The last words, of course, reached the ears of Lord Phoenix.

But Phoenix Lord did not suppress, but fell into a strange silence.

In the palace, Lord Phoenix showed a trace of fatigue in his eyes, and said: "Do you think I am really wrong, I should not be obsessed with the transmission of blood, I should not think about the so-called orthodoxy, in fact, Fengzi is also very good."

In the empty palace, it seemed that the Phoenix Lord was talking to himself, but behind him there was a dense air, and a gentle voice appeared, saying: "This subordinate does not know right or wrong, but the Phoenix Clan really needs a stronger ruler. Only by establishing a successor first, the Phoenix Clan will not be panicked, and they can survive this catastrophe together."

Lord Feng was silent, and said after a while: "Go and call Fengzi."

Afterwards, Gong Que became deserted again, but Lord Phoenix's eyes were extremely dark.

The person who answered him just now was the invisible emperor of the Phoenix Clan, and only he and the Queen of the Phoenix Clan knew of the existence of this person.

However, even such a top figure was bought by some clan, if he hadn't asked occasionally today, he might not have known.

So, how many people did the Terran have placed in the Phoenix Clan this day?

When Fengzi came, he knelt in the palace in fear.

The Phoenix Lord just kept looking at him, very silent and deadly, the atmosphere in this empty palace made one feel chilly.

"Is it dissatisfaction?" Phoenix Lord whispered.

Fengzi trembled and said, "My son dare not."

Lord Phoenix sighed, and said: "Everyone has selfish intentions, even this Emperor, who wants to pass on the position of Phoenix patriarch to Le Yao."

Feng Zi said: "My son must do his best to help Sister Le Yao."

The Phoenix Master seemed to smile, and said: "The Dragon Clan is here to commit crimes, you should know."

Feng Zi nodded, and then said sternly: "The Dragon Clan is looking for death, with Father and King in charge, his Dragon Clan dare not do anything."

Phoenix Master smiled and said: "You and Le Yao each lead an army to the border to meet the enemy. As for who will be the patriarch, you or her will be discussed after the war."

There was ecstasy in Fengzi's eyes, but he still pretended to be loyal, saying bluntly that he did not dare to ask for the position of patriarch, was willing to assist Le Yao, and did not dare to covet that position.

Lord Feng was almost amused by Fengzi's hypocritical attitude, but he didn't say anything, he just glanced at Fengzi indifferently, and said: "You go and prepare, since this emperor speaks like this, naturally he won't break his promise."

Fengzi went out and summoned the old department, high-spirited, with a heroic sense of power in his hands.

Soon, the entire Phoenix Clan also knew about Phoenix Lord's decision, and Lin Leyao and Feng Zi's performances were used to determine who the next patriarch would be.

In Fenggong Palace, Fengzi glanced at the generals with sharp eyes, and said darkly: "You all know what my adoptive father said, so this expedition is of great significance. No one is allowed to be negligent. If anyone goes wrong, Don't blame me for being merciless."

All the generals nodded and spoke generously.

Fengzi glanced at the crowd, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and said, "Is my father-in-law in the future?"

Someone replied: "My lord has been in seclusion for too long, so he doesn't know about it yet."

Feng Zi's eyes turned cold, he snorted coldly, and said: "He must not know, what can the entire Phoenix Clan hide from him? He just doesn't want to interfere."

Everyone was silent, not daring to say more, Feng Zi said: "Even without him, this deity will still be victorious, and the success will come soon. This expedition is not only to regain the lost land, but also to capture many cities of the Dragon Clan."

Unlike Feng Zi's generous statement, Lin Leyao and Lin Fan's side seemed very calm, without the slightest sense of urgency to face a big battle.

Many warriors who were loyal to Phoenix Lord and Lin Leyao looked at the princess on the general platform speechlessly.

I really want to ask, princess, do you know that this battle is about the position of the patriarch, and the Dragon Clan's invasion is so strong this time, our expedition must be a bloody battle, do you know?

But what are you doing?

Wipe the Heavenly Phoenix Sword?

Oh my god, it's so casual, it's like leading a hundred thousand phoenix army out to play.

"Go and see if Fengzi is off." Finally, Lin Leyao, who had wiped the Heavenly Phoenix Sword clean, raised her head and looked at the guard beside her.

The corner of the guard's mouth trembled, and he said, "The prince has been on the expedition for three hours."

"Oh?" Lin Leyao asked in surprise, "Is he in such a hurry?"

With these words, many soldiers showed signs of despair.

Does this mean that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry?

Lin Fan smiled, looked at the cultivators below, and said, "Le Yao, let's go out."

Lin Leyao nodded, and the army set off.

Jinpeng City, the city guarded by the Tianpeng clan, Lin Fan and the others were coming here at this moment.

"May I ask my son-in-law, why did we come to Jinpeng City instead of the occupied city?"

A general couldn't bear it anymore, and finally asked a question at this time.

Lin Fan said: "The Dragon Clan will definitely come to fight this Jinpeng City together."

"Oh? Could it be that the son-in-law has an insider stationed in the Dragon Clan and learned this information?" The general asked tentatively.

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Where did the inside line come from? It's just that the Dragon Clan has captured the Demon Bat Cave and Yinglinya, so I conclude that the next target of the Dragon Clan must be this city."

"Why?" The general still didn't understand.

But I heard a general beside him say: "Idiot! After capturing the two cities of Mobat Cave and Yinglinya, if you invade Jinpeng City again, then a triangular stronghold will be formed. At that time, these three cities will watch and help each other. It will be very difficult to win these three cities."

Listening to the saint's advice, many soldiers immediately understood, and at the same time looked at Lin Fan with admiration.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Do you think it's more important to take back the city, or to defend so that the new city doesn't fall?"

All the generals frowned, but they heard Lin Fan say: "If you go to take back the city occupied by the dragons, it will definitely be a bloody slaughter. You will not be able to make any achievements in a short period of time, but will fall into a terrifying tug-of-war. At that time, many soldiers will die in vain. , the gain outweighs the loss."

Lin Leyao said meaningfully: "If you are greedy for great achievements, you will always be lost forever."

King Tianpeng greeted him thousands of miles away in person.

"You are quite majestic at this time." Lin Fan smiled.

King Tianpeng's face froze. He remembered the tragic experience in the tomb of the gods, and his unruly eyes immediately stood up, but when he saw Lin Fan's eyes that seemed to be smiling, he immediately shuddered.

Can only pay an honest visit, Lin Leyao said: "Can you arrange a place for the army to be stationed?"

"Reporting to the princess, it's already done." King Tianpeng was very respectful.

Lin Leyao nodded and said, "Then enter the city."

The Anza of the army is a very cumbersome task. It takes a long time to set up space traps, set up Nirvana fire arrays, and so on.

In the Devil Bat Cave, of course Lin Long knew when Lin Fan and the others arrived at Jinpeng City. At this time, he glanced sharply at the many 'brothers' below, and said: "I received a report that Princess Le Yao led an army to Jinpeng City. , who is setting up camp at this time, who is going to capture her?"

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