At dawn, Lin Long asked someone to call Lijiang.

"Does Little Dragon King have something to arrange for the Patriarch? If not, I will not accompany you." Li Jiang was extremely indifferent.

Lin Long glanced at Li Jiang and said, "It's up to you."

Li Jiang turned cold, turned and left, but heard Lin Long's voice behind him: "I wanted to give you a chance to kill Lin Fan, but now it seems that you don't want it."

Li Jiang stopped.

Lin Long said: "At midnight tonight, Lin Fan will lead a team to attack our Dragon Clan's Falling Ridge. Originally, he wanted Li Clan warriors to follow the army, but now it seems that you Li Clan don't have the guts."

Li Jiang said coldly: "The Li people are never afraid of war."

Lin Long just smiled and didn't speak.

The conversation between the two didn't last long, Li Jiang left directly, but at night, Li Jiang came to ask for a fight.

Sure enough, just as Lin Fan expected, Li Jiang did not expel all the masters of the Li clan at once, but only sent [-] or so people.

Lin Fan glanced casually, and said, "Let's hide your identity first, if you let the Phoenix Clan know that your Li Clan is participating in the war, you probably won't have to live."

Li Jiang snorted coldly, and said, "If you've already prepared, you won't bother the Little Dragon King."

Sure enough, the [-] or so strong men who were dispatched had the means of disguising themselves. After disguising, they were really not much different from the dragon clan. From the outside, they were all dragon clan.

Standing on the high platform, Lin Long said: "You guys know the reason for this battle, if the Dragon Legion is defeated, our Sun Ridge will not be too difficult for the Phoenix Clan, it can be said to be as flat as a mountain.

How to do it, you know, when you return in triumph, I will be here to celebrate your success. "

The soldiers who were sent out under the stage were all recruited by Lin Long during this period of time, and their loyalty was beyond doubt, so they all roared angrily.

Lin Long looked at the two dragon sons who were going out with the army, and said kindly: "Brothers, I'm sorry for your trouble this time. I'm sure that when Fallen Sun Ridge is attacked, Zhenlong Ridge will definitely attract attacks. here."

The two dragon sons snorted coldly, they didn't accept Lin Long at all.

Lin Fan didn't say anything, and then the army set off.

After the army was launched, Lin Long sent a message to Feng Zi that Lin Fan would attack Falling Ridge at Yinshi tonight, and invited Feng Zichou to come to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, and he would do his best to cooperate at that time.

Hearing the news, Fengzi felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood. He immediately summoned the war department, pushed aside the map and discussed where to attack Falling Sun Ridge.

Everyone's eyes, including Fengzi's, were sparkling.

Taking Fallen Sun Ridge, all their faults will be washed away, and they will reach the peak of the Phoenix Clan in one fell swoop. At that time, no Lin Fan or Lin Leyao can stop their progress.

Falling Ridge is surrounded by mountains, only the place where the Kuanglong Legion is stationed is a mountain depression, which is most suitable for attacking, Fengzi also chose this place instinctively.

But at this time, an envoy from Lin Long came and asked him to attack from the high mountain in the west. The Yinbi Legion was stationed at that place. In terms of overall combat power, it was weaker than the Kuanglong Legion, but it only took advantage of the terrain. That's all.

The attack direction provided by Lin Long, of course, Feng Zi has no doubts about him, and immediately determined the attack direction.

But at this time, Lin Fan and Wu Jian led an army of [-], and directly pushed towards the Kuanglong army.

Moreover, the legion that followed him was the strongest legion of the Phoenix Clan—the Nirvana Army!

The heirs born after the combination of the dragon clan and other clans constitute the Kuanglong Legion. Although they bear a dragon character, their identities are not recognized. They only have the blood of the dragon clan and do not have the ability of the dragon clan to move clouds and rain.

At this time, among the Kuanglong Legion, all the members of the Li clan sat in a group with indifference on their faces.

For them, they don't care about the dragon clan, etc. Although they really can't provoke them, they can hide them.

At this moment, they were just waiting, waiting for Lin Fan to attack, or Lin Fan did not attack, which proved that Ao Qin was just using them as cannon fodder.

If Aoqin really dared to do this, their patriarch would definitely go to the Celestial Human Race to appeal.

At this moment, a halberd light rose up from the sky, its length was unknown, and it came crashing from the sky like a jade pillar holding up the sky.


The defensive formation of the mad dragon army was like paper, it was smashed by a halberd, and the heavy halberd hit the yellow dragon directly, killing the commander of the mad dragon army into ashes.

"The bastard of the Dragon Clan! Your grandpa Lin Fan is here, so hurry up and die!"

A roar resounded from the sky, and a giant surrounded by lightning came directly to attack, with a boundless army behind him.

"Lin Fan, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

A sage roared wildly, flew up from the ground in one step, and tried his best to attack and kill Lin Fan.

"A mere sage, dare to shout in front of this sage?" Lin Fan laughed wildly.

But in fact, Lin Fan knew that the Holy Monarch was Lin Long's confidant, so he didn't kill him. It was like playing a game. It seemed that the fight was extremely fierce, but in fact it was thunderous and rainy.

"Lin Fanxiu is crazy, I'm here to meet you!"

Another sage came out to fight, and two sages besieged Lin Fan.


At this time, Wujian led the army to directly attack and attack the mad dragon army, killing anyone he saw. Since he was only one step away from reaching the realm of the sub-sage, it was like a sword in hand.

At this time, the most exciting thing is to count the thirty or so strong men from the Li Clan.

Lin Fan!

It was really Lin Fan!

The opportunity to avenge their young master has come.


"Kill Lin Fan!"


They roared angrily one by one, all rose to the sky, and attacked and killed Lin Fan.

It has to be said that this time the Li Clan really spent all their money in order to take revenge, and it should be to take away all of the Li Clan's peak combat power.

Even if the 30 people who come here are not considered the strongest, but those with the lowest cultivation level are all in the Tianxin realm.

"If you want to touch Master Lin Fan, have you asked me?"

From the seemingly ordinary Nirvana army, a group of terrifying strong men suddenly came out, and after just one meeting, seven or eight people from the Li clan blood-stained the sky.


"Lin Fan is here, kill him!"

At this moment, armies gathered from all directions, it turned out to be those two dragon sons, one of them led two teams, ambushed and killed them, and launched an attack at this time.

Lin Fan, who was fighting Shengjun, changed his face and shouted: "No! There is an ambush! Brothers, retreat!"

"Withdraw? Where are you withdrawing?" The sage of the Li Clan grinned. He slashed out with a ghost-headed sword in his hand. A mountain of swords condensed on top of Lin Fan's head, and then collapsed. Thousands of sword lights slashed down towards Lin Fan. , To bury him under the sword mountain.


With a flash of thunder, Lin Fan's body disappeared for a moment. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the Li Clan Sage Monarch, and the halberd in his hand suddenly thrust out. The Sage Monarch yelled in fear, but it was useless.

Even though many strong men came to surround and kill him, Lin Fan still had no fear, he took the lead, killed a bloody path among thousands of soldiers, and led his army away.

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