Twin martial arts

Chapter 1980 I am Lin Fan

The color of this pool of water is a little lighter, like ink that has been mixed with water.

After a while, it will be so pure that there is no color at all, and you can easily see that this pool is full of bones of real phoenixes and real phoenixes, and there are even many bones of kunpeng that have long since disappeared from the world, and there are still a few bones of demon kings. Essence and blood burned like a bonfire at the bottom of the water.

Mozun stopped squatting by the pool at this time, looking at his only son lovingly.

He floated in the center of the pool with a solemn expression, and he continuously played out various laws with his hands. The chains of order seemed to penetrate the six realms and guide the essence of the three realms.

With the sound of footsteps, Hongmei's cheeks were flushed, and she rubbed her hands restlessly in front of her.

Mozun opened his eyes: "He has not been aware of it, and it will last at least half a year, so you are not afraid that he will wake up."


Hong Mei's voice was no louder than a mosquito's, and her face turned redder.

At this time, Lin Fan's body was regenerated, but in Hong Mei's view, the regenerated body was like a shelled and uncooked egg, a hole would appear with a light poke, and the intestines, liver, stomach and lungs would be healed. flow out.

She could even see the Taoist rules shackled in Lin Fan's body, which were too mysterious and orderly, and the runes of various rules reflected Lin Fan's internal organs in brilliant purples and reds. clusters of gemstones.

Looking down, she suddenly spat and quickly lowered her head.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Mozun's face, and he said, "I'm embarrassing you."

Hongmei shook her head: "I did this voluntarily. If it were any other man, I would rather die."

The Demon Lord left.

This place is full of smoke and clouds, and no one can know everything inside.

Lin Fan's whole mind was immersed in the inner world. There was a big change here. The river no longer runs from west to east, and the fish no longer drowned in the water. They were happy in the current.

After Lin Fan's soul body approached, it disturbed the fish swimming in the river, and fled in all directions.

This is the second fresh energy in Lin Fan's world.

The first kind, of course, is weeds. The green color is like random splashes of ink, everywhere. Looking far away, many mountains are green, and flowers and plants are beginning to bloom.

The world tree is in the middle of the world, reaching up to 33 heavens, rooted in the underworld, and what can be seen is the world.

"There should be sun, moon and stars in the sky." Lin Fan was walking, thinking.

He remembered the great sun in the lower realm, he saw it in a trance, as if it was a group of gods condensed, but when the monster went to the gate of heaven, he clearly discovered that the great sun that illuminated the lower realm was actually just a half-cut The body is as majestic as the sun, glowing and giving birth to all spirits and beings.

"There should be animals, creatures, and everything on the ground." Lin Fan continued to walk, and then murmured.

I have already guessed the broken circuit, how to continue it.

If this world finally takes shape, with all spirits bred, life and death reincarnation established, and life, old age, sickness and death persist, he can become a god.

He sits cross-legged on the World Tree, which is a leaf, but there are countless billions of flower-like protrusions hanging on it.

Lin Fan touched it with his hands, and smiled after a while: "Is this the birth of stars?"

He is the ruler of this world, and he is also the only creature who can speak at the moment. If he continues to walk, it seems that he can go on for thousands of lives.

He sowed many spiritual grass seeds.

He personally cultivated many towering giant trees.

Time has changed, so long that he forgot what his name is.

Finally, he came to the center of the world.

There are shady trees and various unreal suspended islands here.

It can be seen that these are five lands that were once divided and then reunited by people, and there is a towering plaque with the word "Shenting" written on it.

"I seem to have been here before."

Lin Fan, who was extremely old, opened his mouth, and his cloudy eyes showed a little light.

"Who am I?" He said, "I seem to be seeking the world's invincible law, but I have forgotten myself. Where is this? How is it closely related to me?"

This world is decorated by him, and it is not much different from the outer world, and there are spiritual grass everywhere, giant trees are towering, if there are living beings and reincarnation, this is a real world.

He seemed to feel that this was not his real self, but just a ray of spirit, or in other words, he felt that he was just a soul, and his real self was tens of thousands of miles away.

At this moment, he felt that his whole body was happy, which was a kind of joy from the heart.

The spiritual consciousness slowly returned, but it still couldn't wake up.

The old Lin Fan was still sitting cross-legged here, but lifeless.

Like an abandoned soul garment.


He is looking for the real me.

Just confused.

"You enemy"

Whispering softly, accompanied by the woman's slightly painful moan, he seemed to have found a point to vent his confusion

The days passed.

Another half year.

"I'm Lin Fan."

In the fiery pool, a loud roar suddenly sounded.


Lin Fan flew up, his eyebrows were like lightning, and his whole body was golden.

Finally got to this point.

When it comes time to break the shackles of the physical body, release one's surging laws, brand the world, and truly become a great sage, laughing proudly at the world.


His incomparable physical body can tear apart the palms and fingers of the top holy vessel with bare hands, and burst into cracks like egg shells.


Thunder is out!

Lin Fan roared furiously, ups and downs in the sea of ​​thunder, but he encountered big trouble.

This is the catastrophe of the great sage, not much different from the catastrophe of the emperor, and it should be more ferocious; it is only because emperors often occur in the world, and it can be seen in the past [-] years that the great sage has never appeared.

Thunder waterfalls are like a sea, and Lin Fan is like a flat boat in which Lin Fan is fighting to cross.

He underestimated the shackles of the physical body, as if the sky wanted to kill him.

He clearly felt that the violent law in his body could easily move mountains, fill seas and tear apart the sky, but he just couldn't break through his own body.

"Can he get over it?"

In the most remote and unknown corner of Mozun Palace, Hong Mei was whispering.

"Yes." Princess Jue said, with a complex expression on her face: "Are you really not going to see him? In the past, my father, queen and empress would not allow it, but now"

Hong Mei smiled and said: "I won't go, seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other."


The thunder was even fiercer, a big ax was bigger than a mountain, it was completely condensed by lightning, it suddenly cut down from behind him, chopping him straight away.

Hong Mei screamed and fainted from fright.

And the Demon Queen and Demon Lord, who were watching, also clenched their fists.

If the Demon Lord hadn't held onto the Demon Queen tightly, the Demon Queen would have rushed out to cut through the thunderstorm for her parents and children.


Lei Haizhong laughed loudly, the bright red blood spattered, one after another of the Phoenixes flew up, the order crashed, Lin Fan regrouped!

"Come on! Take advantage of Thunder Tribulation to slash my body to release my rules and become a great sage!"

Lin Fan roared wildly, he went up with his halberd, wanting to fight against the sky.

Giant eyes appeared one after another, indifferent and ruthless, about to impose the cruelest punishment and wipe out this man who dared to fight.


Lin Fan chopped a Thunder Dragon with his halberd, kicked a Thunder Soldier, smashed a Thunder Mountain with his head, and he went berserk.

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