled.

Wang Kui glanced at all the people, and said coldly: "The governor, with the strength of one person, resisted the heavy burden of three people, and he was able to climb to the top in six days. Who can do it?"

Anu snorted, and said: "If they were, they would have been crushed into a pulp."

Wang Kui's words made everyone's expressions change, and then they laughed grimly.

This may?

With that kind of gravity, even if you walk alone, you are walking on the verge of body collapse at any time, how can you bear the burden of others?

They said nothing in rebuttal.

However, the eyes were too mocking and mocking.

Tian Busheng even said: "Want to use pale words to pick up the face you lost?"

Lin Fan glanced at him, and waited for Anu, "Let's go down the mountain."

A few people went down the mountain, going down the mountain too fast, in the eyes of Anu and others, all the scenery can only be seen as a line.

It's like walking through the clouds and fog on the [-] steps.

After a while, down the mountain.

Wang Kui, Wang Xiu and others stared wide-eyed, looking at Lin Fan as if they were looking at a monster.

You know, there is no big difference between going up the mountain and going down the mountain. They also have to bear the burden of hundreds of millions, but it is so fast.

Lin Fan entrusted the little girl to Wang Xiong, begging Wang Xiong to take good care of the little girl.

"Big Brother, what are you going to do?" Xiao Nannan was puzzled.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Grab something."

The little girl didn't understand at all, but she waved her fist fiercely: "Big brother, come on."

Lin Fan rushed towards the holy mountain again like a flash of lightning.

This speed frightened everyone.

Those who staggered down from the mountain could only see a flash of lightning.

Those who got the holy fruit were all smiling, and they went down together.

At level [-], everyone was terrified.

Because Lin Fan lazily leaned against the rock, with a green grass dangling from the corner of his mouth, he looked at everyone with a half-smile.

They stopped, looking terrified and fearful.

"Lin Fan, what are you trying to do?" Someone roared angrily.

Lin Fan stretched his waist, the green grass at the corner of his mouth was dangling, he grinned, revealing his white teeth, shining like the teeth of a devil: "Robbery."

He was very aboveboard, so he stopped dozens of people like this, bluntly saying that he wanted to rob.

"A robbery?"

Some people can't turn their minds.

"Yes, it's robbery, hand over the holy fruit, or die." The heavy halberd appeared in Lin Fan's hand, his first appearance.

"wanna die!"

"Arrogance! How dare you block my way!"

"Hahaha Lin Fan, have you lost your mind?"

Everyone laughed.

"No! The green grass in his mouth is the most inconspicuous green-leaf grass at the foot of the mountain!"

"What? The green grass is so bright that it's about to drip, and there are water droplets condensed at the cut. It's clear that it's not long after picking. How is this possible? Could it be that he went down the mountain and went up the mountain within an hour?"

"Impossible! How can there be such a person in this world? If it is inferred like this, wouldn't he wait for the holy mountain for at most two hours?"

Everyone yelled in fear.

Sending others down the mountain in one hour, and waiting for them when they reach the [-]th step, what kind of terrifying person is this?

Pfft, the inconspicuous green grass was spat out by Lin Fan, but it was like a heavenly knife slashing at the reckless man, directly beheading the reckless man's head. With the holy fruit in hand, the heavy halberd swept across, and five people were broken!

"Those who hand over the holy fruit can avoid death."

Lin Fan yelled, he didn't show mercy at all, these people laughed at him for being too presumptuous.


A cultivator screamed. He was the one who predicted that Lin Fan would not get the holy fruit. Of course, he was under the care of Lin Fan, and he was ordered to kill the soul. The godless corpse was crushed into powder by the terrible gravity.

The holy fruit changed hands.

Lin Fan is too fierce. He fights fiercely on this ladder. No one is his opponent. His body is so strong that it can be immortal for hundreds of millions of years. His holy power is infinite. .

Every cultivator suffered. Of course, not all those who humiliated and mocked him too hard were killed, but they were all severely injured.

"I hand over the holy fruit."

Finally, Lin Fan scared a group of people. Some people were overwhelmed and did not dare to fight with Lin Fan, and handed over the holy fruit with both hands.

Where there is the first, there is naturally the second.

Soon, apart from the two people who were with Tian Busheng, Lin Fan received 46 holy fruits, which were so touching and colorful, Lin Fan seemed to be overwhelmed by the rules.


Suddenly, from the high steps, there was a shout of the lunar calendar.

The fierce murderous intent directly hit Lin Fan's waist.

Lin Fan looked back, punched out with a punch, the fist was bleeding, and the skin was broken by Hongying's gun, and the sky was overwhelmed.

"Lin Fan, you should die!"

The sky is overwhelmed by the lunar calendar in the eyes.

Among the people killed by Lin Fanzhen, there were seven or eight people who were secretly cultivated by his heavenly family. At this time, being killed is not counted, and the holy fruit has changed hands.

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