Twin martial arts

Chapter 1944 Start of Alchemy

Lin Fan didn't have a good opinion of this holy alchemist.

The holy alchemist is like a poisonous snake, hiding behind the scenes, covering himself with all kinds of glamorous words, but it is the snake letter hissing, ready to swallow Lin Fan up at any time.

The strange talk was gloomy, he looked at Lin Fan, but pointed at Meng Ke, and said, "Why don't you let him come up? Maybe this is another crush."

Qi Tan feels pity and anger in his heart.

What he originally thought was that today's Dan fight, after crushing Meng Ke into scum, he was fighting with Lin Fan.

But who knew that Lin Fan never gave him this chance.

In this way, even if he wins against Lin Fan, the shame of being crushed by Meng Ke yesterday will not be washed away.

"That's a lot of nonsense." Lin Fan glanced at him coldly, and said indifferently: "Tell me the elixir you want to refine."

"Amplification pill, after swallowing this pill, within three breaths, the cultivation level of the swallower can be increased by a small level." Qi Tan was full of confidence and pride.

Lin Fan frowned.

It's amazing.

Unexpectedly, within three breaths of time, the swallower can be increased by a small realm.

Although it seems that the time of the three breaths is extremely short, there is no need to say how unnatural it is.

Just imagine, if an enemy is originally at the same level as you, and you have fought hard for a long time, but after you have this pill, you suddenly swallow it, relying on your increased strength to catch your opponent by surprise, then 90.00% of this enemy will be brutally killed .

There are too many situations like this, but no matter how you look at it, this is remarkable.

Meng Ke was horrified directly, and he couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Is there a limit to this pill?" Lin Fan asked.

It is not that there are no such pills in the Mysterious Medicine Code, but they all have limitations. Just imagine, if there are no restrictions, after swallowing this pill, an emperor who is close to the gods, can he still become a three-breathing god?

If that's the case, who in this world is worthy of the enemy?

For the realm of God, maybe one breath can destroy the world hundreds of times.

There was a trace of embarrassment flashing across the face of the originally arrogant and strange talk, and he said angrily: "You are also a master of alchemy, how could you ask such unqualified words? Do you think it is possible?"

Lin Fan smiled bitterly inwardly.

It was also because his realm had been stagnant for too long, so he paid too much attention to the improvement of his realm, so he asked this kind of question that should not be asked.

But how could he admit it? He glanced at Qi Tan contemptuously, and said, "Then, can saints take this booster pill?"

Qi Tan's face froze again: "Sage has already transcended the category of human beings, so of course it's useless."

Lin Fan's eyes were even more contemptuous: "Then why are you so arrogant?"

Qi Tan sternly shouted: "It's better than you refining the so-called poison pill."

"What happened to the poison pill?" Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

He felt he had to teach these people a lesson, Dan, it wasn't that easy to tell the difference.

"What's the matter? Since ancient times, poisonous pills have been low-grade, you don't know? No matter how defiant the poisonous pills you refine, but its grade is limited, it can only be below the fifth-grade pills." Qi Tan grinned grinningly.

Meng Ke also sighed.

This is indeed true.

"Really?" Lin Fan was noncommittal.

"Tsk tsk, could it be that you can refine a sixth-grade poison pill? Or a ninth-grade golden pill? Oh my god, could it be that you can refine a holy-level poison pill?" Qi Tan's expression was exaggerated. She was surprised, but her eyes were mocking.

"Let's wait and see." Lin Fan simply said.

At this time, Meng Ke sent a voice transmission: "Your Majesty, I have heard of the booster pill, but it is the trump card pill in the hands of the holy alchemist, but it is an eighth-rank pill. You can’t break through that barrier, can you?”

The hesitation and persuasion in Meng Ke's voice can be heard.

Lin Fan glanced at Meng Ke, didn't say anything, but walked directly to the ground spirit fire, and used the spell to sway it, the flame shot up very high in an instant, he waved his palm, and a pill furnace that was at least three feet long was attracted by him , just above the spirit fire here.

This is in the oven.

With a slight flick of the finger, a row of medicinal herbs was neatly arranged in the air. There were more than 700 plants. Lin Fan smiled, looked at Yinhu, and said, "May the admiral want to check the elixir?"

Seeing so many herbs, Yinhu was also slightly taken aback, but after hearing Lin Fan's words, he smiled: "No need."

Lin Fan chuckled, but when he looked back, his eyes became serious. His hands kept making mysterious moves one after another, as if they were moving the world, and the whole alchemy room unexpectedly rumbled.


Qi Tan coldly snorted.

He looked at Lin Fan after he started alchemy, of course he didn't neglect, and also put away many medicinal materials, but the strange thing was that the medicinal materials he needed to refine the dignified eighth-grade elixir were only about [-] kinds, but they were more expensive than the alchemy. But the poisonous pill under Lin Fan's 'Fifth Grade'.

"Half an hour." Yinhu saw that the two had started to confront each other, so he gave the time.

In fact, this time is also the shortest time period he needs to determine himself after refining the booster pill more than once last night.

Lin Fan nodded casually. At this time, the three-zhang alchemy furnace in front of him was already reddened by the earth spirit fire, like an oven that would never be extinguished.

Wisps of divine soul power overflowed from the brows, and under Lin Fan's control, these divine soul powers turned into golden dragons, and swallowed all the hundreds of suspended medicinal materials into the dragon's mouth.


Lin Fan stopped drinking, and he began to temper.

This is just his own performance field.

He also didn't have the interest and effort to procrastinate, and this Qi Tan performance, and he didn't care about Qi Tan at all.

Refining the essence of the liquid medicine is too fast, refining five hundred plants at once!

Even Admiral Yinhu had never seen this kind of scene, and his eyes widened.

In the alchemy furnace, there are dragons singing, tigers roaring and phoenixes singing, and even a head of auspicious beasts can be seen running in the alchemy furnace.

On the other hand, the strange talk, although amazing enough, compared with Lin Fan, it is really too ordinary, it can be said to be mediocre.

Somehow, Yinhu started to feel worried.

Even if he has been using the reason that the grade of the poison pill cannot exceed the fifth grade to force him to feel at ease, it still doesn't work, and he always feels that there will be a big change.

When Lin Fan finished all the refinement, and there were clusters of extremely pure medicinal liquid essence in the alchemy furnace, the strange talk was only more than half extracted.

"You are so slow, should I wait for you?" Lin Fan smiled, and he looked at Qi Tan.

This kind of expression, this kind of tone made Qi Tan almost roar and curse.

Fortunately, he calmed down his mind in a very short time, and said with a grinning smile: "Lin Fan, from the moment you choose to refine the poison pill and put it into action, you are doomed to lose! No matter how fast you are , so what?"

Lin Fan had strange eyes: "Really?"

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