Twin martial arts

Chapter 1898 Return to the 3-mile ban

This is too frightening and horrifying. After talking with the Demon Lord for several hours, I don't even know his true face, only the vague sense of familiarity lingers in my heart.

Like a close relative or a close friend who has not seen for hundreds of years, there is a sense of intimacy surrounding the space of conversation between the two.

But now Lin Fan suspects that this is simply the atmosphere created by the Demon Lord.

"It's so scary." Lin Fan sighed, as expected of being one of the two people standing at the top of the world, it really made people admire.

After leaving the study, an eunuch led the way, and returned to the princess.

"Meet the princess." Lin Fan saluted.

Princess Jue smiled: "I didn't lie to you, father is very kind and kind."

Lin Fan smiled, but didn't answer.

From Princess Jue's point of view, His Majesty Mozun is of course kind, but to the Seventh Realm, Mozun is like the scorching sun high above, even if you try to open your eyes, it is impossible to see his true face, but he It is to release light and heat all the time, illuminating the human world.

"Your Highness, the important matter within the three-thousand-mile forbidden zone is unresolved, so I would like to resign." Lin Fan cupped his fists.

Princess Jue said, "Are you leaving so soon? I want to take you to visit the Demon Palace."

Lin Fan smiled wryly: "The future will last forever."

Princess Jue nodded and said, "Come here."

Immediately, four Lindi powerhouses appeared, and Princess Jue said: "This is the top Lindi saint in my princess mansion, and I will obey your command from today on."

"Thank you princess."

Lin Fan felt hot in his heart.

With the participation of these four Lin Emperors, why worry about major events not being accomplished.

After bidding farewell to Princess Jue and leaving the Mozun Palace, a group of people hurried towards the Three Thousand Li Palace.

Three Thousand Miles of Forbidden is still picturesque, full of voices.

But the center of the debate is still Lin Fan.

In the whole three thousand li forbidden area, no one wants Lin Fan to be the king of this county, which is a general trend.

"Hehe, fortunately, tens of thousands of brothers and Pao Ze went to the county prince's mansion to petition, which made Lin Fan retreat in spite of the difficulties."

"Indeed, if the tens of thousands of brothers hadn't gone to show their resolve to die, how could Lin Fan give up the easy-to-get throne of the county?"

"It's all right now, Lin Fan left like a bereaved dog, maybe he won't have this face coming to me again."

In the restaurant, everyone is talking.

Lin Fan and the others hid their true faces and sat around the wine table.

"It's sad." Lin Fan shook his wine glass lightly. These people are really ignorant and pathetic. Being teased like that, they only give the appearance of living and working in peace, and they feel grateful for the virtues of others.

As everyone knows, these people are just like Gu worms being reared, they will be harvested uniformly when the time is right.

"Huh?" Lin Fan frowned suddenly, because in a sudden, he saw a dark thread extending to nowhere on the cap of a saint's spirit.

This made Lin Fan frown, and his rune eyes peeked away. He clearly saw that this dark thread was hollow, and there were mysterious substances drawn away from this hollow black thread.

"The power of luck." Lin Fan was terrified!

He confirmed that this extracted mysterious substance is the power of luck that should have been invisible.

Because of this, Lin Fan suddenly realized why the county prince's mansion was taking that evil road, but no one in the three thousand li ban had noticed it. It turned out that the extraction of luck was so secretive, if he hadn't had the eyes of runes , it is impossible to see through.

"A Nu, can martial arts prosper within the three thousand li forbidden zone?" Lin Fan asked.

Anu said: "Before Li Chuang was in charge of the [-]-mile ban, the folk customs were strong due to too many bandits, and some top figures would often emerge."

"Then what happens after he sits here?" Lin Fan put down his wine glass.

Anu said: "The banditry is extinct, the natural disasters are gone, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and if the tough folk customs don't exist, there will be fewer top powerhouses, and even some top powerhouses who have been famous for a long time will go to other regions."

Lin Fan frowned: "In other words, after Li Chuang's arrival, the martial arts within the three-thousand-mile ban declined?"

Anu was stunned, and said: "It's not impossible to understand this way."

Lin Fan waved his hand to interrupt Anu's next words, his eyes showed thought.

Those so-called strongest people who went to other areas may not have left by themselves at all, but beheaded somewhere after being swallowed up by their luck.

Or they just swallowed up the luck, soul, and flesh of these most powerful people, and turned them into strange nutrients, nourishing the few people in the county palace.

The more Lin Fan thought about it, the more he felt that his guess must be true.

Standing up, he glanced at the saint who was still unknown, and said to Anu: "I'm waiting for you at the old place, bring him here."

Lin Fan left.

Anu and the others continued to stay here. Because of Lin Fan's nomination, Anu and the others paid more attention to this saint.

They saw with their own eyes that the saint's face gradually darkened, and the brilliance on the seal slowly dissipated, and there were strange black threads condensed on the seal.

This frightened Anu and the others.

These changes are extremely slow, and it is impossible for the person concerned to notice the slightest, even the people around him.

Even if there is any difference, it will probably be attributed to illness or a difference in cultivation.

too vicious!

This is completely murderous invisible.

Finally, the saint got up and went out of the restaurant, followed by a Lindi.

Outside the city gate, the Emperor Lin clamped the saint with his hands, and the cold glow was throbbing between his palms, which made the saint terrified, and said sternly: "Senior, I don't know what offended this junior."

"My lord wants to see you." This Emperor Lin is a strong man from the Princess Mansion.

"Dare to ask senior, who is your lord?" The saint asked again.

"Shut up, you'll know when you get there." Anu cursed.

But the saint was not afraid, and bluntly said that he was a member of the county prince's mansion.

"Pathetic idiot." Anu slapped it away, and the group of people led the saint forward quickly.

"Coming?" Lin Fan smiled, got up from under the giant tree, looked at the saint, his eyes gradually became serious, his hand kept brushing the saint's head, but strangely, with the eyes of runes, he could clearly see The weird black line that can be seen can't be touched by hand.

It's like the two are no longer in the same space.

"Lin Fan?" The saint exclaimed.

Lin Fan frowned: "You know me?"

The sage laughed and said: "I have nothing to do with our county king, so he came to embarrass these little people in our class?"

Lin Fan mocked: "You think too much, I just watched your life coming to an end, so I asked you to come here to see if this deity can save you from this calamity."

"End of life?" The saint laughed even more mockingly, and said, "Give up, I'm just a small role in the county palace, and if you take me down, you can't threaten the county king at all."

"It's sad." Lin Fan sighed, and then said: "Your luck is slowly being taken away by others, and so is your soul. Could it be that you really didn't notice it at all?"

"Scaremongering! How illusory is the theory of luck? How can there be such a power to plunder other people's luck in this world?" The saint laughed wildly, as if mocking Lin Fan's ignorance, and wanted to use such weird words scare him.

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