Twin martial arts

Chapter 1892 Spirit Fox's Plan

Lin Fan smiled, looked at Anu, and said, "From now on, you will be free, enjoy all the treatment that the people should have, you can travel freely, you can marry a wife and have children, yes"

As Lin Fan said, he never pardoned anyone, and never changed anyone's slave status, so he didn't know what to do, he could only say everything he could think of.

Xu Yang laughed, and said: "Why don't you reward him with an official position? After you have an official position, all the above will naturally be covered for you."

Lin Fan slapped his forehead and said, "I have never held a position before, nor have I had any similar experience."

Lin Fan's unpretentious actions made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere immediately relaxed.

"I can form a private army of [-], and you can temporarily serve as the general of the [-] private army." Lin Fan said, and then smiled awkwardly: "Although I am the only polished commander now."

"Fifty thousand private troops are not difficult to recruit at all. Although the Sanqianli ban is called [-]li, it has a radius of at least [-] li. Only you are treated better, and there are countless applicants." Xu Yang smiled.

Lin Fan suddenly felt that this seventh world is really much better than the world of heaven and man. At least, as long as the highest level recognizes your identity, then you will have all the treatment of people in this world.

But if it is in the world of heaven and man, this is impossible.

"Okay, you still have to hurry to your fief today. There are always some things that need to be handed over. Tomorrow morning, you still need to go to the Mozun Palace. This is the first time the princess has called you, so don't be late." Major General Kindly reminded, and said: "When you are ready to open the house, I will give you a big gift."

Lin Fan thanked and said goodbye to everyone, only he and Anu, the two followed the route given by the major general, and went all the way.

Three Thousand Miles Forbidden, within the territory under the jurisdiction of the General's Mansion, it can be ranked among the top three in terms of wealth. Therefore, generally speaking, those who can be the lord here are all confidantes of General Zhantian, or those who have experience in the battlefield. Great contributors.

Just like this lord at this time.

He was originally the vanguard named Li Chuang of Zhan Tianjiang. He followed Tian Zhanjiang for more than a hundred years and made great contributions. That's why Zhan Tianjiang rewarded him with this place.

And he lived up to everyone's expectations, since he ruled the three thousand li ban, he has been deeply loved, and one-third of the general's expenses are provided by him alone.

At this time, the three thousand miles away was forbidden to the prince's mansion in Zhongjun County.

"Your Majesty, do you want to just give up the prosperous world we worked so hard to create?"

A strong man had tears in his eyes and his voice was hoarse.

"That's right, the king of the county, the forbidden space of three thousand miles is known as rich, but it is full of bandits and bandits, and there are many disasters. I have been waiting here for a hundred years. How many brothers have died to quell the banditry? How many treasures have been used, how many people have begged, Dredging the rivers, changing the mountains and rivers, but now, just a paper transfer order, do we have to give up everything?"

Someone spoke again, heartbroken.

"Your Majesty, we can't agree to this matter, not to mention that we don't agree, even those brothers who died in the hands of bandits, those who died in the changing mountains and rivers, and those who died in the cause and effect of changing the world, will not agree!" Someone spoke. This person looked like a real strategist.

"Don't even talk about it!" Li Chuang finally spoke, his eyes were cold, and he scolded: "This matter is already a fait accompli, the princess's order came first, and then the major general's order followed. Could it be that Er and others are going to let you go?" Am I resisting the order?"

"Your Majesty, my subordinates are not reconciled."

A man with a strong military atmosphere suddenly knelt on the ground, the chain mail on his body rattled, but at this moment, he was crying.

"Willing? Who can be willing? Do you think I will be willing?" Li Chuang roared.

Of course he was not reconciled, what could happen?

The princess comes first, and then the young master follows.

The man with the feather fan scarf narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Then what if he retreats when he knows the difficulty?"

His thoughts gradually became clear, and he showed a strategizing expression, and said: "The county king has ruled this place for more than a hundred years. During this time, he has been deeply loved and even become a god and Buddha among the people. You said that if they know that they want to change the county king, What will happen to them?"

"Of course it is resistance! It will be fearful!"

"Yes! There will be resistance and fear. They are afraid that the good life now will not exist, and they are afraid that the natural and man-made disasters of the past will come again!" This man is really good at controlling people's hearts.

"Linghu, just tell me your plan directly." The nervous man said, frowning.

"Of course we dare not resist the decree, but what if Wanmin petitions?" Linghu narrowed his eyes, and the more he spoke, the smoother he spoke.

Said: "I don't need to do anything, and I have to act like I am obeying orders. From the beginning, everyone returns to the residence and pretends to leave. People must believe that we really want to leave, but Blocked by all peoples with their lives."

Linghu looked at a capable man, and said, "I need some civilians, at least ten thousand, to kneel down in front of the county palace to petition, can you do it?"

"One hour." The capable man's eyes sparkled.

"Then hurry up and make arrangements." Linghu said.

When Linghu dispatched troops, Li Chuang didn't say a single word, nor did he have any doubts.


Some subordinates came to report.

"Say." Li Chuang looked at the soldier.

"Lin Fan is less than ten thousand miles away from here." The soldier replied respectfully.

"So fast?" Linghu was surprised, the color of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and then he sighed: "Too fast! Too fast! There are too many things to arrange in time, forget it, I will go thousands of miles away to meet you, and I will arrange for you as soon as possible I can't delay for too long."

Linghu kept sighing: "I really don't want to have any direct contact with him, otherwise I'll always lose the conversation, but now..."

At this time, Lin Fan and Anu were flying in the void one after the other, their speed was extremely fast.

Lin Fan only felt that the sky was high with the birds flying, and he really felt a sense of carefreeness. Looking down at the mountains and rivers below, he just felt refreshed.

"Your Majesty, the land under your feet is your territory." Anu also had excitement in his eyes.

He was thinking that there are too many people in their world living in this world as servants.

At this time, the three thousand li ban was their root, and with the princess's preference for Lin Fan, they might be able to gather those who were living in various places.

This is of course the most beautiful expectation, but it is likely to be realized.

"Is King Lin in front of you?" Linghu asked.

Lin Fan frowned: "May I ask who you are?"

Linghu said: "Under the command of General Li Chuang, General Zuo Lang."

"I've seen the general, how dare I ask the general why he came here?" Lin Fan was very polite.

Linghu smiled and said: "It's just that General Li Chuang is cleaning up the things now, and the county palace is in a mess, so he sent his subordinates to accompany His Highness to familiarize himself with the three thousand li ban. After all, from today onwards, this is your territory." gone."

Lin Fan frowned slightly, feeling that something was different, but he didn't think much about it, and said, "That's troublesome."

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