Twin martial arts

Chapter 1986 Butcher Lin Fan

The admiral's mansion, which supervises a region, has a territory of [-] miles in a mere [-] miles. One can imagine how vast the territory of the four counties under its jurisdiction is.

Four counties, thirty prefectures and seventy counties, there should be four county kings, thirty prefecture orders, and seventy county magistrates, but Qi Qi fell ill on the second day after Lin Fan issued the order, and there were various reasons for the illness.

The most ridiculous thing is that the reason for the county king Xu's illness was that he had too much fun with his concubine, and accidentally ruined his life.

In the admiral's mansion.

Meng Ke and Anu's faces were ugly, Anu said coldly: "These bastards, when I called the world together, they were a lot of constraints, and now they don't listen to any orders, they are really audacious."

Meng Ke frowned, and said coldly: "The admiral has the power of life and death over anyone within the jurisdiction, aren't they afraid?"

Lin Fan smiled.

Of course these people are not afraid, they are backed by the big tree of the uncle's mansion, and there is also the fallacy that the law does not blame the public.

Besides, what is he, Lin Fan?

Even if he gained a little fame through fighting, how many people would care?

"Now the whole world regards you as a joke, my lord. Even the children on the street smiled mockingly when they heard your name." Anu smacked the thick table and chairs in front of him to pieces.

Lin Fan was still smiling, but propping his chin with his wrist, looking at the sun in the sky through the open door.

As the sun was setting, Lin Fan stretched his waist: "It's time."

Meng Ke's face changed greatly: "My lord, are you really going to kill them?"

Lin Fan nodded.

Meng Ke's face changed greatly and he said: "If they are all killed, the impact will be too great."

"They just bet that I wouldn't dare to kill, but I just wanted to show them today."

A hint of ferocity appeared in Lin Fan's eyes, and he said, "Let's start with Mr. Xu."

Lin Fan wore a white battle robe, facing the wind like a tree, and just walked out of the Admiral's Mansion. The distance from the door to the teleportation array was a thousand meters away, and it was extremely prosperous, with dense vendors, shops and crowds.

As he walked all the way, everyone avoided him like a snake, or pointed at him furtively, or secretly muttered his stupid orders, turning themselves into a joke abruptly.

Lin Fan didn't care, he just grinned and disappeared in the teleportation circle.

After he disappeared, everyone became more courageous, and all faced the teleportation array——

"Brother Li, where do you think the admiral went?"

A man asked.

The one who was called the eldest brother of the Li family was a strong and strong man from Ang Zang, with a voice like a bell, he said: "What can you do? What kind of skills do these idiots have other than relying on His Highness? They must go to Mozun Palace to file a complaint."

"Hmph, complain? Is it useful?"

Someone sneered.

"Tsk tsk, this is probably the admiral who has been in office for the shortest time. I bet he won't come back after he went to Mozun Palace. It's not so easy to become the lord of a capital."

"There are idiots in this world every year, especially this year. Lin Fan couldn't see the situation clearly, and he didn't notice anything unusual. In the admiral's city, there are so many wealthy families. Why have they ever visited the admiral's mansion?" The reporter sneered.

"Hehe young master is right, then Lin Fan is not afraid to flash his tongue when he speaks big words, if he fails to meet the deadline, the little old man will wait here, if he really comes back with a bunch of heads, I will kowtow to him, Knock three thousand from the city gate to the gate of his admiral's mansion." An old man with yellow teeth sneered.

"Remember what you said, I can remember each one clearly." Anu appeared, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he really remembered each of these people who spoke clearly.

When Anu appeared, of course everyone scattered like birds and beasts, and soon disappeared.

Lin Fan raised his head, looked at the county prince's mansion which was much more majestic than Sanqianli, lowered his head, and walked towards the mansion.


He had only taken a step, but there were cultivators blocking the way coldly, and one of them shouted and asked: "Who are you to report your name, this county prince's mansion is not something that cats and dogs can see."

Lin Fan raised his head, grinned, and said, "Lin Fan."

"Lin Fan?" A cultivator frowned, the name sounded familiar, but he just couldn't remember who it was, but the face of the cultivator on the right suddenly changed, and he was about to shout out a warning roar.

With a bang, the cultivator who knew Lin Fan's identity was directly killed by a look. Without waiting for the cultivator on the left to react, Lin Fan took a step forward, and his body brushed past him.


This was the last sound the cultivator uttered, click, he seemed to have been cut off in an instant, and he became a uniform piece of meat piled up outside the palace of the county prince.

When Lin Fan went all the way into the depths of the county prince's mansion, the county prince surnamed Xu actually smiled grinningly, an immature slut on the bed.Tong cried heart-rendingly.

A halberd cut off his head directly, and the halberd's light had already smashed his soul into pieces.

Lin Fan frowned, just took a look at the poor boy, turned around and left, and the head of the county king surnamed Xu floated behind Lin Fan as if pulled by something.

The world shakes!

Within two hours, Lin Fan killed all over Xuwang County!

From the county magistrate to Xu Junwang, no one survived!

"Ping pong!"

King Kuang's complexion changed drastically, and he didn't even realize that his most cherished purple sand teapot was thrown into pieces.

"Brother Kuang, what should we do?" The faces of people who belonged to the county king beside him were terrified.

Lin Fan's bloody methods really scared him to the point of peeing.

"Hmph! What are you panicking about?" King Kuang is a hero after all; he quickly calmed down, his eyes revealed a look of understanding, and he said with a grin: "Killing chickens to scare monkeys? Haha, want to scare this king? Lin Fan is dreaming!"

The king of the county beside him flashed his eyes: "You mean?"

King Kuang said coldly, "Xu Pif's cultivation base is the weakest, and he is the least liked by the uncle of the four of us, what do you think?"

The county king next to him felt relieved.

"Hold on, he, Lin Fan, wants to make an example to the monkeys, so let's let him know that we are tigers, dragons, and dragons!" A trace of madness appeared in King Kuang's eyes.

Get over it!

He is the admiral.

Two hours later, the whole world was terrified, and everyone was in absolute panic.

King Wu County is destroyed!

This Duke of Wu was too clever. After knowing the tragic death of Duke Xu, he gathered an army of [-] from the Prince's Mansion, spread out his formation, and waited for Lin Fan in the wilderness!

Lin Fan stood proudly against the [-] army with one halberd alone.

At the beginning, King Wu was confident and said that today was his fault. As long as Lin Fan retreated, both sides would be safe. Lin Fan was his admiral, and he continued to be his king. He was very arrogant and would not give in at all.

It's just that when Lin Fan thrust out his halberd and forcibly cut the [-] iron barrel-like army formation in half, the county king trembled.

But what is commendable is that although the King of Wu County is not considered a hero, his soldiers are really not afraid of death, and they rushed towards Lin Fan one after another.

According to reports, at that time Lin Fan just held his halberd and laughed wildly. He shot out a halberd and beheaded 1000 people, but he still couldn't resist the swarming soldiers. Then he threw out his halberd again and beheaded another 1000 people!

Two halberds broke the guts of an army of [-]!

He threw away his armor and fled.

As for Junwang Wu, he had his head chopped off by Lin Fan in the army he boasted that he could conquer Tianguan with [-] troops.

So far, there is one more pale head floating behind Lin Fan!

Butcher Lin Fan.

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