Twin martial arts

Chapter 1861 How dare you compare with you

"Lin Fan!"

The pitch-black poisonous dragon is not huge, but only ten feet long, but the aura it exudes is too terrifying. He really has the power to approach the limit of the saint of Lindi.

"Is it cool to torture me that day?"

Lin Fan's eyes were vicious, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Shuang, I am happy to humiliate a future great sage." Heavenly Dragon Sage grinned.

Lin Fan's face suddenly turned dark, and he said: "Really? You will be very happy soon, really very happy."

"Really? It's just ants, you can turn the sky upside down?" The Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor laughed wantonly.

Even now, he is still not afraid of Lin Fan, and he will not be underestimated and underestimated.


The ten-foot poisonous dragon swooped down, casting a large cloud of dark clouds, covering the top with deadly poisonous gas. If an ordinary saint came into the poisonous fog, he might be turned into a pile of dead bones in the first place.

But at this time, a hazy halo appeared on Lin Fan's body surface. He seemed to be a Buddha in the world, walking in the world, without joy or sorrow, and the poisonous gas could not enter his body.

Tianlong Shenghuang's face changed drastically, and there was an incredible look in the dragon's eyes.

He always thought that Lin Fan was able to escape the catastrophe of certain death only because the true method of the Phoenix Clan was against the sky.

But looking at it now, it's not that simple. Lin Fan himself seems to have the terrifying power of being impervious to all spells.

Lin Fan was still moving forward, the poisonous dragon brought up poisonous clouds and thunder mountains all over the sky, and thunder mountains suddenly appeared in the sky here, like mirages.

He raised his head and glanced contemptuously at the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor. Lin Fan climbed into the sky, he broke into those thunder mountains and poisonous clouds, and measured the sky full of murderous intent and thunder seas with his footsteps.

The hazy halo on his body is brighter, as if there are [-] Buddhas chanting mantras here at this time, as he walks, wherever he goes, the thunder mountain collapses and the poisonous cloud disappears, but from the beginning to the end, he always He had never made a move before, and those hands, which were as white as jade, were still behind his back.

The Heavenly Dragon Sage Emperor was terrified and desperate. He looked at Lin Fan incredulously, and screamed: "All dharmas will not touch your body? How is it possible?"

Lin Fan glanced at him: "It's not that everything is immune to the body, at least the level of attack and killing exceeds my limit, and it is useless, but obviously, you are far from my limit."


The Heavenly Dragon Sage Emperor roared angrily, he was half a step away from being the supreme Sage Emperor of Lindi Sage, how could he not even reach the limit of a mere sage?

In just a short moment, the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor unleashed all his attacking and killing moves, and the terrifying killing moves overwhelmed Lin Fan.

"I'll see how you don't die!" Sacred Emperor Tianlong laughed.

As long as he knows, what he is good at, what he understands, and what can kill people, he will use it.

If you don't believe it, you can't destroy a mere Lin Fan.

At least within a thousand feet, everything becomes nothingness, covered by various killing lights, the rules here are overturned, the chains of gods form a sea, and the lights of various rules are as gorgeous as lit emeralds.

The Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor was waiting and watching, and when those killing lights were gone, he would personally behead Lin Fan in exchange for boundless rewards.

"Look, when I can resist, what are you?"

A calm and indifferent voice came from somewhere in the killing light, and a figure came out wearing a sky-filled attacking light. Whenever the killing light from the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor came within three inches of him, it would turn into chaos, adding to the layer of haze. In the halo of light, Lin Fan is supported like a god coming to the dust, like the light of a Buddha shining everywhere.

"How is it possible?" The Heavenly Dragon Sage Emperor screamed.

The sound has changed.

"So, are you desperate now?" Lin Fan stepped out of the chaos and nothingness step by step, and calmly looked at the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor three feet in front of him.

The pupils of the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor dilated.

This is attacking his Dao heart and Dao will.

How could there be such invincibility in this world?

How could such an invincible method really exist?

Didn't it mean that God forbids this method to appear?

With this method, who can fight him?

Unless you kill him with a high realm.

And the high realm referred to here is only the emperor.

Is this Lin Fan invincible?

When the cold fingertips touched his eyebrows, the Tianlong Sacred Emperor suddenly woke up.

There was only one finger pointing between his eyebrows, but it made him feel as if he was being touched by thousands of swords, and his body was cold.

"So, are you desperate?" Lin Fan asked softly again.

These words made the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor shiver.


How not to despair?

Looking at Lin Fan: "Perhaps, a person like you shouldn't appear in this world. With your existence, the entire cultivation world should despair. Who can surpass you?"

"Really?" Lin Fan smiled: "So, you regret torturing me that day?"

The Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor did not answer this sentence.



However, where is there any medicine for regret in this world?

The majestic coercion that belongs exclusively to the Great Sage covers a radius of ten feet with the real sky.

"This is the majesty of the Great Sage?" The sadness in the eyes of the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor grew even stronger.

This kind of person dared to provoke him.

It's almost like a joke.

In front of him, he was really like an ant, not on the same level.


The Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor was suddenly terrified!

Lin Fan has grown to such a level, so why did he show weakness like this when killing him and the person in front?

He wants to kill them all!

This thought made the Heavenly Dragon Emperor shiver all over!

What a vicious scheming!

What a vicious heart!

Lin Fan's eyes narrowed.

This day, the Dragon Sage Emperor was really good. Under his Great Sage Field, he was not overwhelmed and could still think. The horrified look in his eyes meant that he had figured out what Lin Fan was going to do.

"Second brother! Don't fight! Whoever wins will die!"

The Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor couldn't move. In the field of the great sage, he was like a fish on a chopping board, unable to move even a tiny bit, so he yelled loudly to wake everyone up and tell Lin Fan's vicious words. thought.

Lin Fan didn't stop him, but just looked at the Heavenly Dragon Sage Emperor with a faint smile.

"You are so ruthless!" Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor looked at Lin Fan in despair.

Lin Fan shrugged his shoulders: "It's better than you guys. To gouge out my heart and liver, it's more vicious than vicious, and how could it ever be better than you."

The panic in Tianlong Shenghuang's eyes was extremely high.

If he can't make a sound, then all his relatives and close friends will come to die one by one!

Smiling, Lin Fan blinked mischievously: "You are very smart, but why are you so smart? So, next, I invite you to watch a play."

"You are a devil!"

The Heavenly Dragon Sage Emperor shuddered all over.

He knew what Lin Fan wanted to do.

"Compared to the devil, who can compare to you?" Lin Fan was still smiling, but his eyes were too cold.

The field of the Great Sage condensed and became a shackle, nailing the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Emperor to the void.

He can see with his eyes and hear with his ears, but he cannot speak or move his mouth.

The void that was shattered into nothingness recovered, only a little chaotic energy was still spreading, and everyone was looking forward to it, because, after a certain period of time, even the emperor could not see the reality in it.

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