Twin martial arts

Chapter 1850 Notorious

The contrast between the front and back of the Holy Empress was so great that everyone was stunned.

I'm holding back my laughter.

But then his face suddenly became serious!

It can make a Holy Emperor so terrified, so anxious, so cautious, so how big is this matter?

Needless to say, all the emperors showed their unique skills and sealed the place tightly to ensure that even if the gods came, they could not peek at it.

"Didn't you say it's unnecessary?" Jinlong Dijun gave the Holy Emperor an angry look.

Even though he said so, he still played out the law of the emperor's realm and sealed this place again, and then the sound was transmitted into the secret.

The eyes of all the emperors showed horror!

This news.

so shocked.

So shocking.

It can stir up both worlds.

It can turn the world upside down.

Indeed, no matter how careful you are, it's okay.

"Really?" Emperor Qishan asked impatiently.

The Golden Dragon Emperor glared angrily: "Otherwise? Do you think that I, the Golden Dragon Emperor, is someone who is afraid of death?

Or, do you think Phoenix Lord is also someone who is afraid of death? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, this is the real hope!"

"Indeed, hope."

A group of emperors were laughing wildly.

How sad.

A group of people in the imperial realm walking at the pinnacle of the world had been pessimistic and desperate until now, until they were dying to see a faint ray of light emerging from the dark night in front of them.

And this faint ray of light was actually regarded as hope by the emperors.

"From the high-spirited to the present, how many vicissitudes and despair, who can describe?"

"Hehe, there are thirty brothers who were sent up with me by the adults, but now I am the only one."

When these words came out, the emperors were silent.

They came to this world when they were young, full of courage, and wanted to change the world, but the result was too cruel. So many brothers died, and those who survived were not because of their strength, but because of their fate.

The Golden Dragon Emperor's eyes darkened for a moment, and he said, "Now there is hope."

"Indeed, there is hope, he is the future"

"Quiet!" The Golden Dragon Emperor gave the holy emperor a sharp look: "Everything is under the watchful eye of God, you know?"

The holy emperor shuddered: "I was reckless."

"Okay, okay, next, who is going to ask for the bill?" Jinlong Dijun looked at the emperors.

The emperors were silent.

Jinlong Dijun said: "The boy's arrangement is that after Tongtian's family wealth is lost, he will go to ask for it two by two, and the interval should not exceed 3 minutes. At this time, countless emperors will rush over, and he has no time to raise money. "

"and then?"

"Make the matter bigger, the bigger the better, and let the whole world know that His Highness the Heavenly Human Clan admits the bet and refuses to admit defeat, and can't afford the gambling debt."

A sinister light appeared in the eyes of the Golden Dragon Emperor.

play tricks.

This is not a big deal.

In this life, who can guarantee that he has not passed it?

However, if someone with a halo like Tongtian cheated, it would be a fatal blow.

The two emperor figures went.

Tongtian's subordinates, according to him, directly closed the door. When the two emperors went, they were blocked and said that Tongtian was not there.

But what kind of characters are the two holy emperors?

Di Nian glanced, and found that Tongtian was huddled in a dark corner, his eyes were foggy, listless, and his hands were inserted in his hair.

With a cold snort, the servant who blocked the way was stopped, pushed the door open and entered.

"What is the meaning of this, Your Highness?"

An emperor's eyes were cold: "Does this mean that we are not as good as Qishan and Gambling Emperor?"

Tong Tian raised his eyes, glanced at the emperor, and said, "Emperor You."

"It is the emperor."

Emperor You looked at Tongtian coldly: "The Gambling Emperor is here, you pay, the Holy Emperor Qishan is here, you are paying, Emperor Kurong is here, you are paying, why did you come to this emperor, and you didn't even see me?"

"Hehe, Your Highness, it's only natural to pay back the debt, even if you are the son of the gods, I'm afraid you can't cheat, right?"

Another emperor spoke, full of smiles.

However, these words are so poisonous.

"The deity never said that he would play tricks." Tong Tian said silently.


He thought too.

But until, the consequences of cheating.

"Since this is the case, it is naturally the best." Emperor You smiled, and he took out the receipt: "[-] million, please send it to Your Highness."

"This emperor has slightly more than Youdi here, [-] million."

The emperor who followed Emperor You also took out the bill.

13 million.

Tong Tian lamented in his heart.

When did he, the majestic son of the gods, fall to such a level?

It turned out to be forced on the head by someone.

"The two great emperors." Tong Tian smiled wryly: "This junior has lost too much in this game, so I really don't have any money left at this time."

"No money left? Is Your Highness joking? The son of a majestic god, can't come up with a mere billion?" Emperor You's eyes became colder.

"Hehe, it seems His Highness still thinks that we are not as good as Emperor Qishan."

Dijun smiled indifferently.

"That's not what I mean, it's because I don't have a lot of money. The younger generation can write down the IOU and set a date for repayment." Tong Tian lowered his posture again and again.

In his life, he has never bowed his head.

"Could it be that Your Highness is joking?" Emperor You chuckled lightly.

But as soon as Emperor You finished speaking, there was laughter: "Is Emperor You also here to ask for gambling debts?"

Emperor You looked back, and his words were neither salty nor dull: "It turns out to be the Sage Monarch Xihua."

Xihua Shengjun laughed: "Don't bother with me, I think we have the same purpose."

He looked at Tongtian and smiled: "Your Highness should know that this emperor is struggling to support Xihuadi Mountain alone, and the expenditure is very high. I think His Highness will not embarrass me, right?"

One emperor after another came together.

This has already shocked everyone in Tiantianguan.

It's just because the Emperor Realm figures who come here are all big figures who are rare to see on weekdays, and they only hear their names but don't see them, that's the case.

So, why did they come here today?

Nothing can stand to be inquired about.

Soon, they knew that these emperors, who were rarely seen on weekdays, came here just to claim their gambling debts!

It was Tongtian who set up a gamble.

And this gamble is extremely strange, all of them are above the defeat of the people in this world, and the odds are unimaginable.

This makes people suspicious.

Because of this, many rumors spread all over the world.

The heavens are jealous of the virtuous and capable.

I hope that the Tianjiao who are stronger than him will die one by one, so that he can dominate the next generation.

Tongtian Xiaodu Chicken Intestines.

It was only because Lin Fan offended him inadvertently that he colluded with the seventh batch of people to kill the Tianjiao of Lin Fan's lineage.

Unexpectedly, the Tianjiao of Lin Fan's lineage was so powerful that they all won.

These are certainly not rumors.

but actually happened.

The whole world is talking about it.

But the people who want debts are not over at all, and there are still many.

In the end, Tongtian's gambling debts were exposed, and he lost nearly [-] billion!

Babel stinks completely.

All kinds of smell.

Gambling by nature.

Small belly chicken intestines.

People don't admit defeat when they gamble.

All kinds.

But Tongtian doesn't have time to take care of these things.

It's just because there are six or seven emperor figures surrounding him asking for debts.

What was even more frightening was that the Golden Dragon Emperor held a 30 billion bill in his hands!

This skyrocketing, to lose 120 billion!

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