Twin martial arts

Chapter 1760 Blood abuse

Qing Buwu smiled sinisterly: "Who dares to play tricks with His Majesty's testimony?! Could it be that he doesn't want to live anymore?"

Ling Tian also said respectfully: "Your Majesty is the only law enforcement officer in this city. Ignoring Your Majesty can be regarded as ignoring the Supreme God. I don't think anyone has the courage to do so."

Lin Fan sneered in his heart.

These people, even before the battle even started, were already digging holes for the Phoenix Clan.

It is conceivable that if Wuji really loses later, these people must be impatient to ask for the debt, and even hope that they will play tricks, so that which clan can deal with the Phoenix clan in an open and honest manner.

Really good plan.

Xun Shou said: "Since the bet has been made, let the two sides of this battle come out."

The sword blared, and Qing Tage entered the arena coquettishly.

He is so handsome, like a legendary swordsman, who can kill ten people in one step, with indescribable chic and indescribable calmness.

"Wuji, come and die!"

Qing Tage's voice was gentle, but it was full of incomparable domineering arrogance.


Lin Fan raised his hand.

This made Xun Shou frown, and said coldly: "The bet has been made, do you really want to play tricks?"

"No." Lin Fan said, "It's just that Wuji's spiritual light suddenly appeared last night, and his cultivation has improved a little. It's not like yesterday's Wuji."

Xun Shou glanced at Lin Fan, and sneered in his heart. At this point, he still wants to resist, and doesn't want to make this bet?How is it possible, said peacefully: "Breakthrough before the battle is a monster, but the bet has been made, this battle must go on."

Promise is here.

Two beams of golden light burst out from Xunhou's eyes, converging on Wuji, and after a while, he said, "Go."

Wuji glanced at Xunshou, and at the same time was extremely shocked. Lin Fan's methods were so extraordinary that he was able to hide even such a top saint, so that he could not see his own reality.

Compared with Qingtage's entrance, Wuji seemed mediocre, climbing up the steps step by step.

At this time, Xun Shou had already gone to the Qing family camp.

"My lord, how has he improved?" Qing Kuang frowned.

Xunshou sneered: "It is impossible to be Qing Tage's opponent, and he should be punished within the Three Swords."

Several people laughed.

Looking at Wuji's eyes is like looking at a dead person.

They won this battle.

In the next ten years, the Phoenix Clan will definitely be in dire straits.

If the Phoenix Clan dared to fight passively, then the fun would be great, and many crimes could be placed on their heads.

The sound of patrolling was not concealed, so many people heard it and found it boring.

Originally, there was not much suspense in this battle, but everyone still had such a glimmer of expectation in their hearts.

If this Wuji, which has never been heard before, is hidden, how about a salty fish turning around?

But this last sliver of expectation was also broken by Xun Shou's ruthless words.

on the ring.

"You will die." Qing Tage looked coldly at Wuji opposite him.

Wuji didn't speak, and looked at him without showing any weakness.

Qing Tage sneered suddenly: "You are just a small person. If you were a person like you in normal times, this king would not even take a look at it, but who told you to fight at that time."

"So?" Wuji's eyes remained calm.

"This is the sorrow of little people like you. If people like me want you to die, it's really like killing a mosquito." Qingtage said to Bingsen, "It's true that you can die in the hands of this deity." If it wasn't for targeting the Phoenix Clan, a waste like you wouldn't have the right to stand in front of me."

"At first, I wanted to strike you with a sword, but now I feel that you are disgusting, and you are seeking robbery for yourself." Wuji spoke calmly.

But this kind of words made Qing Tage laugh wildly: "Cut me to death with a sword?"

The sword energy is strong, and the arena is filled with infinite sword intent in an instant, as if you have come to the sword forest, with thousands of handles of divine swords!

"Qingdi Sword Forest!"

Everyone exclaimed.

This sword is so famous, it was made by an emperor of the Qing clan, and it belongs to the emperor-level secret technique.

But at such a moment, Wuji seemed to throw the battle sword in his hand off the ring, Lin Fan stretched out his hand to take it, and at the same time silently mourned Qingtage for 3 minutes in his heart.

This product is miserable.

"Abandon the sword?"

Everyone was shocked and puzzled.

"Abandoning the sword, could it be that he wants to admit defeat?"

"How can a swordsman fight without a sword?"

"Hey, once the Qingdi Sword Forest comes out, it's a good way to admit defeat directly, otherwise you will definitely be delayed by the sword forest."

Qing Tage was also confused by Wuji's movements for a moment, and then said violently: "Since you are in this arena, the only thing waiting for you is death. If you want to admit defeat, it depends on whether your uncle agrees or not."

Qing Tage stabbed out a sword, and the sword energy roared in the sword forest, and it went towards Wuji like a mountain of swords, trying to kill him directly.

Wuji looked at Jianshan indifferently, raised his hand, and took a picture!

"How dare he fight King Tage's desperate sword with his hands?"

"Is he courting death?"

"My God, half of his body will be crushed when the sword strikes. I can't figure it out. Why doesn't he run away?"

Everyone shouted in puzzlement, and at the same time thought in their hearts that the reason why Wuji was like this was entirely because he was already desperate, and the outcome would be the same whether he resisted or not.

Wuji's movement was extremely slow, but it was so subtle, crashing, the sword mountain shattered, and the sword energy fell to the ground into pieces of silver.

"what happened?"

"How is this going?"

Everyone yelled.

This is the sword forest, it can be broken like this.

"How do you want to die?"

Wuji walked in the sword forest, stepping on the broken silver all over the ground.

Qing Tage roared loudly, and the war sword in his hand flew into the high sky spinning, bringing up the sword forest, condescending, with thousands of sword tips pointing at Wuji, and then pouring down like raindrops.

There was sarcasm in Wuji's eyes, he was too fast, he only took one step, and avoided the attack of thousands of swords, and grabbed Qing Tage's neck with one hand, lifting him up like twisting a little chicken , Contemptuously said: "A waste like you, if it wasn't for Brother Lin's plan, he wouldn't even be qualified to die in the hands of this deity."


Total despair.

So strong.

Qing Tage clearly felt that the two were not on the same level at all.


Wuji smashed Qing Tage's whole body on the ring, causing the ring made of divine iron to sag.

The sound of bone cracking was too dense, but Qing Tage's neck was embedded, and he couldn't even scream, his face turned red, like a cooked prawn.

"So, it is really a kind of luck that you can die in the hands of this deity."

Wuji's words were cold, he lifted Wuji up again, and with a bang, he slapped him on the ground again.

too violent.

Every time he bombarded, he would say a word.

And those words were used by Qing Tage to humiliate him.

This almost made Qing Tage die of shame and indignation.

"What a dog!" Qing Buwu woke up from the shock, roared furiously, and filled with holy power, he punched Wuji from a distance.

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