Twin martial arts

Chapter 1955 Killing the List Again


A terrifying prestige erupted from Prisoner Niu: "Are you threatening the governor?"

Lin Fan smiled calmly: "No, no, what I'm saying is a fact."

He was sure that the prisoner would not dare to attack him here, if not, the few people hiding behind would not dodge.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Prisoner Niu grinned.

"Old dog, don't talk too much, your country's uncle's mansion can't control me, if you don't want to fight, Ma Liu will send you the reward for killing the leaderboard." There was a hint of madness in Lin Fan's eyes.

He is really not afraid of this prisoner.

So what if it's in the Dudu's mansion?

He himself is invincible under Emperor Lin, and there are two Emperor Lin behind him, and when he came to the Admiral's Mansion, he already knew that there were only two Emperor Lin in the entire Admiral's Mansion.

Now he really wished that the prisoner would violently attack him.

At that time, he will be careless and be able to force out the killer who is hiding in the dark. Even if he kills the prisoner cow, it will be for nothing.


Although the prisoner bull was burning with anger for thousands of feet, and the flames were raging all over his body, he finally endured it!

"call out!"

A talisman is thrown by the captive bull.

It was just a thumb-sized talisman ring, but when it was thrown by the prisoner bull, it turned out to be like an arrow, hitting and killing Lin Fan directly between the eyebrows, with a majestic and vicious aura.

Obviously, the prisoner knew that he couldn't do anything to Lin Fan in the Admiral's Mansion, but when he was really angry, he still didn't intend to let Lin Fan walk out of the Admiral's Mansion like this.

Otherwise, where would he save his face?


The collision with Fu Jie was only a distance of ten feet away, but it caused a strong wind and howling, like a ball of flames.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, he stretched out his palm, turned his palm slightly, and the stars were shining brightly, this is a space of stars, a sea of ​​stars in his palm.

He swallowed the talisman ring into the stars.

Bang bang bang!

Terrifying explosions sounded in the sea of ​​stars one after another, which meant that the stars were smashed into pieces.

Lin Fan's face was slightly pale, but that was all. He held the talisman ring between his two fingers: "Generous! My three-thousand-mile ban is just waiting to be done."

Prisoner Bull looked embarrassed.

Although he didn't have any killing intent, this attack still had at least [-]% of his strength, yet Lin Fan underplayed it so lightly.

"Farewell." Lin Fan glanced at him, and then said with a smile: "By the way, you'd better ask the county under your rule to prepare the bounty. I guess there will be many people waiting for me to get it along the way." .”

Lin Fan just left, carelessly.

"Bastard! Presumptuous! Damn it!" Lin Fan had just walked out of the admiral's mansion when he heard a roar from behind.

"Tsk tsk, he has a temper and enough courage. It's interesting to kill this kind of person." Mr. Yun smiled, but matching his pale face, it was cruel no matter how you looked at it.

He looked at the others: "I'll take his head."

"Hehe, whatever you want, I'm not interested in characters of this level." Killing the third sneered, and then a haze flashed in his eyes.

The moment Lin Fan left, his eyes seemed to froze for a moment at the location where he was hiding, did he see through his hiding?

But this is basically impossible.

One must know that he is a strong man of Emperor Lin, how could a mere Lin Fan see through his concealment?

"Let's go." Outside the Admiral's Mansion, Lin Fan found Meng Ke who was looking anxious and worried.

Meng Ke said: "My lord, are you alright?"

His eyes scanned Lin Fan.

"Of course not." Lin Fan scolded with a smile.

"Where are we going now?" Meng Ke asked, and finally suggested: "My lord, I think we'd better take the teleportation array to leave now. I feel danger in this territory."

Meng Ke looked solemn.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's not dangerous."

Meng Ke's face changed slightly, and just about to persuade him, Lin Fan said: "Anyway, the final selection time is very early, why don't we just go shopping."

Meng Ke was anxious.

Of course he knew what Lin Fan meant by wandering around, it was nothing more than waiting for someone to come and kill him.

This is using yourself as bait.

It's just that it's too dangerous. Even if Meng Ke knew that there were two Lindi powerhouses following behind him, he still felt that he had no bottom in his heart.

Leaving the city, Lin Fan chose a random direction and set off.

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth.

From the moment he left the city, he sensed a vague aura that locked him in and followed him along the way.

After traveling another hundred miles, a group of blue clouds lay across the avenue, and on this cloud, there was a man slantingly waving a folding fan in his hand, looking indescribably chic.

But Meng Ke's face suddenly changed wildly, and he exclaimed: "Kill the [-]th on the list—Young Master Yun!"

Master Yun chuckled, and glanced at Meng Ke twice: "Good eyesight, I will give you the final right to die."

Lin Fan looked at Young Master Yun: "Is it necessary to pretend like this?"

Master Yun narrowed his eyes slightly: "You are crazy."

Lin Fan pouted.

"Your head is handed over by yourself. I don't really want to kill people today."

Such words made Lin Fan laugh back in anger.

"Slap him into the dust first, I want to see if he can still be so chic after being covered in mud." Lin Fan grinned.

Master Yun's complexion changed, and with a loud roar, the folding fan in his hand suddenly grew a hundred times larger, with blue flames burning on it, and with a snort, Master Yun held the giant fan that had grown a hundred times larger and slammed it upwards!

The flames whipped up a gust of wind, terrifying to the heavens.


But it was useless, after a cold snort, all he could see was that his skinny palm pierced through layers of flames, and just slapped Young Master Yun like this.


Cyan clouds shattered.

Young Master Yun fell upside down and fell into the dust. His gorgeous robe was completely stained by mud.

At this moment, where does he still have the slightest unrestrained appearance?

"Emperor Lin! You have a strong Emperor Lin following you!" Young Master Yun yelled in fear.



How could Lin Fan be accompanied by a Lindi powerhouse!

He has not received any news at all!

Didn't it mean that Lin Fan only had Meng Ke as a waste?

Besides, with Lin Fan's meager foundation in the Seventh Realm, how could Emperor Lin be willing to follow him?


This was the first thought, otherwise he would definitely die here.

Because the moment he just fought, he understood that the strong Lindi had already stood at the pinnacle, and might have touched the threshold of the emperor.

"Want to escape?" Lin Fan looked at Young Master Yun who was lying in the dirt with a half-smile.

"Lin Fan, if it weren't for the help of Emperor Lin, I would kill you like a dog." Young Master Yun shouted ferociously.

"You can ask Lindi to help you." Lin Fan blinked.

The ending is clear, and the process is brutal.

Master Yun's good man's head was taken off.

Looking at the bloody head, Lin Fan couldn't stop the murderous intent in his eyes.

Holy alchemist, damn it!

These two killers really couldn't do anything to him.

Even without Lindi's help, it would not be too difficult for him to kill him.

But, this holy alchemist's intentions are too vicious.


A moment later, Lin Fan, who had just left, reappeared at the gate of the city, with a piece of rag wrapped around the head of Young Master Yun, still dripping with blood.

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