Twin martial arts

Chapter 1733 The So-Called Conspiracy

Feng Zi went to the meeting alone, and under the moonlight, he came stepping on the moonlight, looking extremely chic.

"Ao Qin." Feng Zi came, staring at Lin Long with gloomy eyes.

Lin Long glanced at him, but did not speak, Feng Zi sternly shouted: "Since everyone is working for the Celestial Human Race, why do you let Thirteen and Fourteen fight me to the death? Do you know that I died three years ago?" Wan Erlang."

Lin Long said: "Are you asking me to directly order them to retreat and give you the Devil Bat Cave? Do you think Lin Fan is a fool? Lord Phoenix is ​​a fool?"

Feng Zi's face froze, but he still said ruthlessly: "But even if it's acting, there's no need to be so ruthless!"

Lin Long said: "I asked you to come today. I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I just want to tell you that the Li people have joined my camp and come here only to kill Lin Fan. You have to arrange everything."

"Li Clan?" Feng Zi shrank his pupils and said, "If there are people participating in the battle between our two clans, it would be a big taboo in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters."

Lin Long said contemptuously: "You are going to pack up the Phoenix Clan and give it to the Celestial Clan, and you still care about the so-called taboo of the Ten Thousand Monsters, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Fengzi's face turned cold, as if someone stepped on a sore foot, and angrily said: "Are you better than me? Aren't they all running dogs of some clan?"

Lin Long smiled contemptuously, and didn't dwell on this issue, saying: "In my opinion, Zhenlongling is an excellent place, that place is a Jedi, very suitable for killing Lin Fan."

"Zhenlongling?" Fengzi narrowed his eyes.

Lin Longdao: "It is Zhenlongling. The Phoenix Lord will definitely order to take it back. Coincidentally, the city belonging to Lin Fan includes this Zhenlongling, so he will definitely come to snatch it."

Fengzi's eyes were uncertain, and he said, "Go on."

Lin Longdao: "Zhenlong Ridge is too dangerous, I will send a large army to guard it, and let Lin Fan smash his halberd in this place more than once. If he can't attack for a long time, he will definitely ask Lord Phoenix for help."

Feng Zi said: "When the time comes, you and I will cooperate internally and externally to lead Lin Fan to the desperate land, and the Li clan will directly suppress and kill him. If he, Lin Fan, dies at the hands of the Li clan, your dragon clan will not suffer revenge from the Phoenix lord. Good plan."

Lin Long glanced at Fengzi and said, "Exactly."

Feng Zi pondered slightly: "Okay, it's just that I want to take back Ying Linya first."

Lin Long sneered and said: "Phoenix Lord gave you a month, it's still too early, not to mention why you bother with Ying Linya now, as long as you kill Lin Fan, Princess Le Yao will definitely lose her sense of proportion.

At that time, she will definitely be eager to seek revenge from the Li Clan. We are cooperating to kill Princess Le Yao in the battle. At that time, the entire Phoenix Clan will be in your pocket.

As for Ying Linya, I have made my own arrangements, and I will definitely let you hold it in your hands within a month. "

Fengzi's eyes lit up.

But I heard Lin Long continue: "I will clear all the obstacles in front of you for you, but you also have to help me clear away some uneasy factors in my Dragon Clan."

Feng Zi mocked: "The Dragon King appointed you as the sole heir, and you still have to restrict your brothers? You are really incompetent."

Lin Long smiled: "The Dragon Clan is different from your Phoenix Clan. Strength comes first. If they die in my hands, I will get a reputation of being ruthless, which will be detrimental to my future rule."

Fengzi smiled and said, "Okay, since it's cooperation, then everything must be fair, so you tell me the prince you want to kill, and we cooperate to kill one or two of them first."

"Tomorrow I will go to Zhenlongling to sit in the township. At that time, the people who will sit in Yinglinya will be my Seventeenth and Eleventh Brothers. They have always been dissatisfied with the Celestial Clan." Lin Long had a deep meaning , and took out a defense plan and threw it to Fengzi, saying: "You should be able to understand the things on it, but my arrangement, maybe after the two of them sit in town, they will make some changes, but it shouldn't be too big. many."

Fengzi looked at the defense map, and his heart was completely chilled.

If this Lin Long was not one of his own, it would be a dream to capture this Ying Linya.

The above defenses are interlocking, and there is no limit to murderous intent. Even if you fill in all your subordinates, you may not be able to take it down.

Fengzi took the defense map and left as if he had found a treasure. At this moment, he was full of confidence, and the leader of the enemy was actually one of his own. In this way, why should he be afraid?

Bingsen eyes, Ling Fan, Lin Leyao, let me see how you die!

After Fengzi left, Lin Fan appeared and said with a smile, "Interesting, really interesting."

In Fengzi's tent, everyone looked at the defense map in shock and fear.

It just so happened that they didn't attack rashly, otherwise they wouldn't even know how they died.

"It's really God's blessing." A general said.

Feng Zi said with a sinister smile: "With this defense plan, it shouldn't be too difficult to break through Ying Linya. Who will take this city."

At present, more than a dozen generals are calling for the battle.

As the eagle approached the cliff, Lin Long summoned many princes and generals, and said bluntly that he would go to Zhenlongling to sit in town, and the seventeenth and eleventh princes would sit here.

The seventeenth and eleventh princes took orders, and Lin Long said: "Fengzi is being suppressed too much by Lin Fan and others at this time, so he will definitely be impatient to make meritorious service, and will definitely launch a massive attack on Ying Linya. Don't take it lightly."

Both the Seventeenth Prince and the Eleventh Prince looked at Lin Long contemptuously.

The two of them sit in town, does Feng Zi dare to turn the world upside down?

Lin Long took two steps and said: "The defenses I have arranged are intertwined, and it will not be easy for them to break through. As long as you two are here to defend each other, the two of them will definitely not be able to break through."

After finishing speaking, he led the army to leave. If he hadn't said so, the two princes would not have changed his arrangement, but it was his words that made the two princes sneer.

Could it be that Butcher Zhang still eats hairy pigs after his death?

You have said that your arrangement is very powerful, so if you finally defend the Eagle Linya, it will be your credit?

Immediately changed the defense beyond recognition, but I have to say that these two brothers are really talented, and the lethality of the defense after the modification is not much weaker than that arranged by Lin Long.

That night, the battle started.

Feng Zi sat on a high place, feeling very comfortable, he watched his subordinates rush towards Ying Linya like waves.

Don't be too straightforward in your heart, that kind of defense plan and its perfection, no one will change it except for idiots. He knows all the loopholes in the defense, so in his heart, it is not a problem to respect the eagle facing the cliff.

Look sharply at Lin Fan's direction, and watch the news of tomorrow's success spread throughout the Phoenix Clan.

The master of the Phoenix Clan, I have made up my mind.

Thinking gloomyly, the sword in his hand was bright.

He was waiting, as long as Ying Linya was breached, he and the saints around him would directly take advantage of the chaos and behead the two unlucky dragon princes to death.

It can be regarded as a great gift to Ao Qin.

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