Twin martial arts

Chapter 2005 War Servant Village

Tianwaitian only felt that his whole body was chilled, and the cold air that could freeze his bone marrow rose from the soles of his feet, and it made him feel chilly in just an instant.

That Her Royal Highness Princess, who was underestimated by the world and thought to be only savage and willful, is actually hiding her clumsiness and can hide it from the superior uncle of the country?

It's incredible.

If such words were spoken by other people, there would be no credibility at all; but this passage came from Honglian's mouth, who would dare not believe it?

Unwilling to reconcile, Tianwaitian said, "Honglian, can we really just give up this big business that earns tens of millions of gold every day?"

Hong Lian had already got up at this time, walked to the door, held the half-open door with one hand, looked back after hearing this, and said: "My daughter-in-law has already spoken very clearly."

Tianwaitian said: "Uncle Guo's 80 Tushen army dominates the world, but there are at least 30 troops, but they all need this business to support, please also look at Honglian."

"Hahaha, father-in-law wants to say, for the sake of my daughter-in-law's coming from the uncle's house, do you want to keep this business?" Honglian laughed extremely sadly.

Tianwaitian's expression was embarrassing.

Honglian said: "From the time when he forced me to marry your son regardless of what I liked, Honglian has nothing to do with the uncle's house."

Honglian left, with tears streaming down her face.

She loves Xuyang, and the entire seventh session knows that that girl is not pregnant; but her dream was ruthlessly crushed from the very beginning.

in the room.

Wang Xiongdao: "Little friend Lin Fan, do you want to ask for one or two holy fruits when you come to Tianwai Island this time?"

Lin Fan laughed and said, "The Holy Fruit is useful to others, but not to me."

Wang Xiong sighed, and said: "It seems that the news is not just speculation, my little friend should come here for the servant."

Lin Fan simply nodded without hiding it.

Wang Xiong smiled wryly and said: "This matter is not simple. If there is an imperial edict from His Majesty Mozun, even if he is unwilling to give up, he will have to follow the edict, but my little friend has no imperial edict."

Lin Fan didn't speak, Wang Xiong said: "Little brother's kindness of prolonging life, Wang Xiong will never forget it, so I will make trouble with you."

"Thank you, senior." Lin Fan stood up and bowed solemnly to Wang Xiong.

Wang Xiong smiled wryly.

He is the one who knows how to repay his kindness. If Lin Fan hadn't had a great kindness in front of him, he really didn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

After Wang Xiong left, Anu said: "Wang Xiong is indeed trustworthy, he never promises lightly, but if he said something, he never broke his promise."

Lin Fan smiled and didn't speak. If he really didn't know who Wang Xiong was, how could he send out the life-killing pill?

"My lord, what do you want to do about this matter?" Anu frowned.

This thing is really tricky.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a tiger's mouth.

Tianwaitian must also know what their purpose is, but he keeps pretending to be confused.

It seemed that they were waiting for Lin Fan to speak first.

Lin Fan said coldly, "I'm waiting for his two sons."

Lin Fan's face was gloomy.

Without Wang Xiong's help, he would not dare to use force to suppress others, but with Wang Xiong's help, he felt that there was no need to spend any more effort.

There are only two sons in Tianwaitian. As long as he wants to conquer this huge country, he must not let these two sons die.

Thinking about it carefully, he rubbed his temples with a headache.

It seems that it is best to kill Tianwaitian first, and then use the other as a threat.

The headache is that he can't take the initiative to kill, there must be a good reason.

Anu didn't quite understand the meaning of Lin Fan's words. When Lin Fan stopped frowning tightly, he opened his mouth and said, "There is Zhanpu Village three hundred miles away from Tianwai Island. Do you want to see it?" Look."

"Zhan Servant Village?" Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

Anu sneered, and said: "In the past years, there was a war between the two worlds, so there was no shortage of war servants, but in the past hundred years, the war between the two worlds has ceased, and war servants have become more and more precious."

"Good method." Lin Fan grinned grimly.

Capture all the captives from the world of heaven and man together and let them reproduce, so as to ensure that there will be no shortage of war servants and continuous financial resources!

This day is easy to calculate!

Anu led the way, and the two went all the way.

Zhanpu Village is three hundred miles away from Tianwai Island due east. The man-made island is only ten miles around. From Anu's words, Lin Fan knows that there are at least a hundred similar Zhanpu Villages in Tianwai Island.

Lin Fan originally had doubts in his heart, why these captured people did not escape, and were willing to be such animal-like stallions, but when he arrived, he realized that it was not because some of them did not want to escape.

It's because the man-made island is surrounded by terrifying killing formations, not even the Holy Emperor can get out safely, and outside the killing formations, there are also strong men sent by Tianwaitian to sit in the guards.

Lin Fan made a move to cover up their aura, so that the powerhouses of the holy way who were sitting in all directions could not find out.

At this time, his face was ugly, because he saw a low mountain, estimated to be a hundred meters high, all made up of rotting corpses, the aura-observing machine, all of them were from the world of heaven and man, and these skeletons were male and female.

Anu's murderous intent was strong, if Lin Fan hadn't suppressed him, he would have charged down and wiped out all the people in this area.

There was a killing formation, but of course Lin Fan couldn't help it. The eye of the rune could easily see through the flaws of the killing formation; he entered it.

Suddenly it was dark.

This is not a place where people live at all, just like a pigsty. Most of the survivors in it are yellow and thin. When they saw the two of them breaking in, there was no ripple in their empty eyes.

After just looking at it, he turned around.

"Hahaha this girl is very nice."

At this moment, there was a sharp laugh, and a cold light appeared in Lin Fan's eyes. He saw two men with white horns growing on their foreheads, grabbing a ragged woman and busy undressing himself. In this way, the Fa must be rectified on the spot.

What made Lin Fan murderous was that this woman had an appointed expression on her face.

He raised his hand and directly crushed the two men to death.

After the blood bloomed, the eyes of the occupants had a little color in their eyes.

They all stood up, although their eyes were still numb.

Lin Fan shook his head, signaling to Anu not to say anything more, and continued to move forward. After walking a thousand meters, there was a voice of love between a man and a woman.

Lin Fan was about to burst into tears!

He saw ahead, in the pink mist, hundreds of men and women fell into the most confused state together.

Anu shouted angrily: "Damn it!"

Lin Fan closed his eyes hard, unable to bear to look.

The last question was immediately dismissed.

His heir was born to be a servant, destined to die in the hands of his fellow robes, why would the captured Celestial Man still want this heir?

At this moment, he knew.

Everything is involuntary.

He clearly saw that above the pink mist, there were seven or eight warriors wearing the costumes of Tianjia warriors, staring down eagerly, breathing heavily.

"Damn it indeed!" Lin Fan's eyes were extremely cold.

"Huh? That woman is pregnant, quickly pull her out." Suddenly above the pink mist, a warrior spoke.

Immediately, there were evil thoughts flashing in the eyes of seven or eight people.

One said with a sinister smile, "She's pregnant and we're playing, so no one will know about it."

Lin Fan raised his hand and slapped all these people to death.

"Let's go, Anu." Lin Fan said.

"My lord! Why didn't you save them?" Anu roared angrily.

Lin Fan slapped his face away: "You bastard! We know about these things, but we can't let them know that we know, otherwise, will they have the face to live?"

"Ah" Anu roared like a wounded tiger.

Lin Fan left, just purifying the pink mist completely.

The melodious sound disappeared, and the men and women who had fallen into frenzy slowly woke up, and the hoarse crying made people sour.

A woman directly crashed to death on the bluestone.

A man smiled sadly and pierced his heart with a wooden stake.

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