Twin martial arts

Chapter 1906 Doing the opposite

The waves of blood were overwhelming, earth-shattering, really like a wave falling from the nine heavens, it could easily level mountains and seas.

One after another the big stars dimmed, and the starry sky was so dilapidated that even the thousands of halberd shadows that Lin Fan stabbed out were all swallowed up by those roaring and struggling souls in the sea of ​​blood.

This made Lin Fan dignified.

In this Xingyu, even the powerful Holy Emperor will feel overwhelmed if they are trapped in it, and there will be an invisible field to imprison their limbs and soul.

But now, it turned out to be just a meeting, and he was countered.

"Lin Fan! If there is a way to heaven, if you don't go to hell, you will come here. This time I will send you on your way." The general roared angrily. At this time, he was riding on a three-headed blood dragon, holding a bone spear in his hand, like The magic general who came out of the legend.

A big golden bell flew out from the golden ring to protect him, and a white light curtain appeared, which was assimilation. He used the most deeply hidden hole card, so he was afraid of this general.

This is a person who is several big realms higher than him, and he is not allowed to be underestimated.

"One Yuan Heaven Skill!"

Lin Fan shouted angrily, and three figures appeared from the long river of time, stepped on the long embankment of time one by one, merged into his body, and made his aura instantly soar, just in terms of aura, it turned out not to be much weaker than this general.

"Who dares to come to this altar to make trouble! Kill them all!"

At this time, there was another loud roar, and a strong Lindi came flying from afar, very fast, like lightning, and rushed directly into the sea of ​​blood. After entering the sea of ​​blood, he shook his hand and punched out.

The fist prints are like a mountain, and the scene of thousands of tigers collapsing unexpectedly appears.

These fierce tigers were like the legendary sky tigers, they had wings and their teeth were like broad knives; they all came to bite Lin Fan.

"Shen Zang!" Lin Fan yelled, one after another divine weapon rushed away, nailing and killing many Tianhu, but his chest and ribs were still smashed by Tianhu, dripping with blood.

"Haha, it's you bastard who doesn't care about life and death! I'll send you on your way today." Emperor Lin laughed.

Lin Fan felt weak all over, a sense of emptiness originating from the depths of his soul, which made him panic.

Lin Fan frowned.

This sea of ​​blood was very strange, but in such a short period of time, he felt that his soul was being corroded, and even his soul power seemed to be fading away.


Can't fight for long.

Otherwise, maybe I will really be planted in this place.

This is the siege of the two emperors, far beyond what he can handle at this time.

With a bang, Lin Fan split the sea of ​​blood with his heavy halberd, and there seemed to be a gap in the swarming sea of ​​blood, from which infinite blood-colored seawater gushed out.

"Escape? Where are you fleeing to!" Pian Jiang laughed, his voice full of sarcasm.

"Lin Fan, are you dreaming? In front of the two of us, do you still want to run away?" Another Emperor Lin also laughed.

And he threw out a few pieces of formation pattern chess to seal off the main world and make Lin Fan a shackle.

"Four elephants!"

Lin Fan yelled, he used the four-elephant formation to fight against each other, and finally escaped and ascended to heaven before being completely trapped.


"Damn it!"

The faces of these two emperors were extremely ugly.

In the extreme time, this Lin Fan actually broke through two blockades in a row and escaped.

It's just embarrassing for them.

They are the strong men of Emperor Lin, and with the combined strength of the two, they even let Lin Fan escape. Speaking of this will make people laugh and laugh at their uselessness.

Lin Fan's speed was too fast. During his running, the mud layer rolled over, disturbing many underground creatures.

Being able to find this altar so quickly was too unexpected, so it also put him in danger.

The two emperors behind him chased him down like a gangrene, and the murderous intent sent chills down his spine.

"If you are allowed to escape today, I will kill myself here!" Pian Jiang roared, extremely furious.

"Then you are ready to commit suicide, and you can leave your last words."

Lin Fan ran forward, but he was not afraid at all. He was refuting this general with words.

"Death to Lao Tzu!"

Suddenly, in the oblique stabbing, that Emperor Lin unexpectedly appeared, with a sharp knife light, he smashed all the earth and rocks in a radius of thousands of feet into fine powder, and the knife light rumbled, cutting off Lin Fan's way forward.


Lin Fan blocked it with a heavy halberd, but his whole body was thrown behind him by the knife—"Death!"

Smiling grinningly behind him, he had already taken out his bone spear, so he aimed at the smashed Lin Fan like this to nail down Lin Fan's soul with one spear, only to plunder his luck.


When there was no time left, Lin Fan turned into several figures with a bang and flew towards four directions at the same time.

They are all so lifelike that it is impossible to tell the truth from reality.

"Little Doyle!"

The general ridiculed that he was also good at the way of phantom body. A phantom body appeared and chased after Lin Fan who was flying to the right, while his real body was killing Lin Fan who was flying to the left.

"Ha ha."

Emperor Lin sneered, and he did the same, chasing and killing the two Lin Fans before and after.

Obviously, they couldn't tell the truth from reality, so they killed all Lin Fan.

Lin Fan himself had cold eyes.

Too sudden, just following the sudden intuition in my heart, ignoring the possible danger.

But now, it is not considered a dead end, and if it is used properly, there may be great gains.

"Haha where are you running to!"

When it was coming, he continued to chase after him along the underground passage opened by Lin Fan without stopping.

This made Lin Fan's eyes cold, the golden electric wire on his body dragged out a long tail flame, and the earth and rocks disappeared without a trace wherever he came, but after he walked by, those disappeared earth and rocks unexpectedly reappeared. Intercept the pursuer behind him.

This general sneered, he stretched out his hand casually, and crushed a fist-sized gravel, poured his cultivation base, and struck forward.

Feeling the murderous intent coming from behind, Lin Fan turned sharply to the right and then flew away at high speed.

Suddenly, his face turned pale.

He felt that his past body was created by that Emperor Lin, which made him implicated, and his blood boiled.

His eyes turned cold!

Since these people are so chasing after them, let's play with them!

A dozen or so phantoms appeared, each flying towards a different direction. The ground was disturbed beyond recognition, and passages extending in all directions seemed to be incinerated.

Lin Fan's weird trick changed the color of all the generals who came to kill him!

He really couldn't see the difference between Lin Fan's real body and his phantom body. After roaring angrily, he still only had clones, chasing and killing them one by one.

He knew that nothing about this place should be revealed, otherwise they would all die without a place to bury them.

But at this time, Lin Fan was less than a thousand meters away from the altar, and his eyes were full of murderous intent!

These people actually want to kill him so much, so he will kill all the creatures in this altar, don't want to live, they deserve to die.

On the way, Lin Fan clearly sensed the fall of phantom bodies one by one, but the fall of those phantom bodies had little effect on the strength of his real body, so he could ignore it.

Finally, he turned upside down on the altar, and the terrified members of the county palace had appeared in his eyes.

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