Twin martial arts

Chapter 1721 Li Zhu's tragic death

Lin Leyao said: "I know, he is notorious, he once ran amok in the territory of my Phoenix clan, I chased him with a sword for [-] miles, and killed him more than ten times. Later, the emperor of his clan begged for mercy, so I spared his life .”

How domineering do you say this?

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Tell me what's going on."

Wuji looked bitterly and said: "I once met a woman, fell in love with each other, and the woman's family was very satisfied and intended to match, but in the end when this fox owl appeared, the woman's family's parents regretted it."

Li Guang's eyes turned cold, and he said: "Don't say anything else, after today, our brothers will kill him directly, let him swallow the sky fox, and kill them all with blood."

Chen Xuandong kicked Li Guang and said, "Why are you full of banditry? Shut up."

Wu Jian sneered, and said: "This kind of bastard who uses power to win love should be killed. I think Li Guang is right."

Chen Xuandong said angrily: "Kill the embryo, you also shut up."

He looked at Wuji and said: "The attitude of the woman's family is not important, and it doesn't matter if the other party is a nine-tailed swallowing fox. What matters is the attitude of the woman you fall in love with."

Lin Fan also nodded, and said: "If that woman still wants to be with you, maybe we can only use power for once, but if that's the case..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but everyone understood.

If that woman is also a villain who is stalking others, then this kind of woman is not worth mentioning.

"At that time she wanted to wander the world with me, but Hu Xiaoni threatened the lives of her whole family, so she sent me away with tears in her eyes." With tears in Wuji's eyes, he said, "Actually, if she hadn't threatened her with her life, I have long since died in the hands of Hu Xiaoni, he is not my opponent, but he has saints under his command."

"Okay, I understand, let's drink today, and tomorrow we will settle this matter." Lin Fan smiled.

This woman is so nice, of course he is happy for Wuji, all the brothers are only Wuji who has been single all the time, never thought that when they came to the upper realm, they would meet spring.

"By the way, what's her name?" Lin Fan was curious.

Wuji said affectionately, "Bai Qianjun."

"I'm going, it's her?" Lin Fan felt how small the world was?

What Wuji was thinking about was actually this woman who left a deep impression on him.

"You know him?" Chen Xuandong asked.

Lin Fan said: "Yes, the Bai family is one of the three masters of the medicine domain, but because of me, there should be only two left now, one is the Ning family, and the other is the Bai family."

"What a coincidence."

"It's really a coincidence."

Everyone was a little speechless.

Of course Wuji knew how domineering and powerful the Phoenix Clan was in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters. At first, he felt that the Phoenix Clan was already precarious at this time, and it would inevitably cause trouble for him to speak out about himself.

At this moment, I figured it out, if he didn't say it, when things really happened, maybe many brothers would be angry.

"This matter is settled like this. The mere Nine-Tailed Tuntian Clan is not in my eyes. We will go to the medicine field together tomorrow." Lin Leyao spoke, naturally making a foregone conclusion for this matter.

Everyone continued to drink, and when they were half drunk, Lin Fan's words turned cold, and he said, "Brothers should all know what happened today, right?"

"Of course." The eyes of Li Guang and the others suddenly darkened, and they said, "It's just that it's too cheap for him to die."

"How could it be possible to let him die so happily?" Lin Fan grinned, and opened his inner world, and everyone saw Li Zhu who was suppressed by a sacred mountain, and suddenly, extreme murderous intent appeared in their eyes.

Everyone entered Lin Fan's world together, Li Zhu panicked.

How could he not recognize Lin Fan and the others?

He seemed to know his own fate.

"Lin Fan, what do you want?" A shrill roar continued to come out of his mouth.

"What do you think?" Lin Fan smiled grimly.

Li Guang frowned, and said: "I really want to torture him, but unfortunately I am not in the realm of Tianxin at this time, and I can't hurt him even if I hold the holy sword."

Wu Jian and the others also showed unwillingness in their eyes.

They have never forgotten the various blood debts committed by Li Zhu, but at this time, the enemy is in front of him, but they can't hurt him at all.

"this is very simple."

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold, and Tian Zhu appeared in his hand, and he went straight forward. Amid the panic and begging of the Li clan, he shot out with a halberd, directly killing his holy way rules, and making him fall into the holy realm.

"Lin Fan, if you dare to treat me like this, the Celestial Human Race and my Li Family will definitely not be able to get around you!"

Li Zhu made a threatening threat.

"The Celestials? Do you think they will fight against several emperors for a dead person?" Lin Fan smiled contemptuously, and said, "As for your Li clan, don't worry, I will take care of it slowly."

The sacred mountain turned into energy and returned to heaven and earth, Li Clan let out a long roar, and he flew towards the sky, but under Lin Fan's thought, the sky and earth hung upside down, and the four poles exchanged, he couldn't fly within a radius of a hundred miles.

"I'm going to fight him."

Li Guang roared angrily, when Li Zhu was in the lower realm, he was not in the realm, and his combat power was not worthy of a fight with the Li clan, so he could only watch Lin Fan fight with the will to die, how aggrieved?

Today is your chance!

But there was one person who was faster than him, and killed with a sword light illuminating the sky.

No sword shot.

Lin Leyao watched quietly, Lin Fan looked at her and said, "Let's go, they probably need you for a long time."

Lin Leyao frowned and said, "Your dharmakaya world can accommodate living things?"

Lin Fan smiled wryly, and said, "No, only for a day at most."

Lin Leyao nodded and comforted: "But this is also good news, at least you have made great progress, which proves that you are thinking in the right direction."

The moment Lin Leyao and Lin Fan walked out of the Dharmakaya world, this hazy world disappeared.

In the bridal chamber, red candles are burning, the wedding bed is red, and there is a woman of stunning beauty.

At dawn, both Lin Leyao and Lin Fan woke up, the Dharma Body World opened up, and this world was directly destroyed to a disastrous extent, as if there was an earthquake that destroyed the world, and the sight was dilapidated.

At this time, Li Zhu was too miserable, surrounded and killed by Chen Xuandong and others, he could only parry but had no power to fight back.

Lin Fan saw that Li Guang and the others did not kill Li Zhu at all. Many times they could kill Li Zhu with a sword, but they didn't. Instead, they carefully avoided the deadly places and greeted the most unbearable and painful places.

Lin Leyao was horrified when she saw it, it was ten thousand times more terrifying than Ling Chi's, Li Zhu was crying, she was really crying.

He had been killed hundreds of times, but he had been in the Holy Realm, and he had the Heavenly Human Restoration Sutra, even if there was a drop of blood essence left, he could be resurrected.

At this moment, he extremely hated the power of the Heavenly Human Rehabilitation Sutra.

Even wanting to die is hard.

With a long cry, the war sword split into the air, and Li Zhu was chopped into pieces, but at the next moment, he came back to life again, trembling and begging: "I beg you to give me a good time."

But Li Guang and the others sneered.

He wanted to die happily, but what about so many innocent people in the lower realm?

The cruelty continued.

In the end, it was Lin Leyao who really couldn't stand it anymore, and directly burned Li Zhu into nothingness with the fire of Nirvana.

When Li Zhu died, several people were silent for a moment, their emotions were too complicated.

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