Twin martial arts

Chapter 1941 Conspiracy

In Lin Fan's view, the so-called imparting a method to you is too simple, as long as the unique imprint is driven into the spirit of Meng Ke, the so-called imparting the method is completed.

But how powerful and domineering is Lin Fan's soul power?

If Meng Ke hadn't been honed by Lin Fan for half a month, his soul sea would have collapsed just the moment he accepted Lin Fan's spirit mark.

Glancing at Meng Ke to make sure he was fine, Lin Fan walked out of the room slowly.

Sure enough, someone was watching him.

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth curled up in a mocking manner, a mere sage, even came to monitor him, he underestimated him too much.

Walk to the center of the yard, concentrate and calm down.

He walked out suddenly, making the two sage kings sent by Yinhu to watch him tense up!

Could it be that Lin Fan is going to do something wrong?

At the moment, the power of the soul is tightly monitoring the small courtyard.

They are not allowed to be careless and cautious, because Lin Fan's reputation is too great, and at this time Yinhu is discussing secret matters with everyone, and he is not allowed to leak the slightest bit.

But what made them frown and puzzled was that Lin Fan just walked to the center of the courtyard and stood under the moonlit sky.

"Damn! Is this kid playing tricks on us on purpose? What is he doing? Bathing in the moonlight?" A holy king angrily sent a voice transmission.

Because, they all thought that Lin Fan would make a big move, but in the end, Lin Fan was standing in the very center, bathing in the moonlight, with a calm smile on his face.

"Don't worry, there's something weird about this kid, keep an eye on him, if there's a fork, we won't be able to eat it and walk around." Another sage said coldly.

"Hmph, in the middle of the night, I slept out for this kid's meal. When he loses tomorrow, it's serious to humiliate him.",

"This Lin Fan doesn't look very good. My brother and I have been monitoring this place for a long time, but he hasn't noticed it. It's just a waste of fame."

The two sages speak to each other.

Little did they know, Lin Fan had already intercepted the content of their discussion.


Today, Yinhu is discussing secret matters with everyone.

There is no need to think about it at all, it must be aimed at him, planning and planning.

With a thought, Lin Fan's body quickly climbed up, and soon, he surpassed the eaves!

The sudden movement made the hearts of the two saints arouse, and the power of the two souls formed a net, and ruthlessly pressed down from above, as if they were planning to combine their forces to make Lin Fan fall directly into the sky. superior.

Both of them were grinning grimly.

It seems that the admiral's guess is really good. This kid won't be honest, and something will happen. Fortunately, they are here, otherwise it must be bad. Maybe the top-secret content of the admiral's discussion will be exposed.


At this moment, it seemed that ten thousand thunderbolts suddenly exploded on the spot.

The two sage kings who had formed a web of divine soul power immediately coughed up blood. They felt that their divine soul power was being hit hard by a divine hammer, and their souls were about to split.

"not good!"

Regardless of the pain, the two suddenly woke up!

Because, it was obvious that Lin Fan must have discovered the movement of the two of them, so he was fighting back!

And the reason for the counterattack must be to get rid of the surveillance of the two of them!

Regardless of the tearing pain of the soul, it permeated away again, but Lin Fan's aura appeared in the room.

"Damn boy! Is this warning us!"

A holy monarch was pale, his eyes were bleeding, and he was really hurt.

"The power of the holy soul, which is so terrifying, turned out to be just a thought. You and I have been hurt so badly. If he really wanted to kill, he would have killed you and me just now."

Another sage trembled.

Very honest, all the power of the soul has been withdrawn, not daring to diffuse an inch.

Anyway, their goal is to monitor Lin Fan, as long as he doesn't leave this yard.

But is Lin Fan really in the room?

Of course not.

At this time, Lin Fan was wandering around in the admiral's mansion.

In the admiral's mansion, there are naturally various masters sitting in command, and even Lin Fan felt the aura of the two emperors.

But to Lin Fan, he has no fear at all, wrapping his body with the power of space, and covering up with the power of the soul, he seems to be integrated with the world.

The golden thread spread, and the entire underground of the Admiral's Mansion was covered with dense power grids. Soon, he sensed where Yinhu and others were.

"Admiral, is Ren Lin Fan so presumptuous?" Qi Tan's breath was weak, and he leaned weakly on the grand master's chair.

And Yinhu was present with many alchemists at today's banquet.

"Admiral, this Lin Fan is too arrogant. He didn't give you face at all today. He even regarded us as worthless, and sent Meng Ke out to step on everything as Dantong. We will lose face. If we don't pay back Color, how to behave in the future?"

All the alchemists had gloomy faces and extremely vicious eyes.

Yinhu's eyes narrowed: "Of course he won't let him have such a good time, hehe, the governor has already reported what happened today, and the holy alchemist even gave special instructions for this."

"What? The holy alchemist personally instructed this matter?"

"Hahaha, if the holy alchemist pays attention to this matter, it proves that Lin Fan's good days are coming to an end!"

"Tsk tsk, I really feel sad for Lin Fan. With the help of a holy alchemist, Lin Fan might not even know how to die!"

The alchemists grinned, while Qi Tan who was lying on the grand master's chair was trembling with excitement, and said anxiously: "Can the master of the holy alchemy pass down the specific method?"

There was a hint of sinisterness in Yinhu's eyes, but it was fleeting, and he said: "Pass it down."

"Tell me now!"

Many alchemists couldn't wait.

Holy alchemist.

That is a legendary figure.

It can be said that in this seventh world, he may not be the most powerful alchemist, but he must be the most famous and admired one.

For this kind of person, the magic that flows from his fingers at will can already be a top alchemist.

Yinhu narrowed his eyes: "The holy alchemist said bluntly, although Lin Fan's alchemist is not in his eyes, but for you, it is also an invincible existence. If you want to defeat him, there is only one way."

Speaking of this, Yinhu deliberately played tricks.

He was too good at mobilizing people's emotions, and the words stopped abruptly, making everyone's heart rise in their throats.

After a while, Yinhu said slowly: "Alchemy is the most important thing in the power of the soul, and the meaning of the holy alchemist is that in order to defeat Lin Fan, only the power of the soul is stronger than him, and then the holy alchemist can be refined. Heaven-defying pills provided."

A group of people were dumbfounded.

There is no difference between saying this and not saying it.

Who doesn't know the reason?

However, just by looking at Meng Ke's soul power, he can vaguely guess Lin Fan's terror. If he wants to raise his soul power to the stage where he can compete with Lin Fan overnight, this is simply a dream, and there is no chance of it coming true. .

At this time, Lin Fan was hiding in a different space, standing in this hall, he could clearly see everyone's expressions, but no one could perceive his existence.

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