The silver knife was shining, although it hadn't touched the body yet, it already made Lin Fan feel a tearing pain.

This is the killing knife condensed by the emperor with the way, and the flesh of the great sage can't bear it.

Therefore, Lin Fan stopped struggling, and just looked at the emperor indifferently, and said, "What's your name?"

The emperor was startled, and then laughed: "Do you want to remember the name of this emperor and take revenge in the future?"

Lin Fan frowned: "Why? Don't you dare?"

"Don't dare?" The emperor smiled strangely: "Even if you are really a great sage, you are only a sage after all, and you are like an ant in front of this emperor."

"Really?" Lin Fan chuckled.

The emperor said: "Remember, my name is Haotian."

"Emperor Haotian?" Lin Fan nodded, "I remember."


The chest was cut open, the pain was indescribable, it made Lin Fan convulse in pain.

It's too scary.

How strong and immortal is his holy body?

Even if the Holy Emperor strikes with all his strength, the flesh may not be able to tear it apart.

But against the emperor's knife, there was no resistance at all, and it was cut open so easily.

The curiosity in the emperor's eyes became even stronger, and he even got up, looking at Lin Fan's cut open heart with burning eyes, and exclaimed: "The ancients are honest, and the legends are actually true."


"Could it be that the evildoer who walked on that road will really transform into a golden heart?"

"No! A second heart will grow!"

"What's going on here? Could it be that this heart is the second sea of ​​souls of the evildoer who walked that path? Why do I feel the vast power of the gods pervading above this heart!"

A group of emperors and saints exclaimed.

As if they had discovered a new continent, they all came close to Lin Fan, looking at his heart through his open chest.

"Strange, very different from ordinary saints." The emperor was amazed, and as if suddenly thinking of something, he said: "Hurry up and find a warrior servant of the holy emperor in the heavenly and human world, cut open his chest, and carefully examine the two. Is there any difference at all?"

He not only opened his mouth, but also walked forward, beat Lin Fan's open heart with his fingers, and pulled open his chest vigorously, to make Lin Fan's wound bigger, so that he could see Lin Fan's unusually human heart more clearly and in detail.

It hurts, it hurts so badly.

The ribs had already been cut open, but now they were being pulled forcefully to both sides.

Soon, a man who was covered in blood but smelled of iron and blood appeared. He was bare-chested, revealing a strong figure. There were thousands of hideous scars on his body, covering his naked body like a centipede.

His skin is bronze, giving people a sense of oppression.

Obviously, this man must be the kind of person who will fight for the rest of his life, and his murderous aura is too strong.

He came in, glanced at Lin Fan, and there was a moment of excitement in his eyes, and then the light of excitement dimmed.

"Heaven and Human Realm."

Lin Fan sighed in his heart.

Is this the treatment and fate of people in the world of heaven and man in the seventh world?

war servant.

It is worse than slavery, life or death can be decided by the master.

"Lie down." The emperor gave the order without even looking at the holy emperor-level man.

The man didn't think much, and lay down directly. Obviously, he had obeyed.

It was the emperor again who cut open the man's chest with a knife, and the blood flowed out, but the man's eyes were calm, and he didn't even show a trace of pain.

"Look, it's really different." The emperor seemed to have discovered a new continent.

A group of emperors and saints watched carefully, comparing the difference between Lin Fan and this war servant.

"Take out their hearts. Come to think of it, the two of them are saints, so they won't die even if they take out their hearts."

Someone made a cruel proposal.

But these emperors and saints nodded in agreement, and they were about to do it immediately.


Lin Fan roared!

This simply cannot be allowed to happen.

The second heart, he has never been able to see through its secrets.

But he knew it mattered.

It is even one of the necessary conditions for him to truly become a great saint.

It seems that this second heart is the source of the Holy Power of the Great Sage.

"Hehe, struggling? Is it useful?"

Saint sneered.

Lin Fan yelled furiously, but it was useless at all, he couldn't break free.

The emperor came in person and wanted to take Lin Fan's heart off with his own hands.

Lin Fan was about to burst into tears, he had already felt that the emperor's ruthless hands had touched his heart, and usually, the pain was just a description.

But today he really felt that his heart was really being pulled, like a twisting melon, the emperor was twisting Lin Fan's heart, trying to twist him from various blood vessels.

"Hold on."

At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded.

When Wan Yu came, no one dared to stop her, so she just stepped forward.

The emperor's pupils shrank, and he looked at Wan Yu: "What's the matter with Miss Wan Yu coming here?"

Wan Yu bowed gracefully, and said, "My son asked me to take Lin Fan away."

Huang's face darkened: "Is Xu Yang joking?"

Wan Yu shook her head and said, "My lord should know that my son never jokes."

The emperor's face became even uglier: "This emperor needs to know the reason."

Wan Yu smiled wryly and said, "The demon king's palace is about to be hunted, and the young master is short of an invincible war servant."

The emperor nodded: "I understand, but you can't take this person away."

Lin Fan has been listening quietly.

The major general wants to take him in as a war servant?

Strictly speaking, this major general is probably the only one in the seventh world who he thinks is okay.

It is better to fall into the hands of the major general than to fall into the hands of others.

At least, even if it is death, it is a violent death in battle.

He really hoped that he could really become the major general's servant.

At least get rid of the current worries first.

Wan Yu smiled gently: "My son has never failed to get the person he wants."

"Really?" Huang put his hands behind his back: "That's someone else, it won't work with me."

"Really?" Wan Yu was noncommittal, and took out a dark token: "Do you have it?"

The emperor's face changed drastically.

He scolded: "Nonsense! This Xu Yang is simply fooling around. He even used a general's order for a criminal."

Wan Yu smiled like a flower: "Whether my young master is messing around or not is not something that I can say, but I will do what the young master tells me to do. I wonder if my lord can make it easier for me."

There was hesitation and struggle in the emperor's eyes.

With his status, he can naturally ignore the major general.

But, he can't ignore the person behind him!

Because, the person behind the major general is the number three person in the seventh world.

The first, of course, is Demon Lord.

The second, of course, is the queen.

The third is the father of the major general, known as the general who cuts the sky!

This dark token was bestowed by the Demon Lord himself, holding it can mobilize the soldiers and horses of the world.

It represents the general who cuts the sky.

Wan Yu smiled: "Actually, my lord doesn't know, the young master has been in charge of this order on behalf of the general for 80 years."

In a word, everyone is moved!

"Okay, take him away. After hunting, I will personally go to the general's residence and bring him back." The emperor agreed.

Had to agree.

This sentence is enough to hold this order for 80 years.

"Thank you, my lord." Wan Yu was noncommittal to Huang's words.

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