Lin Fan asked himself, even though he was a king when he came to this great world before ascending to the sky, he was completely incomparable with these kings who were fighting.

Unless a lot of hole cards are exposed, he can't be the opponent of these kings. This makes him smile bitterly. He has always been able to push the same realm horizontally. At this time, he really feels that the same realm has an enemy.


At this moment, the king of the seventh life with tiger claws suddenly stretched out his big hand, which turned into two ferocious tiger heads, and devoured the opponent who was his enemy, and devoured the king in one bite. There was a chewing sound, and scarlet blood flowed.


He roared loudly, and threw another human king to kill him. The human king fled with all his soul. With a bang, a mountain peak became a scapegoat.

Lin Fan gasped, he clearly saw that there seemed to be a black hole in the ferocious tiger's mouth, which could swallow all things, and there were space rules and cutting rules condensed in the black hole to tear all spirits apart.

This creature with a human body and tiger claws is too strong, it should be the strongest among the seventh creatures this time, with him as an arrow, the seventh creatures will follow him to kill, and many strong people will die in his hands.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, he jumped up into the air, and wanted to make a move, feeling that he couldn't just watch so many of his own people being slaughtered.

However, he was stopped by the Phoenix Lord, and said: "This is a battle of kings. If you go, people from the same realm as you will naturally come to fight against you. You still can't save them."

Le Yao's face was cold, and he said, "Are all the people in the city dead? It's obvious that these people are invincible, why don't they come to help?"

"call out!"

A silver light shot from the top of the city, like a long river piercing the sun, shining brightly, making people ignore everything else, and only this silver dragon's edge is left in the eyes.

This is a sword with a murderous look.

"Sword King Tage!"

The strong man with tiger claws shouted loudly, and the ferocious tiger head flew out to meet the silver light in the sky.


The sound was too crisp, like swords and stones colliding and colliding, sparks flying everywhere.


With a single sword strike, the strong tiger claw spurted blood, and his right hand broke off at the wrist, clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clanging silver long sword, cleansing out hundreds of millions of sword qi, shocking the heaven and earth Yushanhe.

At this time, a figure appeared, standing on a long sword, wearing a luxurious robe, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, black hair like a waterfall, indescribably chic and calm.

"One of the twin kings of the Qing family, Qing Tage." Le Yao frowned slightly.

"Qing Tage?" Lin Fan frowned.

No matter how you listen, you can hear a trace of anger in Le Yao's tone.


The ax splitting the world also came from the top of the city. The giant ax with a thousand feet had the power to destroy the world. It shook and trembled the bloody sun above the sky, as if it was about to fall.

With one axe, eight seventh creatures were killed.

The indescribable dominance of this ax is full of majestic power.

"Overlord Ax Green King!"

Le Yao's voice was even colder.

"Animation?" Lin Fan's eyes flashed coldly.

Empress Huang also said a little coldly: "A few years ago, Le Yao came here at the invitation of the Celestial Clan, and King Qing and Qing Tage were surprised to see Le Yao.

Then he pursued him relentlessly, and was explicitly stopped by Le Yao more than once or twice. Later, he used some dirty tricks to provoke Le Yao's anger, and he fought with his brothers with a sword. "

"I understand." Lin Fan smiled, looked at Wuji, and said, "Seeing the king of swords, don't you feel itchy?"

Wuji stepped out, drew his sword out of its sheath, and chilled the place.


The sword flew out, beheading the creature under Qing Tage's sword first, cutting it in half, and letting it die.


Qing Tage looked back suddenly, his eyes were extremely cold.

Wuji glanced at him coldly, joined hands with the sword and controlled the sword to kill all heroes.

His real body did not move, only a war sword swept across the world.

"Princess Le Yao?" Qing Tage's pupils shrank, and then he laughed: "The Phoenix Clan really came!"

Ning Ji let out a cold snort, and charged forward as well. He raised his sword in his hand, and suddenly the sword intent shot out like cold stars, piercing through the seventh-level creatures.


Here comes the Overlord Axe. He is bare-armed and extremely majestic. His exposed chest is covered with countless centipede-like scars, and his muscles are twisted, giving him a kind of domineering aura. The huge ax in his hand is like a door panel, which makes people frightened. .

"Princess Le Yao is here, too? Good, great!" King Bawang Fu Qing roared.

Lord Feng glanced at Lin Fan helplessly, and said, "Take it easy."

Lin Fan smiled, but did not speak or answer.

The Phoenix Lord and the Phoenix Empress also smiled helplessly, and led the members of the Phoenix Clan directly to the city.

In the original place, only Lin Fan, Lin Leyao, Wuji, and Ning Ji were left.

Le Yao's phoenix eyes were cold, and she rushed like in a battle formation, slashing with the Heavenly Phoenix Sword in her hand, thousands of fire rains covered the entire battlefield like dense raindrops, and the Phoenix Skyfire burned, burning to death one after another the seventh-level creatures.

"You are Lin Fan?" Overlord Ax asked.

Lin Fan glanced at him: "Exactly."

Overlord Ax smiled contemptuously: "Hehe, I'm disappointed when I saw you today. It's really hard to live up to the prestigious name."

"You are the Overlord Axe King?" Lin Fan took his time and did not get angry at all.

"It's my seat. In this world, except for this seat, who dares to call this name, who dares to use this title?" Overlord Ax laughed wildly, and his voice was like a bell.

Lin Fan sighed: "It's a pity, it's an exaggeration, a pickle like you can be crushed to death with one finger."

"What did you say?" King Qing raised his eyes.

Lin Fan shook his head: "Hey, I even have hearing problems, poor, poor."

"Lin Sheng, I have admired my name for a long time, I have admired my name for a long time."

At this moment, there was a voice, a saint came, blew his name and said, "Let's go to the Qing family and Qing Kuang."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

This green maniac is very dangerous and can make him feel dangerous. This person's cultivation is at least at the peak of the Holy Monarch.

He didn't speak, just looked at Qing Kuang.

Qing Kuang glared at King Qing fiercely, and said: "You shameless thing, don't you hurry up and clear the battlefield?"

Qing Wang was obviously a little afraid of this green madman, shrinking his neck, twisting his axe, and rushed into the battlefield.

This King Qing is really too strong, with the huge Xuanhua ax in his hand dancing, the rules are all over the sky, he really has the power to block and kill gods and Buddhas.

"My brother's arrogance made Lin Sheng laugh." Qing laughed wildly.

Lin Fan smiled: "Come from afar, and still need the care of the Crazy Saint."

Since this young man is like this, there is no need for him to be aggressive.

"Sheng Lin was joking, with the Phoenix Lord and Phoenix Queen here, why should I take care of her?" Qing Kuang laughed at Mimi.

Right now.

"It's enough!"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, looked into the battlefield, and saw Qing Tage Jian staring at Wuji fiercely, and shouted violently: "Do you want to die?"

Qing Kuang glanced at Lin Fan, and shouted, "Tage, what are you doing?"

Qing Tage looked back, and said grimly: "This little bastard has been stealing my head."

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