Twin martial arts

Chapter 1723 The Arrogant Fox Owl

Bailong's eyes were cold, and of course he felt the deep disdain hidden in everyone's eyes.

Immediately said grimly: "So what?"

Bai Long grinned grimly, and said: "The head of this family is Qian Jun's father, so naturally he has the right to decide who to marry."

in the dark.

Li Guang was surrounded by sword energy, and bursts of fierce sword mist evaporated. Seeing those terrifying scars on Wuji's body, he was listening to Bai Long's argument that it was not reasonable. dragon.

If it wasn't for Lin Fan's suppression, Li Guang would definitely not be able to wait, and would immediately riot and kill a group of people.

Wuji looked at Bailong coldly, Bailong laughed, and said: "Boy, since you once worked hard for me, today I will give you a way to survive, so get out now, or you won't be able to leave, and you will definitely die here .”

"Go? Where is he going?"

Above the sky, there was a domineering and arrogant voice, a team came, it was a team from the Tuntian Fox clan who came to greet the relatives, accompanied by three saints, the momentum was shocking, and the one who spoke was a man riding on a pegasus .

The man's face was pale, giving off an extremely unpleasant femininity, especially his eyes, which were squinting, and the female guests who came here would feel that they were seen through by these eyes, and their faces turned pale.

This man is Hu Xiaoni. At this moment, he arrogantly looked down at Wuji, tsk-tsk and smiled strangely, and said, "I said that wherever I am, you need to stay away from thousands of miles. It seems that you didn't remember."

"Fox Xiaoni!" Murderous intent flashed in Wuji's eyes.

"Yohaha, you dare to call me by my son's first and last name?" Hu Xiao laughed strangely, like a thousand-year-old monster. He glanced at Wuji with disdain, then his eyes turned cold, he looked at Bai Long, and said, "Cheap father-in-law!" , where did you just let this waste go?"

Bailong's complexion changed, flattering and smirking, he rushed over and said, "My son-in-law, didn't I think that today is your great joy, and I'm afraid of getting bloody and breaking the taboo? Besides, this When can ant and waste not be killed? To you, he is like an ant, which can be easily crushed to death."

Hu Xiaoni was obviously very satisfied with Bai Long's flattery, he nodded proudly, and said, "What you said makes sense."

Afterwards, You said coldly: "It's just that my son welcomes his relatives, there are eight hundred times if not a thousand times, so where is there any taboo?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces turned slightly cold.

Greeting a kiss a thousand times has actually become this person's capital to show off?

At the same time, he also despised Bailong extremely, it was like pushing his daughter into the pit of fire.

Wuji looked at Hu Xiaoni with a cold face, and said, "You can't welcome my dear today."

Hu Xiaoni's face turned cold, and he said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you're still dead, right?"

He drove Tianma towards the White Mansion, said indifferently and cruelly: "Kill him."

Immediately, a holy man came out with a sneer, full of holy power, that kind of power was like the power of heaven, it seemed to make the whole Baifu go into chaos, everyone was trembling and screaming, some people knelt on the ground and kowtowed, unable to bear this kind of horror Tianwei.

Hu Xiaoni sat on the back of the Pegasus, and said with a sinister smile: "Today, Mr. Ben is going to have a bridal chamber with Bai Qianjun, even God can't stop it."

Afterwards, he smiled strangely and said: "Forget it, don't kill him, capture him, I want him to watch how this young master plays with Bai Qianjun."


Wuji howled furiously, his murderous aura was shocking, he counterattacked and killed Hu Xiao.

But Hu Xiaoni just looked at him mockingly, wanting to touch him?

Just relying on this trash, is it worthy?

"What a guts!"

The saint who walked out first was furious.

He is still posing, showing off his prestige, and is intoxicated by his majesty, but in the carefree feeling of everyone crawling, this kid wants to destroy it?


He stretched out a big hand, and grabbed Wuji carelessly, trying to squeeze him to death in the void.

A golden fist suddenly bombarded from nothing.

"who is it?"

The saint screamed strangely, how could such a sudden change happen?

And who dares to meddle in the affairs of the Tuntian Fox Clan?


The golden fist blasted out, too fast and violent, like the sacred mountain of the ancient gods falling from prehistoric times, killing the current world along the long river of time.

The holy man was directly smashed to death, and the pieces of meat were hung on the wall of the White Mansion. He didn't even utter a scream, just lying dead like this.

The golden fist turned into a palm and brushed across the sky, extinguishing the holy power of this saint in an instant, otherwise it would be a disaster, this place would be turned into a jeopardy in an instant, everyone would die, and the holy blood and holy blood would be shattered. The saint contained in the bone is obliterated.

The shocking turn of events caused Hu Xiaoni to die instantly, and roared: "Who dares to attack my Tuntian Fox Clan?"

"The one who killed you was the Tuntian Fox Clan."

A domineering and forceful voice exploded from the void, Lin Fan came out, did not show any extraordinary, just stood quietly in the sky, but it made everyone feel chills.

They seem to have seen the gods coming to the dust, shining like a round of scorching sun.

"Who are you?" Hu Xiaoni roared, roaring: "Do you know who I am?"

"Isn't he the son of the Fox Emperor?" Lin Fan said contemptuously.

When Ling Fan appeared, many people naturally recognized him.

Such as Bailong, such as Ning Ji, such as Ning Tianya and so on.

"My son-in-law, he is Ling Fan." Bai Long exclaimed.

He also didn't expect that Ling Fan would be the one who made the attack. At this moment, he was in a state of surprise, and he didn't expect that the trash in his eyes would recognize Ling Fan.

"Ling Fan? The beloved disciple of the Golden Dragon Emperor?"

At that moment, the eyes of the remaining two saints who came with Hu Xiao turned serious, and their movements of besieging and killing Lin Fan also stopped.

Lin Fan's icy eyes swept over Bai Long, and said, "From today onwards, the Bai family, let's go."

Bailong's heart trembled suddenly, but Hu Xiao said fiercely: "Ling Fan, you want to be an enemy of my fox clan?"

"You fox clan, are you worthy to be an enemy of my husband?"

Lin Leyao came, and when she appeared, the whole world lost its color, and everyone was instantly intoxicated by her stunning beauty.

But when Hu Xiaoni heard this voice, he shivered tremblingly, and said in panic: "Princess Phoenix, are you here too?"


Everyone gasped.

Phoenix Princess, Lin Leyao!

In this world, there is no one who has not heard of her name, the most beautiful woman in the world, it is not just a simple talk.

Most importantly, her identity is really terrifying. In the whole world, there are not many women who can stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

"It seems that the punishment given to you last time was not enough." Lin Leyao looked at Hu Xiaoni with icy eyes.

What is surprising and almost laughable is that the arrogant Hu Xiaoni, who was still flaunting his power just now, when he saw this stunning person, immediately urged the Tianma to flee.

"Go one more step, die." Lin Leyao was extremely indifferent, and then said with a sneer: "Hu Xiaoni, I really didn't see that you are really a talent, and you even dare to bully my brother-in-law, so you are ready How can I let Ben Gong relieve his hatred?"

Bailong's body trembled and was about to fall.

Wuji, the trash in his eyes, an ant with only combat power and no background at all, actually has such a terrifying identity?

He seemed to be wrong, very wrong.

Lin Fan couldn't stop the murderous intent rolling in his heart.

Looking at the two sages, he said sternly: "It's ridiculous, my brother, my brother, was bullied by a fox like this, did he borrow the prestige of the two of you?"

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