Twin martial arts

Chapter 1787 Elapsed

Lin Fan frowned because what he said was a fact.

It is definitely impossible for Qingyilong to be the opponent of Yunzhonglong. It should not be on the same level. Although they are both holy emperors, there is still a big gap.

But since the Blue Winged Dragon felt that he was underestimating and despising him, why should he say more?

And watch.

The blue winged dragon's eyes were gloomy, and there was a ruthless brilliance in his eyes; at this moment, he couldn't hide his murderous intent.

In fact, he wanted to kill Lin Fan more than Yun Zhonglong.

Lin Fan is a great enemy; he is also a sinner whom His Royal Highness Tong Tian has stated more than once to beheaded to death.

But, just like what he just said.

At this moment, he definitely couldn't do anything to Lin Fan.

Because the creatures of the seventh world are still here.

If Lin Fan, the most powerful person in this world, was beheaded to death in front of the young general of the Seventh Realm, this matter would definitely not be concealed.

If it is known by outsiders; even if he has the blessing of heaven, it will be useless, he will be caught and killed.


The Blue Winged Dragon snorted coldly. He swept over Lin Fan extremely coldly, and then strode out.

He is very strong, and when he walked out, the whole world roared and trembled; it seemed that the world could not contain his mighty power.

"Get over here and die."

Qingyilong pointed at Yunzhonglong, and at this moment, a silver Tian Ge appeared in his hand.

Yun Zhonglong smirked, and he also stepped out; the time and space here are distorted, and he is well versed in the power of time; it seems that the god of time and space appeared: "Didn't you hear? You are not my opponent; go back, maybe you can still maintain your superficiality." reputation."


The blue pterosaur roared.

Lin Fan underestimated him, but Yun Zhonglong, the opponent who was going to fight and fight immediately, actually despised him like this, and bluntly said that he was not an opponent with contempt and ferocity.


The blue-winged dragon attacked and killed, and the Tian Ge in his hand slashed wildly. With a bang, he directly shattered the sky where Yun Zhonglong stood.

This scene shocked everyone here.

You know, this is a world built by the emperor with heavy weapons.

Strictly speaking, this space is more stable and immortal than the outer world, but what is the result?

This stable and immortal space, under the Azure Winged Dragon's Sky Spear, is like paper. If the Sky Spear is cut down, nothing can last long, and everything in the direction of his attack will be wiped out.

"Jie Jie, not bad attack power, but not enough to watch."

The dragon in the cloud laughed strangely, and at this time, a horn appeared in his hand, which was extremely simple, but it carried a terrifying murderous aura.

With a bang, Yun Zhonglong held the unknown horn; his clothes fluttered, tearing apart the world and intimidating countless people.

When he danced this unknown horn, all the living beings in the entire space felt the fierce murderous intent, as if a peerless demon came out to slaughter the world.


After the cloud dragon's dancing horns, it didn't just attack and kill the blue pterosaur, its surging and unparalleled attacking power rushed to kill everyone on Lin Fan's side.



Several saintly practitioners were immediately killed. If Lin Fan hadn't played the law to protect everyone, I don't know how many people would have died.

It was just too scary.

You must know that this was just a random blow by Yun Zhonglong, it didn't intentionally attack and kill everyone, the main target was Qingyilong, but the result was that so many people were robbed along with it.


It seems that a holy beast Qinglong was born, a blue dragon stretches for an unknown number of thousands of miles, he rushed forward, disturbing the world, the dragon's claws were like mountains, smashed to the dragon in the cloud, and wanted to pinch him to death in the palm of his hand.

This is the blue winged dragon showing its power.

His name is Pterosaur, of course not for nothing.

At this time, this blue dragon stretching for an unknown number of miles is his battle body.


Yun Zhonglong has no fear at all, the horns in his hands are slanted, as if they are extremely heavy; they are invincible, when he slashed across the sky, the infinite mountains below collapsed, and time and space seemed to collapse.


A shrill scream roared from the mouth of the green dragon. It can be seen that the mountain-like claws of the green dragon were cut off by the horns, and smashed the ground into an abyss of unknown depth. Dragon blood poured down, and it was immediately stained red heaven and earth.


The blue winged dragon roared.

At this moment, he understood that the horn in Yun Zhonglong's hand was unreasonable, it was so unreasonably strong, it looked like a deity, and he roared out his own law.

The holy word spread across the sky, like a round of scorching sun illuminating an abyss of billions of feet, and the entire space was filled with the brilliance of this holy word.

A holy word can really shine forever.

This is the manifestation of the Taoism of the Qingyilong, a holy character, composed of an unknown number of orders and rules, rumbling towards the dragon in the cloud.

It's not close yet, and it's still on the eternal sky, which makes everything here pale.

"not bad."

Lin Fan became serious.

It has to be said that this blue-winged dragon is worthy of being one of the four saints of the Qing clan, and it has its merits.

If it weren't for this Yunzhonglong being too heaven-defying and powerful, he would be under the light of the holy word of Fuju.

"kill you!"

The blue winged dragon roared.

Use this move to cut off the dragon in the cloud.

But at this moment, Yun Zhonglong smiled contemptuously. He didn't look at the holy character that was suppressed, but looked at Lin Fan with a trace of expectation. In his pupils, there was the joy of meeting a fellow.

He said: "Lin Fan, let's see how the deity's understanding is different from yours."

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

He did have a preliminary understanding of the power of time, and he had realized it before he reached this step.

It's just that until now, he still hasn't really realized success.


This is the avenue.

There is an old saying that the road of time surpasses the road of ten thousand.

Standing side by side with emptiness.

Therefore, he also wanted to see Yun Zhonglong's comprehension.

Observe other people's methods and see if they can make him comprehend by analogy.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The blue winged dragon is out of anger!

He tried his best to shoot down his peerless enemy here.

But the result?

His enemy didn't pay attention to his strongest attack at all.

Instead, he was talking with his other archenemy, like discussing Taoism.

What an underestimation and humiliation.

"Both of you deserve to die!"

He growled.

"Holy arrival!"

The blue-winged dragon screamed, and the brilliance of the holy characters was even more terrifying. On the holy characters that shone like the sun, strips of chaotic mist were washed away, each of which was as heavy as a mother's breath, and could easily crush mountains and rivers and kill saints .

However, Yun Zhonglong just laughed, he flew up into the sky, and charged into the sky with his horns.

At this time, Yun Zhonglong unleashed its incomparably fierce power, and the horn turned into a sky dragon, annihilating the holy word directly. Then, he pointed at the blue winged dragon with one hand and roared: "Flash!"

A horrible scene happened!

Everyone can clearly and clearly see that when Yun Zhonglong casts the strongest law, in front of his finger, no matter whether it is space or time and space, it is instantly decayed, as if eroded by the invisible years.


The blue winged dragon roared in fear, but before it was too late, it touched his body in an instant, causing his treasure shirt to rot into flying debris.

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