Twin martial arts

Chapter 1856 Enlightenment

Two rosy flowers appeared on Princess Jue's face, like rouge stained on white paper.

"I heard that my brother and sister-in-law have several, what a playboy."

Princess Jue didn't say much about Wanyu.

She did like the major general.

Looking around the entire Seventh Session, it is true that only Xu Yang can make her fall in love.

This is also based on the major general's infatuation,

From the age of 11 to now, more than two hundred years.

It's always been that way with her.

Maybe it's just dripping water through stone.

"Don't let him suffer any grievances." Princess Jue looked like a little girl at this moment.

"Don't worry." The major general nodded.

Princess Jue suddenly smiled: "Of course, if anyone dares to make him suffer, I will destroy his family."

The major general smiled wryly.

This princess.

Throughout the seventh session, everyone thought that Her Highness the princess was gentle and bright, but no one knew that the entire seventh session of Anbu, which was formed by the demon king, was only under the control of this woman.

Over the years, she has eliminated many disturbing factors.

Over the past 100 years, at least millions of people died indirectly at her hands.

Lin Fan's spirit throbbed.

This feeling is strange, not fear.

But a kind of affection.

As if being called by the same blood, as if his own close relatives, watching him not far away.

This feeling drives him crazy!

Since I was a teenager, this feeling has never appeared again.

Not even Xiao Nuo, not even Xiao Xi, could bring him this feeling.

So, who is it?

Someone is indeed spying on him.

Suddenly opened his eyes, in the eyes, two sharp rune lightning pierced through the darkness in the room.

A click.

There was a crisp sound, as if his gaze had shattered something.

Lin Fan's soul power poured out overwhelmingly, covering at least a thousand feet around with his soul power.

Then find out, the source that can make his soul throb!

Scanned inch by inch, but there was no trace at all.

It was like the throbbing that appeared in the soul, it was just an illusion.

"It's such a powerful soul power." The major general's eyes were serious.

He is the sage of the emperor, but Lin Fan's spirit power made him feel oppressed.

Princess Jue smiled: "Remember what I told you."

"Don't worry." The major general sent the princess away, looking back at the room where Lin Fan was staying, with a smile in his eyes.

Strictly speaking, this is my future brother-in-law?

Beckoning, there was the sound of knocking down and piercing the air, all hidden in the dark night.

"Keep an eye on the house where Lin Fan is located." The major general ordered.

"Don't worry, young master, we're here. He, Lin Fan, can't escape." A strong man hidden in the dark spoke.

The major general walked forward and said casually: "What I want is for you to protect him well. He can go wherever he wants. Of course, you need at least three saints to follow him. He can do whatever he wants without restricting it. But protect him."


A holy emperor asked.

The major general stopped, his eyes turned cold: "When will my son issue an order in this commander's mansion, do I need to explain it to you?"

"Subordinates wait and die."

The group of people kowtowed quickly.

The major general took a few steps again, and said: "I do this, there is always a reason for doing this, treat him better, otherwise you will definitely regret it."

The major general smiled wryly in his heart.

These are all the old people in his general's mansion. To mention a few words, it is already his greatest authority.

After all, there are some things that he dare not say, cannot say.

Push the door in.

Lin Fan looked at the major general who came in moonlight, got up, and said, "Long time no see."

The major general grinned: "Brother Lin still has the same demeanor, and he has not been affected by the prisoner at all." "Brother Xuyang was joking, but I don't know why brother Xuyang wanted me here." Lin Fan looked at the major general, his eyes wide open. Squinting: "Could it be as simple as a war servant?"

The major general laughed: "I just don't want you to be wronged and die like that. People like you and me, even if the curtain is to end, they have to fight to the death, don't they?"

"well said."

Lin Fan's eyes brightened.

No one in this world can prove the way of eternal life, so who can not die?

But for a character like him, even if he was going to die, he had to do so vigorously.

"Prepare well, there will be a big battle in a few days, and you need to come forward." The major general's eyes became serious.

"Well, anyway, I'm your war servant now, and I can arrange it as you please." Lin Fan said indifferently.

The major general smiled: "If you participate in that battle, you will have unexpected gains."

"Really?" Lin Fan glanced at the major general.

"It was said that it was not very good at Jianlongying that day?" The major general smiled.

Lin Fan chuckled noncommittally: "What's the gain? Nothing but murder."

"Really? What if they were all the saints who humiliated you at the Longying camp that day?" The major general smiled.

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold: "Then they will die miserably."

"So, prepare well?" The major general said, and then said: "If you need anything, just say it, and don't disturb your enlightenment."

The major general left.

The meeting between the two of them didn't say a few words, they were all so plain and straightforward.

This made Lin Fan feel more fond of the major general, he is indeed a good person.

Close your eyes and continue enlightening.


What is assimilation?

Was it someone else's attack?

Is it to assimilate oneself into this world?

what is this else?

It's really hard to understand.

Think hard.

In fact, this Yuan Tiangong is indeed a divine skill.

The reason why it is called a divine skill is because this skill was created by a god.

Therefore, the so-called assimilation, everyone's perception is different, and the natural result will be different.

This is the awesomeness of the magic skill.

It can make a cultivator undergo thousands of changes, and it will not restrict the practitioner, allowing him to develop and create a law that is more suitable for him.

The hunting of the Mozun Palace is a major event in the entire seventh session.

If you are lucky, you can still see the Demon Lord and the Demon Queen. If you are lucky, there will be an incomparable Tianjiao in this hunting party. The Demon Lord and the Demon Queen will even preach on the spot, explaining the truth of heaven and earth. will come to listen.

Not long after, another news came from Mozun Palace.

Whether the Demon Lord and the Demon Queen will come, no one can be sure, but Princess Jue will come in person, and the news is like a hurricane blowing through the entire seventh session, with countless heroes and evildoers rushing in one after another.

Mozun Palace.

"If you go, maybe he can find the clue."

Mozun looked at his daughter speechlessly.

Princess Jue smiled: "The soldiers are fierce and dangerous, so don't worry if I don't go."

"Okay, take this piece of jade with you, it can hide your bloodline aura." Mozun handed Princess Jue a piece of jade.

Princess Jue said pitifully: "Father, my brother has suffered a lot outside these years, so let's take it home."

There was a trace of bitterness in Mozun's eyes, and then he disappeared, saying: "Girl, your brother is a person who achieves great things and has great responsibilities. It will be very bad to grow up by my side."

"Okay, but in this seventh world, I'll give him proper care, so, is it okay?" Princess Jue asked again.

"It's up to you, remember, as long as he can't find out your identity, anything is fine."

Mozun emphasized.

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