Huo Ling'er didn't say a word, never begged for mercy, just stood there quietly like a beautiful sculpture, as if waiting for her final fate.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Lin Fan frowned.

Huo Ling'er was silent for a while, and said: "I don't want to participate in this matter, but I can't refuse."

Lin Fan nodded, expressing his understanding, and said, "What I'm talking about is, is there nothing to say between you and Hongmei?"

Hong Mei sternly said: "What is there to say? I'm a bitch, I feel disgusted just listening to her words."

Huo Ling'er glanced at Hong Mei twice, then glanced over, and said, "If you want to kill me, do so as soon as possible."

Lin Fan frowned.

Of course, he didn't have such useless emotions as pity for the fragrance and pity for the jade.

Rather, there is a kind of rationality telling him that if he really wants to use this red beauty to break through the Great Sage's natural barrier, then he must let her have no regrets in her heart and keep her spirit and soul intact.

This is a wonderful intuition, and his intuition has always been accurate.

"You two didn't say anything?" Lin Fan asked again.

"What is there to say to this kind of bitch?" Hong Mei smiled, but there was endless sadness in her voice.

Lin Fan frowned: "Hongmei, maybe some things are not what you think."


These two women, having sex, don't want to talk to each other at all.

"I'm sorry." Lin Fan sighed softly. At a time like this, he had no choice but to use forceful means to clarify the matter.

The golden lightning filled the world, gradually forming a cage that sealed the sky and imprisoned the two women.

He was outside, holding the golden cage with his hand, urging the mysterious law.

This is his field, and it is also a place where laws are swarming. In this, people can utter their hearts.

An hour later.

The golden cage was not there, and the two women hugged each other, weeping heartbroken.

"I'm sorry." These were Hong Mei's words, very sincere and guilty.

Huo Ling'er smiled: "You don't rub the sand in your eyes, and you are too persistent in your feelings, so I have been hiding some things."

"Have you settled your suspicions?" Lin Fan looked at Hong Mei, with a half-smile, and said, "Sometimes, don't trust your eyes too much."

"Thank you." Hong Mei sincerely thanked, this was a huge misunderstanding.

Only she knew why she hated Huo Ling'er so much, it was because she took Huo Ling'er too seriously.

"I owe you a big favor." Huo Ling'er opened her mouth, her eyebrows furrowed tightly, and said: "From now on, all the grievances and grievances between you and a ghost cave have nothing to do with me."

After finishing speaking, he smiled self-deprecatingly: "Although to you, it doesn't seem to matter whether I participate or not."

Lin Fan didn't speak, but looked at Hongmei: "Now your mood is fully opened, I think your realm can be improved."

Hong Mei smiled bitterly: "If it wasn't for the constant depression in my heart, how could I be cultivating today."

Huo Ling'er said: "Today the depression will be completely resolved, and the future will be long."

Lin Fan nodded and said, "I think I'll be bored next time, so I'll just walk around by myself. Go wherever you want, and send voices if you have something to do."

The three separate.

Lin Fansong made sure that, at least in this hunting garden, no one would have the courage to come to trouble him.

It can even be concluded that this conference should end soon, and if it is as expected, he will definitely be the champion.

It's just that he doesn't want this champion, and becoming the princess' servant can indeed bring him closer to his goal. However, he is very puzzled about Princess Jue, and he always feels that the princess has other plans.

Frowning and walking, and the voice that appeared in the sea of ​​souls that day.

That kindness and familiarity, like the murmur of old friends and relatives who haven't seen for a long time.

But it is so strange, as if it is separated from the sky and the earth.

But the strange thing is that he stubbornly and simply believes that the owner of that voice has no intention of harming him and is worthy of his wholehearted trust.

In fact, ever since he came to the Seventh Realm, he always had many distracting thoughts in his mind, and would often wake up suddenly during the deep-level cultivation, as if his father was watching him benevolently in front of him while he was cultivating.

It seemed that his mother, whom he had never met even once, appeared by his side more than once, but he couldn't see it, but he did enjoy his mother's care all the time.

But how is this possible?

His father disappeared without a trace from the [-] mountains in the lower realm. Even if he really had the opportunity to come to the upper realm, it would most likely be in the realm of heaven and man, and it is impossible to appear in the seventh realm.

Moreover, based on his father's talent and his cultivation level on the day he disappeared, even if he really survived to this day, his cultivation base would not surpass him much in the future, and it is impossible to hide it from his six senses.

as for mother

Lin Fan smiled wryly, as if she had never appeared since he could remember.

"Is it the six declines of the saint? Could it be that my holy catastrophe is coming?"

Lin Fan murmured.

The so-called six declines of saints are the six declines of heaven and man.

The process that a saint must go through, but everyone's six decays are different. Rumors say that the more you lack in your heart, the six decays can make you have something.

This is the greatest evil.

There are many sages who are immersed in the beautiful scenery that was unattainable in the past, and finally died of the six declines.

Lin Fan felt that only this explanation could make sense, why there were so many impossible hallucinations.

The bell starts.

This marks the end of the conference.

There is not a long rainbow across the sky, converging at the entrance.

Lin Fan's thoughts were interrupted by the bell, and he stopped, waiting for Hong Mei's arrival.

But what surprised him was that it wasn't Hong Mei who came, but the Dragon Beast King.

"Dragon King." Lin Fan smiled.

The Dragon Beast King's face was complicated, but finally he sighed: "I'm asking for something."

Straight to the point, straight to the point.

Lin Fan frowned, and said: "As the Dragon King, the request must be serious. This junior dare not promise, but he must do his best."

Dragon Beast King said: "For you, this should be considered a good thing."

"Oh?" Lin Fan was surprised, and said, "Please speak frankly, Dragon King."

Dragon Beast King said: "Please take my child away and keep him away from this cage."

Lin Fan was really shocked!

Where is this asking for something?It was clearly giving him a great opportunity.

But soon, he realized that it was indeed a great opportunity to get this dragon beast egg, but it would also take endless troubles.

At least, the Cheng family will not let him go.

This dragon beast egg should belong to the Cheng family, but it turned out to be in his hands.

This dragon egg represents at least one Emperor Lin.

"I wonder if brother Lin Fan can help me? If I make a mistake this time, my child will be doomed to be trapped in the hunting garden forever like me in this life." The Dragon Beast King looked sad.

Lin Fan could well understand the emotions in the heart of the Dragon Beast King.

For the sake of the child's freedom and future, he must be given to others as a servant and a war beast.

But if this is not the case, this life will be confined to this space, which seems to be an even greater tragedy.

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