Xun Hunting, who had already stepped onto the sky and was about to leave, suddenly sank.

But Lin Fan laughed and said: "I think as the city's law enforcement officer, it should be fair and just. After all, you represent the gods."

Xunhun's expression became even more gloomy.

This was originally a trap set up by the young master Tongtian himself to entrap the entire Phoenix clan.

That's why he came forward to notarize the bet.

Unexpectedly, it was because of his notarization that the matter would become more complicated.

After all, when he first came out, his words were too absolute, and even Hai Jiang Tianshen was invited out.

If he doesn't make a notarized judgment at this time, this matter will definitely cause trouble. At that time, the entire Celestial Race will lose face, and he will definitely be severely punished.

However, if he really judges that the clans will hand over all the military exploits of the next ten years to the Phoenix clan, wouldn't that be against his master's intention?

At that time, what will Tongtian do to him?

It was cold in my heart.

I didn't expect that there would be so many variables in a game that was supposed to be a sure bet.

It was originally a good opportunity to sell in front of Tongtian, but it was screwed up by myself.

"What? Could it be that the hunting tour, which is said to be absolutely fair, has selfish motives?" Lin Fan speculated, and said, "If you really don't want them to fulfill the contract, then I will invite my father-in-law and my family teacher to go to the Celestial Human Race. Judge in front of the gods, let the gods decide."

"Lin Fan!" Murderous intent flashed in Xun Shou's eyes.

Is this Lin Fan's threat to him?

If he was really quarreled in front of the god by the two emperors, no matter what his original intention was, he would definitely be slapped to death by the god.

"Why do you call me the deity? If my brother loses, you will force us to fulfill the contract immediately, why not if I do this now?" Lin Fan tore his face.

"Good! Good! Good! There is still a long way to go, let's take our time." Xun Shou's words were gloomy.

Lin Fan also said: "Riding a donkey to read the libretto, let's wait and see."

"Qing Luo, Tuoba Yu, and Ling Tian, ​​this bet is notarized by the deity. According to the agreement before the bet, the three of you must perform the contract. If you fail to perform the contract, it will be regarded as a provocation. Don't blame me at that time This patrol is ruthless to you!"

Xun Shou said something coldly, his body exploded into a cloud of black mist, and disappeared.

Tuoba Yu and Ling Tian were so frightened that they sat on the ground.

There are two words in my head - it's over.

Qing Luo and the others made things difficult for the Phoenix Clan and gambled with ten years of military exploits. This was the order of the family's senior management.

Therefore, if Qing Luo and the others lose this game, although they will definitely be punished by the family, it will not be too severe.

But they are different.

The senior members of the family had issued strict orders not to allow them to get involved in this matter, but they not only got involved, but also lost so miserably.

Thinking of the family's military exploits in the past ten years, the two of them were almost scared to pee their pants.

How will the family punish them?

"Don't worry, the five emperors of my Phoenix Clan will go to your mansion to ask for debts one by one later, and none of them will escape." Lin Fan smiled sternly.


Qing Luo took a deep breath and led the Qing people to leave.

Tuoba Yu and Ling Tian's feet were soft, and they were dizzy, feeling that the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and they didn't know how they left.

"Hurry up and find the most beautiful house, it must be big, it must be luxurious, and it must not be inferior to that of the Qing family!"

Before the Qing people could go far, they heard the cheers of many Phoenix people behind them.

"Go find it! Don't worry about the number of military exploits, I have a lot of military exploits at this time! The Qing family is really a good person, what is the so-called icing on the cake is better than giving charcoal in the snow?" Lin Fan's laugh was so piercing that Qing Luo almost spurted blood .



Heart is bleeding.

That was his exploit!

One hundred thousand!

One hundred thousand!


Furious, he slapped the already miserable Qingbuwu, causing Qingbuwu's finally reunited body to burst into blood mist again, Qingbuwu stretched his legs and fainted.

The speed of the Phoenix Clan is too fast.

Although there are many unfair treatment and hindrances, it can't stand the rich and powerful people.

The luxury compound that could have been rented for tens of thousands, Xun Shou directly quoted a price of [-], without blinking, it was obvious that the lion opened its mouth wide, trying to swallow people without spitting out bones.

But the Phoenix Clan doesn't say much at all, it's too decisive and straightforward to smash you to death with military exploits, and at the end I have to add a sentence, "Anyway, there is no use for this military exploits!" '

This sentence is simply infuriating.

But no matter what, the Phoenix Clan finally got a beautiful house. Of course, it is not comparable to the palace of the Phoenix Clan, but it is also top-notch in this town of Tianguan.

A group of Phoenix people are very excited.

If it wasn't for Lin Fan's planning, they would still be humiliated in that dirty place.

Not long after the Phoenix Clan settled down, the Phoenix Lord and the Phoenix Queen came back.

They all looked frosty.

Obviously, they all know what happened to the Phoenix Clan.

"If it wasn't for you, I would be ashamed." Lord Phoenix sighed.

The Empress Huang looked at Lin Fan with satisfaction: "You boy has never disappointed me before."

"My father-in-law and mother-in-law praised me." Lin Fan smiled, then his eyes turned cold and he said: "It's just that, for the next ten years of military exploits, if I really don't want to come back, I still need my father-in-law and mother-in-law to show up."

Phoenix Master's eyes turned cold: "These ten years of military achievements, they have to take it, and they have to take it if they don't take it!"

Huang Hou also sneered: "Now we will go up and call out all the emperors. If the other three clans dare to play tricks, we will kill the sky and the earth. If we don't kill one or two emperors, this palace will not stop."

Soon, the five emperors of the Phoenix Clan all left for the Qing Clan.

Before the emperor left, Lin Fan asked a lot: "Father-in-law, is there really only five emperors in the Phoenix Clan?"

The Phoenix Lord had a deep meaning, and said: "The mere Qing Clan has hidden emperors. Could it be that my Phoenix Clan can be worse than the Qing Clan?"

Lin Fan smiled and said nothing.

Today, Zhentianguan is in an atmosphere of absolute horror. The Qing Clan was almost demolished. There was an emperor battle in the sky, and blood was splashed. An emperor of the Phoenix Clan who had never been known by the world went to battle, and it was cut off with a single sword. The body of the emperor of the Qing clan.

It is said that if the emperor who was on the hunt hadn't come forward in the end, more than one emperor of the Qing clan would have died today.

And the Qing Clan also promised in front of the Emperor Hunter that in the next ten years, except for the necessary expenses of the family, all the battle achievements will belong to the Phoenix Clan.

Of course, there are big loopholes in this sentence itself, but the Phoenix Lord didn't care about it, and didn't want to really push this family to a dead end.

The Ling family and the Tuoba family came out of the violent storm.

He has been on guard all the time, and the emperors are all there, waiting for the arrival of the Phoenix Lord and the Phoenix Queen.

But in the end, he didn't come.

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