
The growl sounded.

The two Lindi powerhouses chased the moon and the sun, the speed was too fast, comparable to the speed of light.

It's just because Lin Fan is too close to the surface, if the killers go out, they can't hide their fight from others, then things will get serious!

Therefore, they must bury Lin Fan deep in the ground.

With the power of rules, the general solidified the hundred-foot mud layer into iron stone, condensing it into one body, blocking Lin Fan's progress.

The two of them came from behind, not daring to relax for a moment, and locked Lin Fan's whereabouts with their souls. They must make sure that this time, Lin Fan will never show any strange things again.

Moreover, at this time, they stopped talking, and the moment they caught up with Lin Fan, they launched the most violent attack.

This battle was too fierce, 'Lin Fan' tried his best, and various tricks came out one after another, killing violently, roaring again and again, cosmic punches rumbling and shaking the world, and thunder bursting out.

But in the end, 'Lin Fan' was robbed, and the two emperors joined forces, which was not something he could handle in his temporary state.

"Keng." With a bang, 'Lin Fan' was decapitated, and the headless blood corpse fell into a pool of blood.

Emperor Lin rushed over, twisted the head of 'Lin Fan' in his hands, and brought it up in front of his eyes, with a cruel smile: "Lin Fan, you are running away? Show me the one who is running away!"

His voice became louder and louder, and finally it sounded like a muffled thunder.


The general's eyes were cold, and he strangled the blood corpse of 'Lin Fan' with a bone spear into powder and debris, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking back, he looked at the head of Emperor Xue who was held in the hands of Emperor Lin, and smiled strangely: "Little bastard, I have to admit that you are really amazing and embarrassing the two of us, but now, everything is over. "

'Lin Fan' was still alive, his eyes were wide open, without the slightest sign of fear, and he roared angrily: "If you and I are in the same place, killing you is like slaughtering a chicken!"

"Well, what you said is likely to be true, but it's too late to say anything now. I'm covering the sky with one hand today, and I want to kill Tianjiao." Emperor Lin smiled, and he was looking at the head of Emperor Xue of 'Lin Fan'.

"Hehe, if you can grow up, you may be one of the most important figures in the world, a giant figure in the two worlds, and you may be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the demon king, but you have no chance, and you will die today." Pianjiang also laughed.

He looked at Emperor Lin and said, "There's no need to talk too much, first take out his soul, refine it into an ever-bright wick, use his soul as fuel, and burn it for ten thousand years."

"It's a good idea, to endure extreme pain for thousands of years? Good idea." Guanghua appeared in Lindi's eyes, with a smile on his mouth, he really applauded this idea.

But soon, he frowned, and said: "Cut his spirit and soul, half of it is used to refine the wick of the eternal lamp, and the other half is to erase all spiritual consciousness, make it confused, refine it into an invincible puppet, and take it to heaven. Realm, order him to kill all his relatives, that scene will be very interesting."

"Hahaha, yes, yes! That's the decision."

The two of them were discussing, saying that the final execution of Lin Fan was too cruel and vicious, which could make people's hair stand on end.

Secretly, the eyes of the two empresses who had been paying attention to this place showed mockery.

They were almost deceived by Lin Fan again. If they hadn't been observing carefully and calmly, they would definitely not have discovered the slightest clue and understood Lin Fan's bold plan.

They almost made a move, wanting to slap these two Lin Emperors to death, but they discovered Lin Fan's plan, and they all stood by and watched.

Now, he is looking at these two emperors mockingly and mockingly.

They want to say that if you jump into the same pit once, it is considered careless, but if you are tricked twice in a row in the same way, then you are an idiot.

"Hearing that we are discussing your final outcome, are you panicking? Are you panicking?" Emperor Lin looked at the bleeding head of 'Lin Fan' sideways.

"Don't talk too much, just pull away from his soul, and make those ideas into reality." He opened his mouth, 6 he stretched out his hand, and from between his palms, a few thin ropes appeared from his eyes, and they were tied into Lin Fan. in the skull.

This is the soul-guiding lock, which is only used to draw away the spiritual soul of the cultivator. It is too vicious and evil, and is hated by the cultivator world.


A shrill roar came from the mouth of 'Lin Fan', and it could be seen that the fist-sized soul body was slowly being pulled out.

This is the ultimate pain, no one in the world can resist it, even Linshen powerhouses will scream when they encounter this calamity.

But these two emperors were grinning, the more miserable the cry of 'Lin Fan', the more excited they felt.

Finally, the soul body was pulled out and bound by the soul lock.

"It's very good, my whole body is as solid as Lindi." Pian Jiang was shocked.

"Haha, very good, but in this way, the refined wick can burn longer, and the refined puppets can be more invincible. I am very satisfied with the harvest this time." Emperor Lin smiled.

"Huh? This heavy halberd is not bad. It still makes me feel murderous when no one is holding it. It is a great weapon." His eyes lit up, and he saw the heavy halberd that Lin Fan had dropped aside.

He walked over and lifted it, his face changed: "It's so heavy, at least hundreds of thousands of catties."

He couldn't put it down, he was playing with it, and urged: "Quickly divide, such a big thing happened here, we have to report it quickly, maybe there is no need to report it, the county king must have sensed what happened here."

"Okay." Emperor Lin raised the Soul Slashing Blade, intending to cut the soul of 'Lin Fan'.

With cruel pleasure, he slowly pressed down the Soul Slashing Blade and started cutting.

At this time, Pian Jiang was attracted by the heavy halberd, while Lin Emperor smiled cruelly, Lin Fan was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, what kind of waves could there be?


The soul-slashing blade cuts, causing the soul to bleed.

"Well, call it louder, this voice is too touching." Emperor Lin smiled.

In that boulder, that ray of golden light danced, as if it was also enduring the most extreme pain.


The sudden explosive roar shocked the two Lin Emperors as if they were facing a formidable enemy!


The soul body that had been cut in half unexpectedly broke, and a complete soul body emerged from it.


In this complete soul body, there is actually a small tripod in his hand, which looks like a Tongtian tripod!

The soul holds a tripod and kills towards Lindi's eyebrows.

"Lin Fan! How is that possible!" Emperor Lin shouted.


Lifting the heavy halberd, he even picked up the murderer autonomously, and was attacking the general.

Moreover, on the blood clots that have been cut into countless pieces, countless runes of the Phoenix family shine, connecting these blood clots together like a divine chain.

A doll reappears!

He is Lin Fan!


The reappeared Lin Fan clenched his fists to attack, and he went all out to kill Emperor Lin in the gap where he was entangled by the heavy halberd, otherwise all the pain he endured would be in vain.

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