Twin martial arts

Chapter 1914 Killing the Heroes

Lin Fan had weird eyes.

I think this Qihu is a wonderful work, a "junjie" and "very knowledgeable about current affairs". Of course, these are derogatory words.

The main reason is that the contrast between Qihoo's front and back is too great to be accepted.

But in fact, the current Qihu was roaring in his heart and gritted his teeth. He wished that the gods would grant him a divine power and let him slap Lin Fan to death.

This time I lost face and lost my hair.

The face he has earned for most of his life is now gone.

Jean did not forget his wild words when the saints divided up their troops to search and suppress Lin Fan; but what about now?

He Qihu is really a chopping board fish, let Lin Fan slaughter him, and he did not form a decent resistance throughout the whole process, being crushed by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan blinked. He felt that there was no need for him to rush to the Prince's Mansion. It would be great if people from the Prince's Mansion came here to look for him.

"Lin Fanxiu is going crazy!"

There was a loud roar, from a hundred miles away, that was the direction of the county prince's mansion, a strong man rushed over, this was a holy man at the peak of the Holy Emperor, who was only half a step away from the level of Emperor Lin.

He rushed there, and when he saw Qihu captured by Lin Fan, his pupils shrank to the size of the eye of a needle.

The Holy King's peak powerhouse was terrified.

He was no match for Qihu, but at this moment, Qihu was pinched in Lin Fan's hands like a chicken, so why did he come?Can't wait to die?

"I'm going crazy, so what can you do?" Lin Fan sneered.

With just one glance, he could see the reality of the Holy Emperor.

To this day, all saints under Lindi are like chickens and dogs in his eyes.

The Holy Emperor's face changed, and he said fiercely: "Lin Fan, you must know that this place is restricted for three thousand miles, and you cannot be arrogant!"


Lin Fan opened his mouth coldly, and he stretched out a big hand, which traversed the space of hundreds of feet, and with a buzzing sound, he pressed down with his big hand, intending to kill the Holy Emperor directly.

"Mice dare you!"

There was another loud roar, and the strongman from the county prince's mansion came again. This is also the peak of the Holy Emperor. His appearance is so strange that there are gray-brown scales on his face.

With a whooping sound, he traveled through the void, and unexpectedly saved the Holy Emperor in front of him before Lin Fan's ruthless palm pressed down.

However, the Holy Emperor was still coughing up blood, half of his body was turned into minced meat by Lin Fan's sharp palm.

One by one the strong came, there were too many of them, they were all saintly figures, there were actually a dozen or so of them, all of whom had the lowest level of cultivation at the level of the holy king.

Moreover, there was a big storm here, which shocked the entire Three Thousand Miles Forbidden City, and those strong men who were searching in other places gathered here.

"Let go of Brother Tiger Wing!"

"Let Brother Huyi go, or we will kill you to death!"

There are too many clamors, these people who rushed to the Holy Land, there are so many people, they all burst out with terrifying prestige, making everything in this place into chaos, and the avenues are crying, they can't bear so many Holy Land At the same time, the characters show the power of the holy realm.

Lin Fan chuckled, these ten or so people in the Holy Realm did not have the level of Emperor Lin.

Could it be that that kind of person is still holding on to his identity and hiding behind the scenes, depending on the end of his life?

"Want him?" Lin Fan smiled, looking down upon Zhu Xiong.

A holy emperor smiled grimly: "At this time, you are just a turtle in a urn, let brother Huyi go quickly, maybe we can give you a good death."

A group of people sneered again and again.

Lin Fan smiled: "Since you want this trash so much, what can you do if you give it away?"

He shook his hands, threw out the tiger wings like throwing garbage, and walked towards the shouting Holy Emperor.

"Brother Tiger Wing." The Holy Emperor opened his mouth, and stretched out his hand, ready to cut off the tiger wing, just because Lin Fan threw him, making him fly like a shooting star.

But the moment he stretched out his hand, Huyi's body suddenly burst into pieces.

How could Lin Fan let Huyi go?

The moment he was thrown, the sky thunder exploded into his body and exploded at this moment.


"Ah Lin Fan, you have such a vicious heart."

"my eyes"

There were endless screams.

That was a sudden explosion of thunder, and it exploded suddenly in front of the saints. Without precautions, few people could carry it through.


Lin Fan roared angrily, this opportunity is too wonderful, he sprang forward with one step, and pointed the heavy halberd in his hand to hit the north, and condensed thousands of feet into a square inch with the end of the world, and with a bang, he nailed through the eyebrows of a holy emperor, the holy emperor I will not rest in peace until death.

How could he die in such humiliation?


Another holy emperor was robbed, Lin Fan blasted his head with Yu fist, only the mutilated spirit body flew out, but it was blown by the fist wind again, turning into fly ash.

In a very short period of time, Lin Fan killed five holy emperors and three holy kings without any effort.

The main reason is that Tianlei's rapid detonation was too sudden, and the power was too shocking. It was really no less powerful than a holy figure's self-explosion power.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

The roar sounded, and those holy roars that were not affected by the rapid explosion of the sky thunder were all murderous and furious.

But Lin Fan is not afraid.

He doesn't care as long as there are no people at Lindi's level involved.

All the characters in the Holy Realm rushed towards Lin Fan. They were enemies in all directions, and no one could be underestimated. They were all people who had stepped out of their own holy rules and found their own way.


Lin Fan dragged Zhu Tian backwards, and there were sparks that could ignite the sky.


He was originally in front of the extreme line, but he appeared in front of the last holy emperor strangely, and raised his halberd to chop off the power of the holy emperor.


It was as if a thunder had struck in the void, causing everyone's ears to ring and their bodies to shake violently.

Even Lin Fan felt his heart shaken by this moment.

He frowned, and looking back suddenly, he saw a figure at the peak of the Holy Emperor, holding a startling drum in his hand, beating violently.

Whenever it is struck, there will be thousands of feet of thunder coming out of it, like thunder dragons rushing out.

Lin Fan snorted coldly, and he pointed forward and struck out, two long halberds that were completely condensed with the Thunder Dao rune pierced the Shocking God Drum, and an electric arc that could kill everything jumped on the long halberds.


The Shocking Drum was destroyed!

This shocked everyone!

"My God, this is the holy soldier brought out by the king from the Jedi, and it is rumored to have the potential to become the ultimate weapon."

"How is it possible! That's a shocking drum. The county king once killed 13 people of the same level with it, but it was broken by Lin Fan!"

Everyone exclaimed, they couldn't believe it, the eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets.

The Shocking God Drum was broken, and the Holy Emperor holding the Shocking God Drum spurted blood. He wanted to retreat quickly, but it was too late. Lin Fan made a step of a thousand feet, as if he was walking in an era, passing through many obstacles, and clapping with his palms. On top of the holy emperor's head, he smashed his head into the chest cavity.

"Brother Wang, you died so badly!"

"Brother Wang"

Someone wailed; then the eyes were bloodshot, and because of the extreme anger, black flames of evil spirits burned.

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