Twin martial arts

Chapter 1953 Killing the List

Lin Fan frowned tightly, how could he believe that this person was an old farmer?

Although he is very similar, he fits all the characteristics of the old farmer.

"Go." Lin Fan said, Meng Ke naturally had to obey.

"My lord, my lord, please stop."

When Lin Fan and the others turned around, the old farmer asked Lin Fan to wait.

Murderous intent flashed in Lin Fan's eyes, he didn't turn his head, but said coldly, "Are you calling me?"

The old farmer said: "The old man's instrument is magnificent, and there is a hidden fragrance of alchemy on his body. He must be a great alchemist. Could it be that he is not interested in this 10-year-old green blood and blue sky grass?"


"Blue blood and blue sky grass! It is really such a strange grass!"

"Oh my god, I've been watching, hesitating in my heart, and I missed the best time to buy."

Some people are beating their chests and stamping their feet, regretting.

The faces of the rest of the onlookers couldn't see where to go.

Because, this green blood and blue sky grass is really amazing, it is a strange grass, even if it takes a minute or a second to reach 10 years, it will not work.

If there is even a second difference, this green blood blue sky grass is highly poisonous, even a peak Lindi, it is very likely to be poisoned by immature green blood blue sky grass.

Such precious medicinal materials, even in the largest auction house in the seventh world, are not seen once in hundreds of thousands of years, but at this time, they appear in this remote corner.

Of course, Lin Fan had recognized this Zhu Qicao long ago; it's just that there must be a monster when things go wrong, and he didn't have to do with this green blood and green sky grass, so he chose to leave.

It's just that the old farmer suddenly asked to stay, which was beyond his expectation.

Don't you think it's too obvious?

Meng Ke's eyes became serious, and even he realized that something was wrong.

Lin Fan laughed, this old farmer is full of nonsense, he will have Danxiang on his body?


He looked back: "So, what do you want to say?"

The old farmer's eyes flashed, and no one could detect the flash of brilliance in his eyes.

When he saw the gleam of light in the old farmer's eyes, Lin Fan's expression suddenly became solemn!

So strong.

This old farmer's cultivation base is unpredictable, at least at the level of the peak of the Holy Emperor.

"The sword is given to a hero. This herb is rare in a thousand years. Although I need to exchange him for a life-saving elixir, I still want to find a good master for him." The old farmer smiled.

The old farmer's words really attracted hatred.

At least, right now, there are many strong people who are interested in buying this elixir, showing unkind eyes to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's eyes became colder, he stepped forward, and said, "Then how much do you want to sell?"

The old farmer laughed: "How can such a rare treasure be measured by money?"

Lin Fan's mouth curled into a strange smile: "You're right."

The old farmer said: "Then let's go and talk in another place."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, but at this moment, he received a cold voice transmission: "If you don't want to kill too many innocent people, just follow along."

Lin Fan's eyes flashed.

Instantly understood, this old farmer was clearly the one who came to kill him, but why did he waste so much effort.

Just because, not far from here, is the teleportation array.

If he went to the capital, the old farmer would have no chance to do anything.

It was because he was a contestant in this Dan Dou, and when he arrived in the capital, he would definitely send a name card, so the capital had the responsibility to protect him.

In other words, this place is within a hundred thousand miles, and this old farmer's last chance to make a move.

"Okay, let's go then." Lin Fan said.

He is not a saint, but if it is said that innocent people will die because of him, he is not willing.

"Presumptuous, do you really think you are someone? This strange grass, whoever sees it has a share, what kind of thing are you? Do you still dare to eat alone?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, someone immediately scolded them angrily.

Lin Fan glanced at everyone with pity.

The strongest of these people is only at the top of the king level. If he fights with this old farmer here, the aftermath of the battle will kill a lot of people, but these people are still shouting here.

Really ignorant and fearless.

Above the body, the holy power overflowed bit by bit, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, just a little bit of holy power, the clamoring people couldn't bear it, couldn't control their own will, and wanted to kneel down and surrender.

Lin Fan just stood quietly, watching everyone's knees bowed under the pressure, some of them even blushed.

"I don't know the coming of the saint, and I hope to make atonement."

The yelling man couldn't take it anymore and begged for mercy.

Lin Fan glanced at him, withdrew the holy prestige overflowing from his body, and looked at the old farmer: "Let's go."

The old farmer laughed, turned his palms over, and the strange grass lying in front of him disappeared. He tore it fiercely with his hands, and the space was broken. The old farmer stepped into it, and only a distant voice came: "Follow."

The old farmer's sudden display of power shocked a group of people. No one thought that this unattractive old man who looked like an old farmer could tear apart the space so easily.

Without waiting for them to think about it, Lin Fan's body swayed, and he also entered the space torn apart by the old farmer. Meng Ke gritted his teeth and followed closely behind.

On a mountain top, the old farmer stood calmly, with a cliff in front of him.

He stood facing the abyss, and the wind blew up behind him. He looked back with a trace of mockery: "No one told you that people with good intentions always have a short life?"

As soon as the sentence was finished, a shocking aura erupted, and he changed drastically, a layer of human skin fell off his body, revealing his original face!

The most unique thing was that his left cheek was covered by a whole hideous birthmark.

"Thirty on the killing list—blue-faced flood dragon!!!"

As soon as Meng Ke stepped out of the space passage, he exclaimed, trembling uncontrollably.

"Hey, you ants are quite knowledgeable, and you actually know the real name of this deity." The blue-faced flood dragon was surprised, and then calmly said: "Since you know that this deity is face to face, why don't you commit suicide?"

Lin Fan's eyes were strange. He knew a little bit about the killing list, and said curiously, "A group of ground mice, if they don't hide in the ground to survive, how dare they come forward?"

The blue-faced Jiaolong's face turned cold: "A sharp-mouthed kid."

Lin Fan smiled indifferently: "That hypocrite Saint Alchemist is really capable, and he can make people like you work for him. It's very good."

The eyes of the blue-faced dragon narrowed slightly, but then he smiled grimly: "It is the biggest mistake of your life to anger Master Alchemist, well, let's send you on your way, I can't be exposed to the sun for too long."

Lin Fan glanced at the blue-faced dragon, and said slowly, "Meng Ke, is the reward for killing the top thirty kills generous?"

Meng Ke was startled, and then he seemed to think of something: "It's very rich, after beheading his head, you can buy tens of millions of spiritual stones."

Lin Fan's pupils brightened slightly: "Very good, this is a surprise, thank you brother, you sent me a windfall from all the way."

These words almost killed the blue-faced flood dragon.

He is the thirtieth in the killing list, and he has committed crimes. The entire Seventh Realm has been shocked by his vicious reputation.

But in Lin Fan's mouth, it turned out to be a bargaining chip in exchange for a generous reward.

"Get lost!" he roared.

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