Twin martial arts

Chapter 1827 Battle 3


"Old Ancestor"

The members of the Jin family wailed.

They could only watch helplessly as the remains of the old lady Jin shattered into the void.

"Hmph, vulnerable."

Hanba swept across the members of the Jin family coldly, and said domineeringly: "Who dares to fight in the territory of the emperor?"

"This emperor is here to kill you!"

A man from the Jin clan flew out.

He should be in high spirits, but at this moment, those cold eyes made him look very gloomy.

"Who are you?" Han Yan frowned.

"Jin family, Jin Yu." The man revealed his name.

Hanba nodded: "Come on, I'll see you on your way."

"Brother Hanba, go down and rest, I'll kill him."

In the seventh army, another emperor flew out, laughing and looking very chic.

He is Huang Mo, the eldest son of Huang Mo.

The two fought.

Huang Mo is really too powerful, the might of the sky is vast between his strikes, the majesty of the imperial way is overwhelming, majestic and majestic, and the Emperor Fist created by himself is even more terrifying and boundless. spirit.

Jin Yu was very miserable, almost unable to fight back, he was crushed and killed, and finally killed by Huang Mo with five fingers, piercing through his immortal emperor's head.

"It's vulnerable." Huang Mo sighed, looked at Tianhong and said: "In your world, in our generation, the emperor level, you can't do it, it's far behind."

Hanba also sneered: "Tianhong, if you have a seed, you can save face for your world."

"Hmph, talented people come out from generation to generation, and each has been the leader for hundreds of years! After all, it's not just one generation that competes in the two realms." Tianhong sneered: "Don't forget, not long ago, Erjie Lindixia was completely wiped out."

In fact, Tianhong never did not have the intention of causing misfortune.

The name-calling battle was to shift the target.

Just because he can fight, but fighting must be won.

Who is he?

Son of God.

One of the rulers of this place.

And it would be great if the killing intent of these two people could be transferred to the Phoenix Clan.

Hanba's face turned cold.

Jin Yu's eyes narrowed suddenly.

His relatives and cousins ​​all died in that battle.

Indifference swept across the powers on the city wall: "Where is the Phoenix Clan?"

"Junior, do you want to fight this emperor? Let your father come."

Lord Phoenix raised his eyes and glanced at Jin Yu.

"This Emperor is indeed no match for the Phoenix Lord." Jin Yu said frankly.

This is not shameful, you know, this Phoenix Lord is an emperor, and he is only one realm away from the Emperor of Linshen.

"Then why are you looking for the Phoenix Clan?"

When saying this, Lord Phoenix's cold eyes swept across Tianhong without any concealment.

This junior, really deserve to die.

When the two worlds are very likely to break out in a bloody battle, they still don't forget to eradicate dissidents?

"Lin Fan." Jin Yu's face was cold: "Since he is so strong, then come out and fight against the real arrogance of our world."

"I'm going to disappoint you. Lin Fan was seriously injured in the battle with Chasing Wind, and he still hasn't healed at this time." The Queen of Phoenix said lightly, and said: "The Phoenix Clan never avoids battles, so there will be an imperial battle." Well, I will kill all of you alone."

"Tsk tsk, Empress Huang has such a big tone, isn't she afraid of flashing her teeth?"

There was a strange laugh.

A wisp of the emperor's divine sense arrives.

Empress Huang narrowed her eyes slightly, and then glanced over indifferently: "It's just a defeated general. Is this empress talking big? The sword a hundred years ago is the proof."

The emperor laughed: "Who in this world dares to say that he is invincible?"

Empress Huang sneered and said nothing.

But at this time, the emperor looked at Tianhong, and said: "Junior, I will give you three days of chance. Within three days, kill three games, the emperor's battle, the holy battle, and the king's battle. First kill three games, and you and I will come again from the two realms." Higher and lower and length."

Tianhong mocked: "Could it be that the emperor was unhappy because of the failure of the Seventh Realm last time, and this time he wants to come to liquidate?"

The emperor sneered: "Since you think so, then I think so too. Tomorrow will be the first match, the emperor-level battle."

"Refused." Tianhong directly refused.

This is his territory in the world of heaven and man, how could he be manipulated by people from other worlds?

The emperor clicked his tongue and smiled, with a playful look in his eyes: "I can't tolerate your refusal, you know, your father cannot be born in the closed door.

But Your Majesty, the supreme being in our world, can step over half of his body at any time and kill everyone here.

If you don't want the world to be destroyed, and your father's previous efforts will be wasted, you can only agree. "

Tianhong's complexion changed drastically!

His father was a god of death.

This is top secret.

There are only a few people who know about this matter.

So, why would people in the seventh realm know?


No wonder, this seventh world dares to take the initiative to attack and kill such a world!

What the emperor said was not bad at all.

His father, Tianshen, has been in seclusion for many years. If he leaves the seclusion at this time, all previous efforts will definitely be wasted.

It seems that I really can only agree.

Huang laughed loudly, and led Han Yan and Huang Mo back to the boundless army formation; leaving the Tianhong brothers standing at the top of the city with gloomy faces.

Who leaked this news?

It seems that the 32 domains are not as well-informed as their brothers thought, covering the sky with one hand.

Looking at the heads and leaders of the various families above the city: "Half an hour, discuss the matter."

At the same time, in the Seventh Realm Barracks, it is still the same, discussing matters.

"Father, why bother? At this time, the gods are closed to death, and it is a great opportunity for us to enter the world of heaven and man. Why do we have to fight them three times?"

Huang Mo looked at his father puzzled.

"Idiot." The emperor gave his son a hard look, and scolded: "Even if we take the whole world at this time, can we hold it? As long as the gods come out, we will not all be driven back to the seventh realm." ?”

Huang Mo frowned.

But I heard the emperor say: "The gods can cross half of their body to enter our realm at most, and likewise, His Majesty the Demon Venerable can only cross half of his body to enter this heaven-human realm. If you want to completely capture the seventh realm, you have to kill the gods first.

Then, why not kill them first, kill a strong enemy, and when we capture the world of heaven and man in the future, there will be less resistance. "

"Understood." Han Yan nodded.

The rest of the emperors also nodded.

"But what His Majesty Mozun means is, let us kill them." Huang Mo asked again.

"Three battles have contained a lot of power. At that time, this emperor will take action to cover a large army to enter the interior, burn, kill and loot." The emperor felt sorry.

The ranks of the two worlds' councils are too high, even the saints of Lindi are not qualified to participate, they are all emperor-level figures.

At this time, Zhentian Pass.

"Senior Phoenix Lord, may I ask if Brother Lin Fan really can't join the battle?" Tong Tian looked at Phoenix Lord with a trace of temptation in his eyes.

Lord Feng cast a cold glance at Tong Tian: "Indeed, it can't, it will take at least half a year to recover in the mansion."

Tong Tian narrowed his eyes.

He really hoped that after the battle with Zhuifeng, Lin Fan would be completely crippled, which would save trouble.

Tianhong said: "Unfortunately, in the battle of the emperor, we really don't have the upper hand. In the battle of the saints, only Ao Qin is alone. As for the king"

Tianhong smiled bitterly: "King, it's a tough battle."

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