Twin martial arts

Chapter 1794 Death of the Blue Winged Dragon

become so strange.

I have been angry with horses in fresh clothes, I have hated evil like hatred, I have loved enemies with joy, and I have wanted to use the sword in my hand to quell the injustice of the world.

I also wanted to clean up the world's filth with a passion for blood.

But now?

What are you left with?


That person who used to be called his brother was really so heartless and ungrateful, and the end of his life was actually in his hands.

"Lin Fan! Today I die because of you, but do you think you will win? You will die too, you will definitely die!"

The Blue Winged Dragon laughed wildly. He was looking at Lin Fan with tears in his eyes.

I'm so sorry.

Sorry for the first time.

Just like he never thought that Tongtian would be so heartless and ungrateful, he also never thought that Lin Fan would be so vicious.

She has been enduring all kinds of provocations from him, but in the end, she only made one move, which made it impossible for him to turn around. Today, he died.

"There are many crimes, if I don't kill you, how can I warn the world?"

At this time, Tongtian roared, and with a bang, he held the butcher knife under his command.

The blue winged dragon is dead.

That bloody head fell down into the sky and smashed into a crevice in the stone. This is the burial place of the four sages of the Qing clan, how sad it is.

"Lin Fan! He's dead, it's time for you to fulfill the contract." Tong Tian was extremely cold.

Lin Fan looked at Tongtian contemptuously: "Your Highness, let me be clear first, the death of this blue-winged dragon has nothing to do with me. It was a tragedy that made me cry when I heard it, and those who heard it were sad."

"What do you mean? You want to cheat?"

The sky is violent and loud!

Lin Fan clicked his tongue and smiled: "Brother Tongtian enforces the law impartially, he is worthy of being the son of a god, I admire you."

Lin Fan's words that talked about him from left to right directly drove Tongtian crazy.

You know, he was the blue winged dragon who killed Lin Fan because he wanted Lin Fan to fight to the death.

If it was after he killed the blue pterosaur in the end, this Lin Fan would be presumptuous and refused to fight.

Then he would have lost a lot of money. He truly lost his wife and lost his army.

"Lin Fan, you have to know the price of playing a rogue in front of me."


Tong Tian stared at Lin Fan viciously.

Lin Fan's eyes also turned cold.

Although he didn't speak to Tongtian, he understood what Tongtian meant.

I really can't do anything to you in this space; but there are too many people I can do anything to!

This is the meaning in Tongtian's eyes.

Sneered: "Don't worry, I'm not as shameless as you."

Lin Fan cast a cold glance at Tong Tian, ​​took a step forward, and looked at the Major General, his expression suddenly became serious.

The saint of Lindi.

This is the first time he met.

Later, it will be a battle with the strongest column in the holy land.

How could he not be dignified.

And his opponent is the Major General.

How could he not be cautious?

"Are you sure you want to fight?" The major general also looked at Lin Fan, but he was very casual, grinning, showing his neat and white teeth.

Lin Fan sighed: "You know, you have to fight."

"Then you're dead." The major general was still laughing recklessly.

"I don't think so." Lin Fan smiled.

He should indeed be defeated by this young general, but if it is said that this young general can kill him with a phantom body or a ray of divine sense, that is absolutely impossible.

"Who gave you your confidence?" Yun Zhonglong pointed at Lin Fan with a smirk, "Even if the major general has only one phantom body here, he can kill everything and push the contemporary world. What kind of thing are you?"

Lin Fan blinked: "The courage you gave me, at least I defeated you, didn't I?"

As soon as Lin Fan said this, everyone looked at Yun Zhonglong strangely.

Even the major general is the same.

This is also a bit of a slap in the face.

Who can bear such words?

He will definitely burst into anger, and if he is brave, he will draw his sword and fight.

Yes, drawing a sword is useful?

"Lin Fan!" Yun Zhonglong roared, his gums were bleeding from his own bite, he was ashamed!Unendingly shy, he felt his face being slapped countless times.

"Why is the dog barking? Dare to fight and run over you to death." Lin Fan yelled angrily, and said, "Ants like you only know how to climb high and look up to the sky in awe. How could you know that ants can also overturn the sky and jump into the sea?"

"Well said!" There was a light flashing in front of the major general's eyes: "Ants can also overturn the sky, and they can jump into the sea! Well said! My generation of cultivators, who has not climbed step by step from an ant to the incarnation of a dragon soaring in the sky?"

The major general's eyes were shining brightly, and he finally looked at Lin Fan with a look of pity in his eyes, and said, "I won't kill you today, but I will let you grow to become Emperor Lin, or really become a great sage, you and I will fight again. "

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

But before he could speak, Tongtian scolded angrily: "Today he must fight, regardless of life or death!"

The major general narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Fan: "It's sad."

Lin Fan laughed sarcasticly: "There are no such idiots in that world? I don't care."

The major general laughed, and then an infinite gust of wind blew out from his body, making everything messy here: "Come on, let's fight!"


Lin Fan also roared.

The stronger the opponent, the stronger his fighting spirit.

"Slay the monster Lin Fan here today!"

The major general roared.

He really cherishes talent.

It was rare to meet someone who made him look sideways, and he even felt that if this Lin Fan lived with him once, he would definitely become a confidant.

"Today, the young general of the Seventh Realm is punished here!"

Lin Fan also laughed wildly.

Everyone looked at Lin Fan in surprise.

Everyone could clearly feel that Lin Fan's momentum was not as good as the Major General's. Under the Major General's aura like a surging sea, Lin Fan was really like a flat boat, in the turbulent waves.

But that kind of arrogance, that kind of arrogance, that kind of demeanor and self-confidence, is not weaker than this young general at all.

"Punch me first." The major general laughed.

He really admired Lin Fan.

But this does not mean that he will keep his hand.

Hair flying, clothes hunting.

After the major general said this, he seemed to take a breath casually.

The power of the rules is rioting, and the energy in this space swarms. At least within ten thousand miles, all creatures feel a sense of suffocation for a moment, as if all the air between the heaven and the earth is far away from several bodies, even close to the major general. All the plants inside were instantly stripped of their vitality and turned yellow.

The infinite rules and energy swarmed in, entered from the major general's nose, and spit out from his lips.

The so-called swallowing smoke and breathing, maybe this is the case.


There was just a buzzing sound when the fist was blasted out.

Judging from the vision caused by the major general's breathing, this punch was too ordinary.

It even gives people the illusion that Thor is heavy and rain is small.

But, soon, everyone knew that they were wrong.

After the buzzing sound, a large hole appeared in the space.

It can be seen that the dark hole is spreading rapidly, and there is an invincible fist mark in the middle of the hole. He rubbed against the space, making more and more terrifying howls, pushing forward the hole that can swallow everything.

"If you can't even take this punch, you will make me very angry." The major general threw out a punch, then stopped, and stood proudly above the sky like this.

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