Lin Fan is too familiar with his brothers.

Whether it is Li Guang, Wu Jian, or even the seemingly calm Chen Xuandong, in fact, they are all the kind of people who are not afraid of anything.

In the last war between the two worlds, it was already very strange that they didn't come. Is there any reason for them not to participate in the war between the two worlds this time?

And as long as they join the war, then, like him, the crisis doesn't just come from the Seventh Realm, it can't stop the murderous intentions and frame-ups from Tongtian at all.

His eyes were gloomy and gloomy, but Lin Fan also prayed in his heart that nothing would happen, otherwise he would not be able to forgive himself.

"Husband, did something serious happen?" Lin Leyao put her arms around Lin Fan's neck, and buried her small head on Lin Fan's shoulder.

"Li Guang and the others will definitely come to fight, and Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo will definitely come." Lin Fan said this very quickly as he was still galloping.

"What?" Lin Leyao's expression changed.


Wujian was very miserable at this time, completely turning into a blood man.

But he would rather die than surrender, every time he was knocked down by Xu, he would stand up strong and look at Xu with mockery and sarcasm.

It was also this kind of look that made Xu even more angry, and the attack was naturally extremely heavy.

With a bang, everyone saw that Wujian's chest was directly pierced by this punch. Xu's fist passed through Wujian's chest, and he was holding the broken heart in his bloody hands.

This kind of injury is too terrifying, if Wujian is not still sanctified, he must have died.

Xu grinned: "At this moment, do you still feel that I am not as good as him?"

He was also an evildoer who took that path, and he would never think that he was a star or a half worse than Lin Fan.

However, this Wujian has always been paranoid about this idea, and it is unforgivable to say it out loud.

"It's far away." Wujian was laughing.

"Then you go to hell!" Xu's eyes turned cold, his whole right shoulder was like a tight bowstring, and his right fist was shining brightly.

He prepared to send Wujian on the road with this punch.


"Uncle Wujian!"

Li Guang, Xiao Nuo, etc. were about to burst into tears, and in an instant, they were all soldiers in their hands. They wanted to fight in the ring, and went to rescue Wu Jian who was doomed to die.

Even the Phoenix Lord, there was a terrifying light burning in his eyes, and the emperor's prestige soared, his hands were no longer behind his back, but he stretched out and grabbed the ring.


Tong Tian stepped forward, and he stopped in front of Li Guang and others.

This is the foot of his turn.

As long as Wujian dies, he can get back all the things he lost.

So, how could he allow Li Guang and others to destroy it?

"Hmph, when there is no one in my world?"

The emperor also stretched out a big hand, covering the entire ancient arena, intercepting the big hand that was stretched out by the Phoenix Lord, and there was a brief exchange of blows, which made the world pale.

"Go away!"

Li Guang shouted angrily, his eyes glared fiercely, staring at Tong Tian.

Tong Tian's eyes were slightly cold: "Before the battle, it was agreed that it would start with a living person and end with a dead person. Wait, this is to discredit our world? Do people in the seventh world think that our world can't afford to lose?"


Xu roared, and he punched him away.


Chen Xuandong and Li Guang spurted blood.

With this punch, if you don't have a sword, you will die.

The brothers fought for half their lives, and never suffered a loss. Unexpectedly, all the strong winds and waves came, and they were carried here.

"Brother!" Li Guang shed tears of blood.


After all, Chen Xuandong was relatively calm.

Because, at this moment, there was an endless gust of wind blowing on the ring.

The expected tragic scene did not appear, and Wu Jian did not break into pieces. He seemed to be blocked by a huge mountain, blocking all wind and rain from it.


Tong Tian's face suddenly sank.

Obviously, he also saw something was wrong.

The light disappeared, and everyone saw a shocking scene!

A handsome figure, with one hand holding a beautiful woman in the world, opened the other hand, wrapping Xu's fist between the palms and fingers, behind him is the bloody Wujian!

"Lin Fan!"

"Brother Lin!"

"It turned out to be Lin Fan!"

Everyone was shocked.

I don't know when he arrived in the arena.

Besides, how powerful was Xu's punch?

It is absolutely possible to kill a strong person at the level of the Holy Emperor easily, but Lin Fan cut him down like this.

"Lin Fan?"

Tong Tian's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he asked, "Lin Fan, are you breaking the rules?"

"Rules?" Lin Fan's eyes were also extremely cold.

If he is even one second late.

Without a sword, you must die!

"What rules are you talking about?" Lin Fan looked at Tongtian gloomyly.

Tong Tian narrowed his eyes: "Start with a living person and end with a dead person. At the beginning, when Wujian killed the two Tianjiao of the Seventh Realm, no one in the Seventh Realm stopped him. At this time, Wujian was robbed, so you shot. What is the meaning of this?"

"The living start and the dead end?" Lin Fan glanced at Xu who was looking excited, and smiled: "That's very simple, I'll kill him."

There was brilliance in Xu's eyes, and he shouted: "Lin Fan! I thought you would always be a coward."

Lin Fan just glanced at Xu, then looked behind him and said, "Are you okay?"

Wujian smiled: "It's okay."

Afterwards, he became a little more serious: "He is also an evildoer who walked on that road, so be careful."

Lin Fan smiled indifferently, looked at Le Yao, and said, "Take care."

Le Yao nodded obediently.

Le Yao helped Wu Jian up and walked off the ring.

After they walked off the ring, Lin Fan looked at Xu and said coldly, "My brother, I have never been so miserable before."

"Really? That's because they haven't met me before." Xu Yi sneered.

Lin Fan walked out one step at a time: "So why did you die?"

Xu Yinli was incomparable, he also stepped forward and shouted: "Dead? I came here just to kill you."

"You can't." Lin Fan was very calm.

Although he still hasn't successfully taken any step, only he knows how much he has improved after going through this transformation.

"The same great saint, who is worse than the other? Kill you today!"

Xu growled.

Lin Fan and Xu are not great sages yet, but in fact, they already possessed an invincible aura. As they walked, the rhyme of Tao flowed, and under their feet, there were golden lotuses all over the ground, and visions appeared in the void.


Xu started to charge, his whole body glowed with immeasurable light, but in the end, all the light melted into his right fist, the sky and the earth roared, unable to bear the power of this fist, the void collapsed inch by inch.

Strictly speaking, it looks like the glowing fist is attacking and killing with Xu, as if the fist intends to dominate everything.

This is terrifying. In the whole world, it seems that there is nothing else except a punch that kills like a scorching sun.


The fist that covered the world and cast infinite light on the whole world was split by a golden chain.

That was Lin Fan's heavy halberd.


A fist was shaved and hit the ring, making the ring tremble.


Lin Fan slashed out with a horizontal halberd, and with a bang, the shadows of the halberd merged into a dragon, directly piercing Xu!

The heavy halberd was nailed to Xu's chest, the tail of the halberd was trembling slightly.

This scene shocked the world.

Everyone believed that it would be a bitter battle, a bloody battle between the two.

Just because, as Xu said, both of them are monsters who have taken that path, who will be worse than the other?

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