
An incomparably handsome dragon came madly from afar, and the dragon's claws that covered the sun pierced the clouds and smashed at the Taotie sage.

"Golden Dragon!"

The Emperor Taotie let out a roar, and a stream of blood rushed out from his heavenly cap, and turned into an ancient gluttonous beast, with a huge mouth that opened like a black hole, as if it could swallow everything; In another piece of nothingness, Emperor Taotie cannot be harmed in the slightest.


The Golden Dragon Emperor came, stared at Taotie coldly, and shouted: "Do you want to die if you dare to touch my apprentice?"

Lin Fan's eyes were serious.

He's never underestimated, but he's never arrogant either.

He's just a saint.

Even the evildoers who took that path are not enough to kill these emperors together.

There are only two possibilities for something like this to happen.

First, there is a certain big thing who wants to kill him.

Second, he killed the offspring of certain great things.

But these two possibilities, no matter which one, are so uncomfortable and unsolvable.

"Haha, far and near no enmity, this emperor is just entrusted by others to be loyal." The gluttonous emperor smiled and looked at Lin Fan with a burning look in his eyes.

This look made Lin Fan extremely uncomfortable, as if he was going to swallow him alive.

"Entrusted by someone?" The Golden Dragon Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't guess, the emperor asked him to come, does he dare to come?" The emperor said, very coldly, and at this moment, he looked at the Phoenix Lord: "You can't keep him."

"Really?" Lord Phoenix sneered.

In this world, there is no one whom the Phoenix Lord cannot protect.

"Don't forget, this is the world of heaven and man, not your seventh world. If a fight in the emperor's realm breaks out, you will be the ones who will suffer." Queen Huang also said.

"For people of our level, in which world is there a difference?"

Huang laughed.

These words made Feng Zhu and the others' expressions suddenly darken.

Indeed, for people at the level of the emperor, it doesn't matter which term they are in.

Even the current emperor is hostile, but he can go to the 32 domains openly, and the celestials and humans will treat each other with courtesy.

"Okay, why do you want to hold on to my son-in-law?" Huang Hou's expression was serious.

This is a big deal.

Even now, they can keep Lin Fan.

But if a person at the level of the Holy Emperor wanted Lin Fan to die, that would be too simple and easy, after all, they couldn't follow Lin Fan all the time.

"Why? Hahaha why? Don't you know?"

The emperor suddenly roared, and the world was in turmoil!

Lin Fan sighed.


Huang Ni!

"The emperor seeks revenge for his sons, and the younger generation can understand, but it was a war between the two worlds. When you enter the ring, you have to put your life and death aside. Your sons also killed many evildoers. Could it be that they are also going to lock you up?" Enmity?" Lin Fan asked, looking at Huang.

"The descendants of the deity beheaded them, that's for their face, but others can't touch him! Seeking revenge? Who dares to seek revenge from the emperor, just come, and the emperor will take it together, who dares?"

The emperor's indescribable arrogance.

"Boy, and this emperor's disciple also died at your hands."

Lin Fan's heart suddenly tightened!

The only one who can say this is the apprentice of the Demon Lord.

And the disciple he spoke of was Chasing the Wind.

The Demon Lord's apprentice is so amazing, even though Lin Fan has experienced more than one transformation, the rune eyes can't see through the cloud of smoke and see the truth clearly.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous, Lin Fan is a hero in my world, the leader of the next generation, how can I let you kill him?"

The Golden Dragon Emperor sneered, glanced around, and said: "The next generation of the seventh world, there are young generals, princesses, and invincibles. Who do we have?"

The faces of all the people in the celestial world changed.

The characters mentioned by the Golden Dragon Emperor are all the most extreme monsters in the Seventh Realm.

Prestige is stronger than Lin Fan's.

You don't need to think about it to know that these characters are the leaders of the next generation of the Seventh Realm. When the time comes, the Seventh Realm will be led by this group of people.

And when the time comes, when their fighting blood is extinguished and their vitality withers, who will resist?

Looking around the current world, it seems that only Lin Fan and Little Dragon King have this talent, and they have grown to the point where they can compete with them.


An old sigh came from the Ling family's mansion: "This emperor has guarded here for thirty thousand years; knowing the importance of top combat power, Lin Fan, nothing will happen."

An extremely old octogenarian came from the Qing clan's mansion, his body was full of decay, his vitality was like a candle, and he seemed to wither at any time.

But when he walked out, no one dared to underestimate him. Even the Heavenly Human Realm, including the Phoenix Lord, bowed their heads and bowed to their seniors.

Ling Cangtian, the emperor of Cangtian.

The Ling family still has such a background, such living fossil figures are still alive.

Ling Cangtian looked at Lin Fan lovingly: "You are very good. I know everything about you. Let go of some obsessions in your heart, and you will go further."

These words are really peaceful, like the elders next door, who are persuasive and persuasive.

Lin Fan was silent, and after a while, he said, "There are some things that I can't let go."

Ling Cangtian continued: "There is nothing I can't let go of. My wife and children are separated, and my family is half disabled. I used to think that I couldn't let go. There was a big hatred in my heart, but time passed, and it finally faded away. You and I are both raised by this way. , should protect the peace of this world."

Lin Fan didn't speak.

Ling Cangtian sighed again.

Obviously, he understood that Lin Fan couldn't let go of the hatred in his heart.

Looking at Xiang Huang: "You go, I'm here, you can't touch him."

The emperor's eyes were serious.

This is a figure from his father's generation, and he dare not underestimate him at all.

To be honest, if he hadn't already made a plan, he might not be able to touch Lin Fan today.

"Really?" Huang smiled brilliantly.

Ling Cangtian just watched, and said indifferently: "Are you going to fight this old man? It's been 2 years since I fought, and I miss those days of endless wars."

The emperor was full of confidence: "Do it? No, no, no need to be so troublesome, you will tie up Lin Fan and send it to the emperor."

"Fart, if you dare to say one more word, this queen will kill you." The phoenix eyes of the phoenix queen glanced, and a cold light bloomed.

"Ha ha."

Huang chuckled: "It's almost time, it should be soon."

The sky is in chaos.

In the entire Celestial Realm, in countless realms, a group of devil-like legions appeared at the same time.

Kill anyone you see.

But all living beings fell under their butcher's knives.

There are fifty batches of this group of devil-like legions, all led by experts in the holy way, burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of crimes.

And in this chaos, the ones with the heaviest casualties were the eleven clans named by the demon king. Many of them died except for the clan members outside and the saints and emperors in the sanctuary.

The whole world is filled with mourning.

And the alarm bells from all major domains, which are difficult to ring once every ten thousand years, resounded throughout the world.

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