Twin martial arts

Chapter 1790 Defeating Cloud Dragon

This scene is shocking and shocking.

The power of the years swarmed, like the fireworks that bloomed to the extreme, not to mention Lin Fan, the person involved, even those who were tens or hundreds of miles away were panicked, feeling as if he was deprived of important years in ignorance and unconsciousness .

In fact, no matter whether they were from this world or the creatures from the seventh world, they all felt that Lin Fan was already mortal and would be directly corrupted by the power of time.

This kind of method and technique can make the contemporaries despair; it should be able to run rampant in the holy land.

But in the end?

Lin Fan's Dao body, he grasped the cause and effect with his hands, and I don't know what methods and techniques he used, so that the "firework" that bloomed to the extreme was instantly extinguished, and the unknown return to the ruins was eliminated.

Having obtained the mysterious horn, it actually made Lin Fan's hands sink slightly.

Lin Fan immediately felt that the horn was too heavy. He held it with one hand, but it seemed like he was holding a sacred mountain in his hand. With his physical strength, he even felt the slightest difficulty in walking.

It's really hard to imagine what kind of creature this mysterious horn came from, and why the cloud dragon was so powerful when he pinched the mysterious horn. , It seems to be as light as nothing.

"Give me back!" Yun Zhonglong roared; the killing energy filled the sky, setting off a hundred-thousand-foot killing light, sweeping across the sky, making the stars above the nine heavens tremble, and making the "false" on the vault of heaven tremble. The great sun is swaying, as if it is about to fall into the mortal world.


With a flip of Lin Fan's wrist, the mysterious horn disappeared, as if he had been placed in another world, and even Yun Zhonglong couldn't feel the slightest breath from the horn.

There is a great mystery about this mysterious horn, but now is not the time to explore, so collect it first; go to explore the mystery afterwards.


The heart of the dragon in the cloud is shaking!

That mysterious horn is very important, it involves a great opportunity for him; it is a certain evolutionary path that his ancestors hoped for him to take, but at this time, this mysterious horn has disappeared!

This is unbearable at all, and Lin Fan needs to be killed to take it back.

Lin Fan roared, at this moment, Yun Zhonglong slapped and killed with both palms, causing everything in front of him to be distorted, the power of time was surging, and mixed with the avenue of space, there was a terrifying killing light of exile and strangulation sweeping towards him.

In the past, his body was dazzling with thunder, like the incarnation of the Dao of Thunder; his whole body was golden, he broke through the power of time, but he was also corroded by the power of time. But he himself was also shattered.


Lin Fan screamed wildly, flew up with his kick, and trampled to kill Yun Zhonglong in the face.

This kick was too rampant, with a kind of supercilious domineering, very casual, not as solemn as before, just to smash Yun Zhonglong to pieces when his moves are old.

Long Lixiao in Yunzhong, his eyes were cold, and everyone was terrified by his cold eyes, hey, a vertical eye suddenly opened between his brows, and the vertical eye was shining brightly.

This Dragon in the Cloud actually cultivated the terrifying eyes of martial arts, he saw the reality of this kick, his cold and quiet eyes were full of terrifying murderous aura, it was so wild that it was a complete mess.

Yun Zhonglong didn't retreat, he just twisted his neck, avoided the kick with his head, and after roaring, his body was raised a few inches.

With a bang, his shoulder, which could resist the sun, moon and mountains, collided with Lin Fan's ankle, and he directly resisted Lin Fan's foot, which could easily crush the stars!

Yun Zhonglong was terrifying. He was able to catch such a fighter plane in the midst of such lightning and flint. It was horrifying. You must know that ordinary martial arts sky eyes could not catch Lin Fan's trajectory at all.

"Death to me!"

Yun Zhonglong roared, he resisted one of Lin Fan's legs and hugged it with his hands, not allowing Lin Fan to retreat even a step, and then punched Lin Fan.

The power of the fist shook the world, the fist seal shook the sky, and the [-]-year road exploded, with unparalleled power.

Everyone was shocked and dazzled, Yun Zhonglong really deserved to be the descendant of the national teacher, he was too tyrannical, few people in the holy realm were his opponents.

In Lin Fan's continuous attacks and under such terrifying threats, he was able to seize the fleeting opportunity to counterattack.

someone exclaimed.

This battle simply exceeded everyone's expectations.

Because, compared to Yun Zhonglong, this Lin Fan is not enough to look at at all, no matter his identity or power is too far behind, everyone thought he would die before, but the result is that he has fought to this point.

But at this time, he should die, because he couldn't move, so he could only resist Yun Zhonglong's punch passively.

But Yun Zhonglong's realm was much higher than him, so he couldn't resist at all.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, watched nervously, and waited for the result after a moment.

Especially those who harbored hatred towards Lin Fan almost laughed outright. Seeing that Lin Fan was about to be robbed, they felt that they should not be too comfortable.

But Lin Fan's reaction was too quick, that leg emitted thousands of thunder lights, and infinite lightning blasted out of it, turning into long golden snakes, which could kill everything. Moreover, he used the law of gravity, If hundreds of millions of average.


That leg actually weighed down Yun Zhonglong's body, he almost lost his balance and was about to fall to the ground. This affected his strongest punch and changed the direction of his most violent punch.

At the same time, Lin Fan screamed angrily, and he flew up, his right foot was still trapped by the cloud dragon, but his left foot was swinging like a magic whip, or like a golden dragon, whipped by the cloud dragon's body. On the other shoulder, the strength was too terrifying, as if it could crush the heavens.


There was a sound of bone cracking, and Yun Zhonglong's shoulders were blown apart.

Lin Fan seized the opportunity and pulled back his trapped right foot. With a loud roar, Lin Fan attacked and killed him. He wanted to fight in close quarters, to make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses. The strength of the flesh will kill him.

What is Mushuang Wushuang?

At this moment Lin Fan is acting.

A simple whip leg makes the void collapse.

A simple straight punch can make the world fall apart.

During the whole process, his whole body erupted with blazing divine light, and he exerted the sanctification power of his body to the extreme.

This is shocking.

If he has gangrene, no matter how much Yun Zhonglong roars and struggles, it will be useless, they are all within one foot of Yun Zhonglong, and Yun Zhonglong is not allowed to stay away.

"I lost!" The major general's face became serious.

His eyes glowed with terror.

This Lin Fan is so strong, he is much stronger than any saint he has ever met. According to some ancient books, he is stronger than Mozun at the same level.

Sure enough, when the major general said the word "lost", Lin Fan showed his power and shattered Yun Zhonglong's body with his fists of Yu and Zhou. Yun Zhonglong will die violently.

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