The face of the holy alchemist looked like a lunar calendar.

In this seventh world, there are very few people who dare not sell his face, but there is one here.

"Oh Master, save me!"

Suyang screamed again.

In fact, Meng Ke didn't make a move at all, but Suyang was frightened, and Meng Ke was full of murderous aura at this time, and the blade in his hand was flickering with evil spirit.

"How do you want to let the villain go?" the Holy Alchemist asked.

Since he became famous, it should be the first time to lower his profile like this.

Lin Fan chuckled: "Why was it ever me?"

A cold voice sounded: "I never thought of being an enemy of your lineage, but your lineage is too aggressive."

The holy alchemist narrowed his eyes.

"I have a habit. I won't attack if people don't attack me. If people attack me, I will kill."

As soon as Lin Fan's murderous voice came out, Meng Ke already raised his knife and chopped off Suyang's head, blood in his chest rushed up.

The corners of Saint Alchemist's eyes twitched violently.

Suyang's head was beheaded, and she rolled on the ground gruntingly, but she was still screaming for help.

"Let's compare." The Saint Alchemist said.

"By?" Lin Fan smiled, "Yes."

"Huh" the holy alchemist seemed to want to vomit out all the long and short sighs of this life: "Gamble your life."

"Sure." Lin Fan remained calm.

"If you win, you take my life." Saint Alchemist said.

Lin Fan shrugged: "What if you win?"

The holy alchemist's eyes were complicated: "I don't want your life, but I am alive."

Lin Fan raised his eyes slightly.

His eyes sized up Saint Alchemist and Suyang interestingly, and he smiled after a while: "He's also a hard-working person."

The holy alchemist's eyes turned cold!

Lin Fan has a mysterious classic of medicine. Throughout the ages, there is nothing that can be hidden from him about all the things in the alchemy world.

Just a little bit of thinking, already understood.

In the final analysis, the reason why this holy alchemist cares about Suyang so much is not because of the deep love between master and apprentice.

Rather, this Suyang is just a cauldron of the holy alchemist, or a container that temporarily holds the power of the unparalleled soul, and it will be picked when the time comes, and it will become its own body.

"Holy Master." Uncle Guo's eyes changed slightly.

The holy alchemist shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I have been in the alchemy world for hundreds of years, have I ever met an opponent?"

Uncle Guo felt a little relieved.

The holy alchemist wanted to fight Lin Fandan.

This kind of thing is even more eye-catching than the Prosperity of Pill Dou inlaid by the demon king.

When the news came out, the number of Dan Doudi, which already had a gathering of 10 people, increased by at least double!

In the entire Mozun City, all the prominent figures came.

Everyone scoffed at Meng Ke's words.

The so-called only in case Lin Fan passed on the truth.

This is simply a joke.

Only in case the true biography can defeat the world-renowned celestial master Suyang?

Only in case the true inheritance can refine a two-layer Danyun pill?

If calculated from this, isn't Lin Fan a god-like figure, alchemy should be the best in both worlds, and he has long been famous for his alchemy, not his combat power.

But what was surprising was that there were no gambling stalls in this much-anticipated alchemy fight, and no one was betting on who would win or lose in the alchemy fight between the two.

On the high platform, Lin Fan and the holy alchemist stood facing each other, each with tens of thousands of medicinal herbs floating in front of them.

This shocked everyone.

Tens of thousands of medicinal materials are needed for one-time alchemy, and the grade of the alchemy they refine, there is no need to question it, it is definitely high and inferior.

Lin Fan and the alchemist's alchemy were not as thrilling as Suyang and Meng Ke's. On the contrary, they seemed very ordinary, but there was thunder in the ordinary.

At the same time, in Mozun Palace.

In the sky above a pool, the Mozun's face was slightly pale, and he continued to play various terrifying laws to blend into the fiery red pool.


The queen appears.

The Mozun looked at the Empress and smiled slightly: "Aren't you going to see your son Dandou?"

The Empress said: "The Holy Alchemist cannot be his opponent, I only know now that he has mastered the Mysterious Medicine Code."

Mozun smiled, but said nothing.

Mozun continued to refine the pool full of liquid medicine, and after a long while, Mozun pierced into the void with his big hand.

Just as his big hand pierced into the void, terrifying roars came from the distant abyss.

"Mozun, you deceive people too much!"

"Hmph, it's your honor to ask three hundred members of your clan to achieve the great holy body of my son." The demon lord's cold voice sounded.

The Queen's eyes turned cold: "Where is three hundred enough? Fallen dragon and phoenix clans, three hundred for each clan!"

After she finished speaking, Ruyu stretched out her palm.

The abyss collapsed with a bang, and when the Queen Ruyu's palm retracted, there was a dark and fallen dragon the size of an earthworm in her hand.

In the hands of Mozun, there are also three hundred more fallen Phoenix clan.

It's just that they're all too small. The depraved phoenix clan is not much bigger than a bee at this time.

"First refine one hundred and fifty each, and the rest will become the son's delicacy, nourishing his soul and body." The queen said.

"Great kindness." Mozun's eyes lit up.

After refining 150 fallen dragons and 150 fallen phoenixes, the fiery red medicinal liquid was boiling, but it was suppressed by the demon king's big hand, sealing the essence of the pool.

"Did you consume the blood essence of the demon king?" There was tenderness in the eyes of the demon queen.

Mozun chuckled: "I've never done anything with this kid before, this time I don't bleed a lot, you still have to stop me from going to bed for half a year."

The Demon Empress gave the Demon Venerable a hard look: "I'm old and dishonest."

"Everything is ready." Mozun laughed.

The queen said: "I will leave the rest to Jue'er. How to let my son come here to seize this fortune is up to her."

Dan Arena.

The holy alchemist's forehead was dripping with sweat.

It seems more and more powerless.

It was because he accidentally saw Lin Fan's alchemy in a calm and calm manner. Most importantly, he was also a master of alchemy, so he naturally knew that Lin Fan was really not weaker than him in the slightest.

Whether it is the power of the soul, or the various alchemy, compared to him, it is only stronger than weaker.


Roaring, from the mouth of the Holy Alchemist.

Above the sky, Dan Lei exploded.

This is because the refinement of elixir is too against the sky, so it has attracted heaven's punishment.

Shocked everyone.

On the other hand, Lin Fan was still slow, but the alchemy movements were too graceful, like flowing clouds and flowing water, which was indeed very enjoyable.

"Hey, not bad, Jin Dan Lei." Lin Fan looked at the holy alchemist in surprise.

The holy alchemist laughed loudly: "I don't believe it, you are really better than this deity, alchemy, the emperor-level alchemist is invincible to this deity!"

"Aren't you afraid of tongue-twisting?" Lin Fan glanced at him.

At this time, his alchemy furnace was glowing red, and there was a big dragon roaring and dancing after chasing the medicinal liquid.


A thunderbolt slashed straight down, smashing down towards the holy alchemist.


When the holy alchemist saw the thunder, there was obvious fear in his eyes. He roared and clapped his hands on the alchemy furnace. The young alchemy he refined flew out of the alchemy furnace, attracting thunder all over the sky.

Attract thunder, condense vitality, and form golden pills.

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