Twin martial arts

Chapter 1839 Issuance of Great Holy Power

Who thought Lin Fan would win?

Not many people.

It's just because the Silver Dragon Saint is really too powerful, and he has surpassed more than one era.

When he roared through the world, many emperors from the two worlds would be overwhelmed, and few could stop him.

Lin Fan is very strong, and he is still an evildoer who took the path of the Great Sage.

But everyone knows.

The great sage is also divided into realms.

At this time, he has not really become a great saint yet.

Judging from the various Liezi who have been almost wiped out in the long river of history, Lin Fan's combat power limit at this time should be at the peak of the Holy Emperor and below the Lin Emperor.

However, the Silver Dragon Sage is not an ordinary Sacred Emperor Lindi at all, and his accumulation is too deep.

They all looked at Lin Fan teasingly and mockingly.

Using this kind of almost arrogant behavior to send out the phantom body to fight may seem arrogant, but in fact, his intelligence and carefulness are boundless.

Even if this phantom body dies, its prestige will not be damaged, and there is no need to worry about life and death.

good means.

Of course, everyone knows that this is the imperial technique of the Golden Dragon Emperor, it looks like a phantom body, but in fact it is not much lower than this deity.

"The junior seeks death!"

The White Dragon Emperor is furious!

Before he became famous for thousands of years, his prestige shook the two worlds.

But the first battle after being born in seclusion for hundreds of years, unexpectedly encountered such irony.

He's just a junior, yet he dared to use a phantom body to fight him!

In an instant, like everyone else, there was a look of ridicule in his eyes; obviously he also believed that this Lin Fan was just changing his method, changing his position, trying his best to avoid the loss of reputation and avoid the fear of certain death.

"Junior, you are very smart. You are indeed good at planning and planning, but it is you that I want to punish." The Silver Dragon Sage spoke coldly.

Lin Fan glanced coldly: "You should beat him first."

"What about after that?" The Silver Dragon Sage sneered.

"Let's talk after we win." Lin Fan still said the same thing.

"Hehe, to me, your deity and Yin Shashen are like ants, and you can kill them with three swords. I just want to know, if I kill you, Yin Shashen, would you dare to come up and fight?" Silver Dragon Saint Standing on the suspended ancient arena, Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi stood overlooking Lin Fan.

"Okay, if you can defeat him, I will come and kill you." Lin Fan spoke with a cruel smile.

The tree wants to be calm and the wind does not stop.

He didn't want to fight at all, and he didn't want to offend the seventh one too hard.

But some people don't give up.

Moreover, at this time, he still thought that he played Lin Long only because he was afraid of death and damage to his reputation, which is simply ridiculous.

"Okay, that's enough." The Silver Dragon Sage smiled.

At this time, Lin Long still flew to the ancient arena, and was coldly watching the silver dragon saint.

The silver dragon sage grinned strangely: "Junior, your phantom body is very good. I don't know how true it is from the golden dragon emperor."

"Old dog, it's really noisy, come, I will punish you."

Lin Long couldn't take it anymore. For a long time, he was the only one in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, and no one dared to be presumptuous and clamoring in front of him.

As a result, the silver dragon sage has been croaking all the time today, damn it.

"A mere Taoist body dares to be presumptuous. If the three swords of this saint can't kill your soul; you should cut yourself off here."

The silver dragon sage roared wildly, and at this moment, a silver long sword appeared in his hand.

When the sword comes out, the wind and clouds move.

When the sword comes out, there is a terrifying dragon's might, which is extremely ancient, as if it came from prehistoric times, as if it spread down from the upper reaches of the long river of time.

"What an old dog, dare to temper the sword with the remnant bones of the ancient Tianlong, aren't you afraid that all the dragons in the world will kill the nine clans of you?"

Lin Long was about to burst into tears.

He really felt the breath of the ancestors of the dragon clan, and it came out from the silver long sword, making his dragon soul tremble and shake.


The silver dragon sage did not answer, but directly slashed at him with a sword.

When the sword was cut out, there was a shining silver dragon that swallowed endless sword energy and turned into a ten thousand zhang long, lifelike, with fine scales and armor, reflecting the brilliance of the sky.


The dragon's chant shook the sky, piercing through gold and cracking stones.

This is the reason why the silver dragon saint is called the silver dragon saint. Every time a sword is drawn, there is a silver dragon to kill.

It is impossible to describe the horror of this sword. The so-called void collapse, void shattering, etc. are too small to be described.

This sword made all the powerful saints despair, and even the top-notch saints couldn't resist it at all.


Lin Long roared, he stepped forward, blasted forward with one hand, a sky appeared in front of his fist, and went away with his fist attack.

The sky is hazy, dim, and gloomy, with stars that emit black light interspersed in the sky, and an invisible field permeates, as if it can swallow the entire world.




Yinlong rushed into the sky, blasting countless stars, trying to shatter the fist mark, break free, and strangle the enemy.

"How dare the glow of the firefly bloom?"

Lin Long's face was a bit ferocious, but he still stepped forward, spreading his hands, covering the Xingyu who imprisoned the silver dragon, and then, he squeezed his hands hard!

nothing left.

That piece of Xingyu.

That silver dragon.

All were wiped out in the palm of your hand.


"how is this possible?"

"This is a blow from the Silver Dragon Sage. Even the Sages of the Emperor Lindi would not dare to touch it lightly, but Lin Fan's Dao Body is so understated?"

"what happened?"

"Oh my god, this is just Lin Fan's Taoist body. If he fights in person, how powerful will he be?"

Everyone shouted.

Can't believe my eyes.

If it weren't for the black holes that have not recovered from the crushed stars, they would suspect that this is an illusion.

"Junior! I have underestimated you." The Silver Dragon Sage's face darkened, and he looked at Lin Fan.

He knew he was wrong.

This young man is really too strong.

"Old dog, didn't you say that you want to kill this deity with one sword?"

Of course Lin Fan would not pay attention.

Since Lin Long came on stage, this Silver Dragon Saint is a dead man to him.

However, he was not too satisfied with Lin Long's performance.

When he perceived the origin of the sword in the hands of the Silver Dragon Sage, he acted a bit too much, which is really hard to explain.

Make him frown.

Fortunately, the battle was so compelling that no one seemed to notice.

The silver dragon sage's face was extremely cold.

He did say that.

But at this time, it didn't happen.

For a character like him, it's a slap in the face.

"One sword won't kill you, what about the two swords?" The Silver Dragon Sage grinned.

Just like he said.

He is a swordsman; since one sword can't kill the enemy, then use two swords, if two swords can't kill the enemy, then use three swords.

"You can't, you are old, you should enjoy your life in peace."

Lin Long strode forward, and the holy prestige different from ordinary saints filled the air, like chaos.

This is Dashengwei.

This is the great holy spirit.

All the powerhouses of the holy way feel jealous, and the holy soul is unstable, as if they are going to worship, the king and master of the holy.

The one who feels the deepest is of course the Silver Dragon Sage.

At this moment, he felt the fear from the deepest part of his soul, like a tiger meeting a blue dragon.

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