Twin martial arts

Chapter 1880 The Narrow Dragon Beast King


When these strong men approached Cheng Yefei in the air, he struggled, begged for help, and cried.

Originally, he thought that he was ready to die, but when things came to an end, he felt that he thought highly of himself.

One hundred and eight thousand dollars

Watching myself being devoured by the beasts.

What a cruel punishment.

Hongmei and the others were trembling, weak and sifting through the chaff.

This kind of punishment is terrible, it is thousands of times more painful than Ling Chi, and it will drive people crazy.

Lin Fan actually smiled. He looked at Cheng Yefei who was struggling fiercely, but was still pinched and twisted away by the strong man like a chicken, and said, "Isn't it your proposal to share the food with all beasts?"

In a word, Cheng Yefei stopped struggling.


This cruel and inhuman punishment was originally conceived by him on the spot for Lin Fan.

But in the end, he suffered it himself.

"What about you? You were all so loud and aggressive just now, are you dumb now?" Lin Fan taunted the crowd.

The main reason is that this group of people really don't know what is good or bad.

Strictly speaking, he spared these people more than once.

But they don't appreciate it, and the heart of killing him will not die.

No one answered Lin Fan's words, and at this time, there was a shrill scream in the Dragon Beast Valley, and the smoke cloud was broken by the Dragon Beast King's finger, and everyone saw the bloody scene.

Cheng Yefei was hung upside down in the void, and three executioners held sharp knives in their hands. As the sharp knives flew, layers of flesh and blood were picked off, and someone threw the picked flesh and blood to the bottom like this. Beasts with big mouths waiting.

Every time flesh and blood are thrown, there will be the roar of beasts fighting for food.

That's not all, on the execution platform, there were still people who kept stuffing pills into Cheng Yefei's mouth one by one, which was to hang his life for him, and he was not allowed to die before the [-] knives.


Hongmei was the first to vomit.

Then, the second one.

After that is the third one.

They vomited so faintly that they almost vomited out their intestines, liver, stomach and lungs.


A holy emperor knelt on the ground, praying and begging for mercy, begging for a quick death.

There were also people who knelt on the ground and swore an oath from heaven that if Lin Fan could spare their lives this time, he would definitely repay them in this life.

"You got the wrong partner. In this matter, the Dragon King is the victim." Lin Fan was careless.

Damn these people.

Later, these people changed the object of kowtow to the Dragon King, and they were also begging.

The Dragon Beast King's eyes were cold, and his murderous intent did not diminish at all, but at the moment when the killing order was finally issued, he looked at Lin Fan and said, "Brother Lin Fan, you will never say a word about these people's life or death."

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What if I let them all go?" Lin Fan asked.

Unwillingness appeared in the eyes of the Dragon Beast King, but he still said, "It's up to you."

When they heard that Lin Fan was going to let them go, these people wept with joy, thanked the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, and uttered all kinds of terrifying oaths one after another.

"Brother Lin Fan, thank you for your kindness." The Dragon Beast King said again.

He is several thousand years old, and he only has such an only son. If this heir is damaged, he will really be extinct.

Therefore, he thanked Lin Fan from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Fan smiled wryly: "I'm only doing it to protect myself."

Dragon Beast King laughed: "You are direct."

Lin Fan didn't answer this sentence, Dragon Beast King said: "Are you really going to let them go? You have to know that the so-called great oath of heaven also has limitations."

Lin Fan curled his lips: "It's magnanimous to go around once, but to forgive twice is an idiot, so let's kill it."

Dragon Beast King's eyes lit up: "Why should this be the case."

Those who were still thanking the gods and Buddhas all over the sky just now howled.

Life and death can be decided by one word.

"It's just that let them die quickly." Lin Fan added.

A cold light flashed in the Dragon Beast King's eyes.

These people, he really wanted to cut hundreds of thousands of knives on each of them, but after Lin Fan spoke, he didn't say anything more, turned around and looked behind him, and said, "Let them die thoroughly."

In a word, draw an end to the ending of these people.

"I also invite Brother Lin Fan to go to the valley to have a talk." The Dragon Beast King invited.

Lin Fan pondered for a moment, then smiled, and said, "Being obedient is worse than being respectful."

The two of them flew hand in hand into the Valley of Dragon Beasts, and there were constant howls of dying from behind, but at this moment, a vague voice sounded beside his ears——Hongmei can't be killed.

The sound was abrupt.

But Lin Fan is sure that he must have heard correctly.

This voice seemed to sound directly from his soul sea.

His strange stop surprised the Dragon Beast King for a moment. Lin Fan stopped for a few seconds and continued to move forward, but the voice sounded again——Hong Mei can't be killed, it's very useful, can you become a great saint? very important.

Lin Fan paused.

Look at the punishment department.

At this time, there was only Hongmei alone, and the saber behind him had already been raised high, as long as the saber fell, Hongmei's head would be cut off, and the soul would be chopped to pieces by the saber, Xiang Xiaoyu died.


Lin Fan spoke.

The strange voice appeared in his mind, he didn't know who it came from.

But he has a hunch.

The owner of this voice would betray the whole world for him, and would not be willing to hurt him in the slightest.

If this Hongmei was really beheaded, perhaps his path to becoming a great sage would be even more difficult.

"call out!"

The saber cut across Hongmei's head, cutting off a few strands of black hair.

"Brother Lin Fan, could it be that you feel pity for the fragrance and jade?" the Dragon King teased.

Lin Fan smiled noncommittally, and the Dragon King said: "It is indeed stunning."

Afterwards, he pointed out: "But this is a femme fatale, if one is not good, I'm afraid it will swallow you to the bone."

"Then let her be good." Lin Fan said simply, stepped forward, possessed himself, and raised Hong Mei's chin with his hand: "Surrender to me, and I will spare you."

Hong Mei didn't struggle, she let Lin Fan's fingers pick her up, her eyes looked at Lin Fan's without retreating, there was actually a hint of mockery in those eyes.

Lin Fan straightened his back, smiled, and said, "You have to know that for women, there are many things that are more fearful than death."

The Dragon Beast King laughed, and said: "It's true. In this hunting garden, there are Acacia beasts and apes who like human women the most. If you give this kind of stunning beauty to that family, you will definitely be able to get enough for a tempered body cultivator." Those who grow up to the resources of the Holy Emperor."

The light in Lin Fan's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "It's so rich?"

The Dragon King said: "Could it be possible that this king can still lie to you?"

For the first time, panic appeared in the red eyes.

Acacia beast ape, notorious.

Just by listening to the name, one can tell how hateful this family is.

If a woman falls into the hands of this clan, life would be worse than death.

"By the way, there is another family that also likes human females. They are called Juhe Boa. If you give this female to them, you will get a 10-year-old skin of transformation. If you cast this skin into a battle armor, you can block the Holy Emperor's attack." Hit it three times with all your strength without damage." The Dragon Beast King spoke again, his eyes narrowed.

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