Twin martial arts

Chapter 1923 I am the King

It is rare to see such a high-ranking figure as the Empress Dowager in a hundred years. Even the most confidant ministers and most dependable generals will not easily reveal their true face.

But now, she appeared in the Three Thousand Miles Forbidden City, and shot at the moment when the major general and Lin Fan were about to be robbed. She was just an ordinary hairpin, and she cut off Linghu's hands and fell into the sky. There was a squeak, and it turned into green smoke and faded away.

Lin Fan looked up at the sky, the figure that appeared was so affectionate and familiar, like a close relative he had never seen in a century.

It made him frown.

Because this is the second time he has felt this way since he came to the seventh world.

No.1, of course, is Princess Jue.

But this demon queen gave him even more familiarity.

When the queen of the devil comes, it is natural that all spirits will bow down and bow down, reciting the real name of the queen of the devil, extremely pious.

"Mother's queen." Princess Jue smiled, she was like a butterfly, she fell into the arms of the devil's queen, even if she was as majestic as a devil's queen, there was a smile on her face.

"You little thing, if I don't come, I'm afraid there will be a big mess." The queen's plain hand stroked Princess Jue's upturned nose.

Princess Jue stuck out her tongue mischievously, and muttered, "No way."

of course not.

At least, she knew that there were at least seven or eight pairs of eyes staring at his elder brother at the same time, so how could there be any accidents.

Linghu smiled bitterly.

This is really God wanting to kill him.

After painstakingly planning for so long, it all came to nothing.

He raised the entire three thousand miles of forbidden spirits as Gu worms, betrayed his loyalty and let Li Chuang and others try to make wedding dresses, but his ending was still too tragic.

The so-called future, the so-called head of the tens of thousands of people after the heaven and man world, with the arrival of the queen, everything is impossible.

"You kill yourself." The queen said, very majestic and cold, she didn't take this spirit fox seriously at all.

"Tsk tsk" Linghu smiled strangely, and said: "The queen made a last-minute move, presumably because of the young general? From this point of view, good things are coming soon for the young general and the princess?"

The Empress frowned: "I need to explain to you what I am doing now?"

The major general smiled wryly, thinking in his heart, where did he get so much face.

Linghu is very decisive.

He is a wise man, so he naturally knows that he is doomed today, so the so-called struggle and so on are all jokes.

Therefore, he shattered his body, tore his soul apart with laws, and died just like that.

When Linghu died, ghosts fell out of his body, clearly those high-ranking officials of the county palace who had been devoured by him.

The queen inspected carefully, and after confirming that Linghu was dead, she took a step forward and disappeared just like that.

This made Lin Fan speechless, so domineering.

"Capture him." Princess Jue said coldly, Li Chuang was directly captured by Emperor Lin, who locked his whole body in an orderly manner, preventing him from moving.

And those soul shadows that fell out of Linghu's body were taken by Lin Fan one by one, cutting the void into spaces and imprisoning them all.

"Lin Fan, what do you want to do with these people?" Princess Jue asked.

Lin Fan was surprised, and said: "The princess and Brother Xu Yang are here, how can I overstep the authority? Everything is at the disposal of the princess."

Princess Jue said with a smile: "From today onwards, you will be the king of the three thousand li ban. You can arbitrarily rule over everything that happens in it, and it is also your job to deal with these people."

Xu Yang also smiled, and said: "Brother Lin, don't be humble, these people have embarrassed you more than once, could it be that you are still soft-hearted?"

"Brother Xu Yang was joking." Lin Fan's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Since the princess and Brother Xu Yang show love, then I will be disrespectful."

Judging from the current situation, it is not too easy for Lin Fan to kill Li Chuang and others, but after a little thought, he decided——

Li Chuang was abolished by Lin Fan himself, the Holy Emperor Dao Foundation was destroyed, and his cultivation was broken. As for the incomplete souls, with Lin Fan's help, they repaired their physical bodies.

These people are overjoyed, ecstatic, and grateful.

He thought that after Lin Fan repaired their bodies, he still wanted to reuse them.

This is very possible, after all, this Lin Fan is just a lonely family, but the three thousand li ban is too big and needs too many people to manage, and in this incident, they are not the mastermind.

Wan Ling was also staring at Lin Fan!

They can't say anything, dare not say anything.

He has offended the doomed king more than once.

If they are speaking at this time, they will never have a good life in the future.

Finally, these crippled spirits recovered their bodies, and when they were kneeling on the ground to thank Lin Fan, Lin Fan suddenly struck out, with five fingers spread out, and the golden lightning on the fingertips condensed into a spear point, stabbing fiercely on the celestial caps of these people. .

They were abolished after Li Chuang.

"They slaughtered all living beings and all spirits, so their fate should also be decided by all spirits." Lin Fan said coldly.

Both Xu Yang and Princess Jue laughed.

This should be the cruelest punishment.

To directly abolish these holy emperors, holy kings, etc. who were once aloof, and then hand them over to the victimized people, then what is waiting for them?

"Your Majesty, the county palace has been swept away, and all the dead and dead have been cleaned up."

At this moment, Anu came, his whole body was covered with blood, and his hair was dripping blood on his forehead.

Obviously, when the queen arrived, he had already taken people to the county palace to clean up everything for Lin Fan.

Lin Fan nodded, and invited Xu Yang and Princess Jue to the Prince's Mansion.

If before, he really didn't want to ascend to the throne of this county, but now it's very different, the Mozun allows him to form an army composed entirely of war servants, then he must need such a position.

Ignoring the howling and screaming behind him, Lin Fan and others went to the county palace.

When they arrived, there was not a trace of blood in the Duke's Mansion, and it was obvious that it had been cleaned carefully.

The next thing was very simple. Princess Jue simply finished the procedure, and Lin Fan put away the square seal bestowed on him by the Demon Lord. From then on, he was the king of the three thousand li ban.

"Congratulations, Brother Lin Fan." Xu Yang smiled and said, "From next month, I will also go to the Wulong Barracks. At that time, we will be next to each other, and we can move around more."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes for a moment, and said: "That would be great, I'm just here, and I still need brother Xuyang's support."

But in fact, Lin Fan felt that it would not be that simple for the major general to go to the so-called Wulong barracks to be next to him, probably for the purpose of surveillance.

Lin Fan was very calm, but Anu was too excited, jumping up and down, arranging the handover of personnel and so on.

"When you first came here, there was a severe shortage of manpower, so the four emperors followed you first, what do you think?" Princess Jue asked again.

Lin Fan thanked him superficially, but in fact he didn't care in his heart. The four Lin Emperors should also be the ears and eyes of this Mozun Palace.

But that's okay, just be careful what you do.

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