Twin martial arts

Chapter 1778 The crisis is not limited to foreigners

"Wanli Zhuihun San, is this what you're talking about?"

Just when the man smiled sinisterly and took out the messenger jade, as if he wanted to report to a certain 'His Royal Highness', a soft voice came from the healed space.

The man's expression changed, and he said sternly, "Lin Fan!"

The space was like a door being pushed open by someone, Lin Fan walked out, looked at the man smiling, his fingertips had a faint purple brilliance, like the fragrance of being imprisoned, like a ball of candle flames covered in a glass jar.

"how is this possible!"

The man screamed horribly.

This faint purple brilliance is the so-called Thousand Miles Zhui Hun San.

As long as it is tainted, it will take at least a month to get rid of it, and no matter what method is used, it cannot be removed quickly, it can only be dissipated with its volatilization.

It has never been heard that anyone can capture this powder, but at this time, Lin Fan actually condenses it on his fingertips.

Lin Fan smiled contemptuously, what is impossible in this world?

When he came, his face was cold and murderous, and his killing intent intertwined into a web, entangled this phantom-like person.

The man trembled violently.

Why would you be discovered?

You must know that the way he is good at is a disguise, and it can be hidden in nothingness at all times. If you ask yourself, even if you are a holy emperor, you may not be able to see through his disguise; then, why is this Lin Fan?

Because he didn't understand, he asked, unwillingly, with unbelievable anger: "How did you find me?"

Lin Fan didn't answer, but his divine sense became more and more horrifying, and he used only the power of his soul to make this person scream. This person could no longer drift like a phantom, and he was oppressed and manifested his real body. The invisible sharp knife was cutting, the whole body was bloody, and there were bloodstains on the body.

"how is this possible?"

This is the second time he has yelled out the word 'impossible'.

How could Lin Fan have such a strong soul power?

Even compared to the Holy Emperor, it is not bad at all, even a little stronger.

No wonder he could be found.


When he discovered Lin Fan's traces and kept spying and monitoring invisibly, he still underestimated and despised Lin Fan.

He felt that this Lin Fan was really nothing more than that, that the Holy Emperor was invincible, it was just a joke; he was just a Holy King, this Lin Fan couldn't even find him.

But now, he understands.

It wasn't that Lin Fan couldn't find him, but that the other party had been waiting to see what he was going to do.


Lin Fan's eyes suddenly turned cold.

This man turned out to be a hunting sage.

Just damn it!

In the war between the two worlds, when tens of thousands of souls were still fighting and fighting, the people in this world actually gave him this kind of poisonous chasing soul powder, trying to make him a bright light in the dark night, subject to those with evil intentions in this world, and The people of the seventh realm chased and killed them endlessly.

"Lin Fan, what are you going to do?"

The patrol roared in fear.

Because, Lin Fan's murderous thoughts became more and more powerful, and the big net formed by the killing thoughts became concrete. It was a golden thunder net with bright arcs on it, so compelling, so powerful. Thrilling.

"I want you to die!"

Lin Fan drank violently.

With a bang, the Thunder Net of Sha Nian shrank, directly shaking the patrol to death.

A group of ghosts roared mournfully, and escaped from the patrolling standard talisman helmet. It was pitch black, like a group of unjust souls that were constantly twisting.

This made Lin Fan frown.

He has experienced this situation more than once, and a similar thing happened when he beheaded a hunting hunter.

"Lin Fan, if you dare to massacre Xunshou, you are offending the power of the gods, and you will die!"

This group of distorted souls roared and uttered a lot of words.

"Haha Lin Fan, even if His Highness wanted to kill you, he had to take some things into consideration, but now there is no need for it. If you dare to kill Xunshou, the heavens will not save you." Xunshou roared again.

"Who saw me kill you?" Lin Fan sneered.

"You can't kill me." Xun Shou was confident.

Lin Fan laughed and shook his head: "You think too highly of yourself."

"Xunshou will not die!" This Xunshou was very arrogant, knowing that he would not die, and roared: "Don't treat us like human beings and hunt those garbage, we are immortal."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank.

Sure enough.

He had suspected from earlier that there were more than one kind of so-called hunting patrols, such as those led by the Golden Dragon Emperor, were just a member of the human race or all spirits in the world, but the patrols led directly by the heavenly human race Hunting, should be an unknown species.

At this time, this suspicion and speculation was really confirmed.

"Immortal?" Lin Fan sneered, he looked at this group of innocent souls, as if he saw their ridicule and contempt, he was really too confident, he was not afraid of him at all.

With a bang, he opened his own world and swallowed the hunting party inside.

The patrol was frightened and anxious.

How can this be so?

It was like swallowing him into another starry sky, without any connection with this great world.

How can this happen?

You must know that everything is under the watchful eye of God, but everything illuminated by the sun and the moon is under the heaven.

But at this time, he could no longer feel that 'day'.

"Now? Are you still immortal?" Lin Fan smiled, looking at Xun Shou who was suppressed by a huge mountain.

"You are"

The patrolling realized instantly, and then said sternly: "You are a descendant of a false god!"

Lin Fan's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, he suddenly didn't want to really kill the Xun Shou, he glanced indifferently, and left with one step, only the Xun Shou was screaming and screaming here.

"Let's go."

Lin Fan opened his mouth.

Fang Huang suddenly heard, "My son-in-law, may I ask if the world just opened is the legendary Sanctuary of the Great Sage?"

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "Indeed, but I'm not a real saint yet, so this domain actually has a lot of limitations."

Fang Huang was shocked: "The Great Sage is really against the sky, I can feel the breath of the incomplete world from this field."

Lin Fan frowned, but didn't say much, just said: "Let's speed up, there should be a big battle ahead."

Tear the space apart again, and rush towards the scorching space.

However, Lin Fan's heart became slightly serious.

After this hunting tour, he already knew that his situation was really dangerous, and it wasn't just the creatures of the seventh realm who wanted to kill him.

There are also strong men in this world headed by Tongtian.

You really need to be careful, otherwise it is really possible to capsize in the gutter.

thousands of miles away.

Several cultivators of the Phoenix Clan are confronting those of the Qing Clan.

The fundamental reason lies in a top holy weapon.

In fact, cultivators from powerful clans like the Phoenix clan and the Qing clan should not pay too much attention to the acquisition of holy soldiers.

But the two clans are not at peace, so it is normal to have disputes.

"Qinghui, this holy weapon was acquired by our Phoenix clan after a bloody battle. Could it be that your Qing clan is going to grab it by force?" Fang Yao angrily scolded.

He is Fang Huang's elder brother and also a collateral branch of the Phoenix Clan.

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