Words such as tree falling and hozen scatter will never become outdated no matter what age they are in.

The San Dan Mountains were sealed off.

Uncle Guo was captured and sent to prison.

In just three days, the number of alchemists in the whole world decreased by half.

These are all shocking events.

Before these major events, the Dan Dou, which was in full swing, seemed to have become a joke.

The champion and the second place were locked early.

Although no one has ever come forward to say who the champion is.

Even the veritable number one in alchemy under the emperor never cared about it.

At this time, those who have nothing to do with the lineage of the sage alchemist and the Guojiu Mansion are guessing where Lin Fan's fief will be.

The land of this capital will be cut from that wealthy family.

However, this matter was not mentioned until the end of Dan Dou, when the top fifty appeared.

It seems that Mozun Palace deliberately forgot; it just started from the third to the big prize, all the way to Mingfang.

Since Lin Fan went to Mozun Palace with Princess Jue and the Major General that day, he has never shown up; even now the whole world is spreading his name.

The holy alchemist was defeated.

Lin Fan won.

If one ignores Lin Fan's background; he will definitely become the new generation's benchmark figure in the Seventh World of Alchemy.

At this time, in Mozun Palace.

Lin Fan looked bitterly at the Major General, who was smiling but not smiling, and said, "Brother Xu Yang, can you tell His Highness that if I eat like this, I doubt that I will be choked to death by those congenitals."

Xu Yang laughed, and said: "Don't you be born in the midst of blessings and not know your blessings, dragon brain, phoenix wings, phoenix heart, celestial marrow, no matter which one is the most nourishing thing between heaven and earth?"

Lin Fan sighed: "Even if it is a big nourishing food, if it is eaten as a meal, it will be boring."

"Really?" Xu Yang laughed.

Lin Fan's expression turned serious, and he said, "Brother Xuyang, I'm really terrified of being treated like this, as if I've become a fattened piglet, and I'll be slaughtered when I grow fat."

Xu Yang was not laughing anymore, looked at Lin Fan seriously, and said: "You can question the people in this world, but you can't question Your Highness, she won't harm you."

Lin Fan sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Then why? Every day, there are all kinds of heavenly treasures, all kinds of spiritual liquids, and if you don't have one, it's hard to find even a drop of it."

Xu Yang laughed, and said: "Maybe you didn't know that Her Royal Highness the Princess had also walked the Dasheng Road, but she didn't succeed. Maybe it's because you've made it half way, so wanting the beauty of an adult is also a disguised dream come true."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank slightly.

Xu Yang said: "Don't think too much, at least in the past half month, you haven't lost a piece of flesh. On the contrary, I feel that the vitality in your body is like the sea, even if a strand of hair falls to the ground, it can be immortal for thousands of years. This is a big increase." Near, why not do it?"

Yes, it has been half a month!

For the past half month, I have tasted different kinds of Tianbao every day, and the meals are different and exquisite.

Half a month later, Lin Fan already felt that his physical body really couldn't be improved, at least until he reached the level of the Great Sage, he didn't want to improve a little bit.

The same is true for the soul, most of the golden soul sea has turned into dark gold, more condensed and pure.

His soul body was as condensed as steel, and Lin Fan even felt that he could raise his hand and hard-wire Wushuang's sacred artifact without damage with just his soul body.

This is indeed a huge increase, but the more it is like this, Lin Fan also feels uneasy.

Regarding Xu Yang's words, Lin Fan only half-believed, pondered for a moment, and finally sighed.

People are knives and I am fish. This sentence is very appropriate to describe him at this time.

It's just because he has regular meals, and there are maids who record his diet with a pen, besides, there is also the unfathomable eunuch who stands aside with his hands squinted, watching him from time to time.

If he couldn't finish his meal and left any leftovers, the eunuch's cold snort would explode in his spirit like a thunderbolt.

What the hell is this?

He had heard of forcing a good man into prostitution, and of killing people with staring eyes, but he had never heard of people being forced to eat Tianbao with staring eyes.

The most damning thing is that Xu Yang has had nothing to do in the past half a month, and just eats and drinks with him every day.

Lin Fan even maliciously guessed whether the major general would swallow his saliva secretly when he was sitting on the sidelines watching him gluttonous heavenly treasures.

"Very good." The eunuch said suddenly, smiling, he waved his hand, and a maid came and took away all the dishes.

Another month.

Another month.

Another month.

"Damn it, the door is narrowed."

Lin Fan was clamped in the door frame, and struggled a little—boom!

All the pavilions with carved columns and jade columns collapsed.


Lin Fan sighed deeply, this was already the number of buildings he had knocked down.

Of course, Lin Fan completely ignored Xu Yang's laughter.

Lin Fan gained at least a few hundred catties more, he looked like a meat ball, and the ground would tremble without taking a step.

It's just that his body is stronger and more immortal than a top-grade holy soldier. Xu Yang had done an experiment before, twisting a top-notch holy weapon and slashing at Lin Fan's left arm. As a result, Lin Fan was not damaged, and the traces on his arm were not damaged. Neither appeared.

This is actually not because Lin Fan really gained weight.

It was the result that he ate too many nutritious foods, and his body and soul were unable to absorb the innate spiritual energy that accumulated in his limbs and bones.

"Lin Fan, if you go out now, your life and death enemies will probably not recognize you. This is a great thing." Xu Yang smiled.

"Go to hell." Lin Fan fiercely strode from the collapsed ruins to the courtyard, ruthlessly stuffed a unicorn leg into his mouth, chewed viciously, his eyes were terrified.

In the past six months, he has not wasted, he has tried his best to refine the innate aura, and his cultivation base has gradually improved, and even his inner world has expanded countless times, and the greenery has become more abundant.

The most important thing is that at this time, his inner world can temporarily store some living things.

The inner world has changed drastically, and the world tree is even greener.

However, it has never broken through that realm.

Every time Lin Fan thought of this, he would go crazy.

Originally, he was struggling with his physical body being too strong, and Dao couldn't break free at all. This is even more so now, his physical body is at least twice as strong as before, and he can tear apart the top holy artifacts with his bare hands, while Dao is imprisoned more solid.

It seems that it is even more distant to break through the Great Sage, but damn it, his daily tonic has never stopped at all.

Another two months passed.

At this time, Lin Fan could hardly even walk, his legs could no longer bear his own weight, so he had to lie on the big bed made of strange iron.

Like the paralyzed people he saw in his previous life, someone had to serve him when he ate and drank.

Princess Jue, whom she hadn't seen for half a year, approached the door today.

"Lin Fan, I've kept you for half a year with good food and drink, just to wait for today." Princess Jue said.

A sneer appeared in the corner of Lin Fan's eyes: "Is the princess planning to kill me and eat meat?"

Princess Jue didn't speak, but just waved her hands. A few burly warriors who looked like they had reached the pinnacle of forging lifted Lin Fan up, and followed Princess Jue to the depths of Mozun Palace.

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