Twin martial arts

Chapter 1930 Mo Yan's Revenge

In a separate courtyard, Mo Yan's face was gloomy and gloomy. He was lying on the bed, and beside him were two women who had been trampled to death by him.

At this moment, he got up and walked out of the room.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Mo Yan saluted a man dressed as an alchemist.

The man snorted coldly, and said, "This is the promised reward."

Mo Yan narrowed his eyes, and asked tentatively: "Dare to ask, is this person who sits in the uncle's mansion a senior disciple of the senior alchemist?"

The man's eyes turned cold, and his icy eyes swept over Mo Yan coldly, and said, "Why do you want to inquire about this?"

Mo Yan said: "In the entire seventh session, whoever does not respect the alchemy of all alchemists?"

The coldness in the man's eyes eased a little.

Mo Yan sighed: "When I was still in the county prince's mansion that day, I already had a guess, and I also put forward my own guess."

"Oh? You can see foresight?" There was a trace of mockery in the man's eyes.

However, Mo Yan said seriously: "The elixir that appeared in the military camp, the neutralization of the properties of the medicine, and the unnatural efficacy all show the origin of the elixir, and it may be able to hide it from the world. For people who are holy alchemists, it is "

"Hehe." The man smiled: "What happened after you put forward your guess?"

Mo Yan said: "Then Lin Fan sneered when he heard my conjecture, and said bluntly that even if he is really a holy alchemist, it's nothing, if he dared to touch his cake, the holy alchemist would be unable to eat it.

He also said that the so-called holy alchemist has a false name, and the unilateral flow from his fingers is enough to break the reputation of the holy alchemist. If he wants to teach the holy alchemy to be a man, all kinds of ugly words, I really dare not speech. "

"How dare you!" the man yelled angrily.

Mo Yan knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Lin Fan is so daring! How dare you insult Master! Don't let him have a good life!" The man grinned.

Mo Yan seemed to be careless: "Then Lin Fan hides deep in the county palace, even if he is dissatisfied with him, so what?"

The man said: "It's too simple! Just force him out of the dog hole!"

The man was cold, and he left alone.

Mo Yan stood alone under the moonlight, his eyes were too cold.

He narrowly escaped death, and after being thrown out of the county palace, all spirits were banned for three thousand miles. That kind of revenge made him feel that he had died at least eight or nine times.

If it wasn't for him being an excellent alchemist with many life-saving pills hidden in his body, he would definitely not be able to make it through, and would die miserably within the three thousand li forbidden zone.

Even so, he still resorted to feigning death and other means to hide the truth and survive.

Lin Fan's guess is of course not wrong. The reason why the Uncle Guo's Mansion was able to counteract it in the first place is because of the information he provided, revealing all the heaven-defying effects of Lin Fan's refining elixir.

"The Prince's Mansion of Lin Fan County, hehe, if I can't kill you, then I will die."

This sentence seems to come from Jiuyou, and it is very scary.

At this time, the county palace.

Holding a pill in his hand, Lin Fan frowned.

This is the new product launched by Guojiu's Mansion, and because of the existence of this thing, many pills refined by the Dantang of the County Prince's Mansion are useless and can only be digested internally.


A rune flashed in his eyes, and his sharp eyes pierced into the elixir. In just a moment, Lin Fan knew the composition and efficacy of the elixir.

Everyone is eagerly looking forward to it.

Waiting for Lin Fan.

Can he still suppress this pill.

"Hehe, it's simple." Lin Fan smiled.

Of course, the elixir provided by the country's uncle's mansion is indeed a big step up from the previous one.

But for him, it was still not enough.

"I don't need to provide other prescriptions, you only need to refine the recipe I gave you last time, it's enough to crush this pill." Lin Fan casually threw the pill in his hand.

Meng Ke's eyes lit up: "We have already understood that side, and there are more than a hundred pills."

Lin Fan said: "Very good, tomorrow you will use these more than a hundred pills to snatch the share."

"Okay." Of course Meng Ke was overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, in the past few days, it has happened to be a bumper harvest of forbidden medicinal materials for three thousand miles, and Wan Ling is eager for a quotation from our county mansion, and the price of all medicinal materials collected this year." The eyes of the third elder were apprehensive and tentative.

Lin Fan frowned and said, "It's two floors higher than the market price."

The third elder stared wide-eyed, and said: "Your Majesty, Wan Ling will be overjoyed if you buy it like this, but it will be a huge burden for my Majesty's Mansion."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Fan smiled.

Of course he knew that whether he wanted to form an invincible army or maintain the operation of the entire county palace, he needed huge wealth to support it.

But the pill he provided can save at least half or even more of the medicinal materials when refining many medicinal materials, and the profit obtained is half or more than before.

Therefore, buying medicinal materials at a unit price that is two levels higher than the market price will not cause any burden to him at all.

"My subordinates have brought these three thousand li forbidden spirits, thanks to the county king Gao Yi."

Many alchemists within the Three Thousand Miles Forbidden, headed by Meng Ke, kowtowed on the ground, extremely grateful.

Lin Fan blinked.

This is really a big misunderstanding.

He Lin Fan is not the kind of person who sacrifices himself for others.

Doing this is also under the condition of ensuring your own interests.

But, this misunderstanding, no matter how you look at it, is it so alluring?

So, it's optional.

The night is slow and silent.

Dantang did not rest all night, and he was in charge of the class, refining the elixir.

And Lin Fan is still using the eyes of the runes to capture the mysterious trajectory of Hongmei's cultivation, and wants to learn all the skills of a ghost cave.


Meng Ke led a few alchemists, and went to the camps again to sell the alchemy.

very successful.

What Lin Fan said was right. After Meng Ke and others provided these elixirs, all the generals immediately expressed their opinions and bought these elixirs in large quantities.

Since ancient times in wars, there have never been more soldiers who died on the battlefield than those who died tragically due to illness.

The entire county palace was plunged into a sea of ​​joy.

Their county king once again won this year's order for them.

Moreover, the medicinal materials of the entire Sanqianli ban must be purchased at a higher unit price than in previous years.

Not just the county prince's mansion, but the entire Three Thousand Li Forbidden City.

But the good times don't last long.

Only two or three hours later, bad news came from the major military camps.

The Uncle's Mansion provided some kind of elixir that was even more heaven-defying than the elixir of the County Prince's Mansion, so I'm sorry, if the County King's Mansion can't provide a more heaven-defying elixir, then those purchase agreements will naturally be voided.

When Lin Fan heard the news, he smiled coldly.

Is this country's uncle's mansion really based on him?

Looking down at the few soldiers who came to report, he said with a smile: "Thank you, brothers."

These soldiers clasped their fists and prepared to leave.

Lin Fan glanced at Hongmei, and Hongmei followed out with interest. At the corner, he stuffed a lot of spirit stones for all the soldiers of the major barracks who came to report, and everyone was happy.

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