Twin martial arts

Chapter 1717 All Emperors Appear Together

"Huang Fengliu, you can't hold back this matter, it's not enough, you don't have the qualifications, get out of here quickly, don't make yourself uncomfortable." Tong Tian's eyes were stern, he sneered, and said, "Li Zhu is also my son-in-law of the Heavenly Human Race. , life and death are unknown at this time, do you think Lin Fan can be safe? Are you dreaming?"

Tian Xin'er's beautiful face was full of coldness, and said: "Get out of the way, you can't stop me, I want to know where Li Zhu is, if he dies, Lin Fan must be buried with him."

Huang Fengliu's eyes were full of nine-color brilliance, as if there were terrifying real phoenixes flying in his pupils, he didn't answer, but just stood in front of Lin Fan like this.

Flood dragons coming from Qianshan to control the holy realm, like a god of war who walked out of the history of God's War. When my son dies, many people will be buried with him, don't make mistakes."

"I'll take a look at the one you buried with me."

With a roar, an extremely powerful person struck out, and a big hand that covered the entire Xingyu came directly from the other side of the sky. It was too terrifying. The gap between the big hands was like an abyss, and many dead planets were not as good as the pores on the fingers of his palm. Big.


The holy dragon roared, and Li Qianshan struggled and fought fiercely, but it was useless, he couldn't resist the big hand at all, and was easily pinched between his two fingers. At this time, the mighty dragon was like a pinched earthworm.

"Golden Dragon, you passed!"

Suddenly, a giant flaming hand pierced from under the sky, each finger was like a pillar of the sky, he flicked his fingers on the big hand of the Golden Dragon Emperor, and with a bang, the invisible shock wave made the starry sky hundreds of millions of miles into a vacuum, and everything It was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

"Playing with fire? This master is your ancestor."

The phoenix master made a move, and a nine-colored fire phoenix with a wingspan of billions of feet flew over. Its beak was pecked on the giant hand of the flame, causing the emperor of the Deli clan to scream, and a thread of fire ran all the way along the pecked palm. Next, he was almost set on fire.

The golden dragon and the phoenix master appeared together, a divine dragon and a nine-colored true phoenix each occupying a piece of the sky, their terrifying aura seemed to press down on him for eternity, making all spirits and souls tremble, and he was about to be scared to death.

"How ridiculous. In a fair battle, Li Zhu's punishment can only prove that he is inferior to others. If his skills are inferior to others, he deserves to die and deserves to be punished. I want to see who dares to hurt my son-in-law today."

The Queen of Phoenix also came, she came here one step from the Origin of Ten Thousand Monsters, and the Emperor Sword made with her only true plume in her hand was more dazzling than the scorching sun.

"Hehe, this emperor is here too, but I want to see how the Li clan turns black and white and right and wrong. In a battle in the same situation, is it possible that others are not allowed to kill him, but only he is allowed to kill? How can there be such a reason in this world?" Immortal Demon Palace The only emperor in the world also came. He was like a fusion of immortals and demons, with half of his body glowing with immortal energy flowing, while half of his body was filled with demonic energy.

"This emperor also wants to see how domineering this Li clan is."

Another emperor came, but he did not reveal his real body, no one knew who he was, only a trembling figure manifested here across countless millions of miles.

It's too scary, a total of seven emperors manifest here, either the emperor's thoughts, or the deity, each occupying one side of the sky, guarding Lin Fan invisibly, surrounded by the light of the emperor's way, isolating the aura of the emperors from him harassment.

"Where is the god? He is the maker of the order of the world. If he is punished in a fair battle and wants to seek revenge, then the world will be in chaos. Even patrolling and hunting will not be able to enforce the law."

Emperor Qingfeng spoke coldly, without the slightest emotion, even if I mentioned the gods, I still have the slightest respect.

Everyone trembles!

No one could have imagined that there were so many terrifying emperors behind Lin Fan.

Although some of the emperors did not use their real bodies, but a ray of emperor's thought manifested here, which originally represented the attitude.

"Hahaha, this king is also here to join in the fun."

The Dragon King also came, and Lin Long followed beside him, staring at Lin Fan with his long eyes, he said: "This kid is really good, maybe he can be compared with my son."

The faces of the Golden Dragon Emperor and other people who knew about it became strange, Feng Zhu said: "Of course my son-in-law is good."

The Dragon King laughed and said: "Third Princess, if you are not as good as others in a fair battle, you can't blame others. This is the rule made by the gods. Do you want to shame your father?"

The third princess's face suddenly became gloomy, but she heard Lin Long say: "Li Zhu is vulnerable, don't you feel aggrieved by the princess marrying this person?"

Li Qianshan was covered in blood. He had just been released and he hadn't figured out the situation yet. Hearing Lin Long's words, he was already aggrieved and furious. He screamed, "Where did you come from, how dare you be so arrogant?"

The Dragon King's face turned cold, and suddenly it was freezing cold.


A loud slap shook Huanyu directly, and Li Qianshan was slapped to death directly, the Dragon King screamed: "Li Wandi, get out of here!"

He is calling the Emperor of Li Clan.

leave home.

An emperor had a stern face.

Half of his body was set ablaze by the Phoenix Lord, and the root was injured. It would take at least a thousand years to heal. At this time, he watched his own grandson being slapped to death by the Dragon King, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood under the agitation of his heart.

However, he had to go out.

The Dragon Clan is too strong, it is really not difficult to destroy his Li Clan.

He appeared in outer space, and the Dragon King stared at him with a stern light: "Is this the way you educate your younger generations? There is no tutor. When the king came, he had already stated that this person is my own son, but your grandson humiliated him. matter, how to count?"

Lin Long said: "Father, this Li family is used to being arrogant. I have heard people say that some people even say that if they want to capture my dragon family as a mount, Li Qianshan is one of them. Servant, first capture a close relative of the dragon clan, that dragon is the proof."

"What?" The Dragon King was furious, his eyes became colder: "Li Wandi, did I give you face from the Li Clan?"

The Phoenix Lord and the Golden Dragon Emperor just watched quietly.

This scene is very interesting.

Lin Fan has two sides in one body, but it is very useful.

Murderous intent flickered in Li Wandi's heart, but he didn't dare to speak too much. Li Zhu's life and death were uncertain, and the Golden Dragon Emperor and others came to cheer for Lin Fan. Dragon Clan, he is really in danger of leaving home.

"You have to give me an account of this matter to the Dragon Clan, or you will know the consequences." The Dragon King speculated, then looked at the third princess, and said, "Princess, that shit Li Zhu is not enough to watch, not worthy of you, look at me How is this son?"

With one word, the entire starry sky was dead silent.

Does the dragon king know what he is talking about?

Today is the day of their big wedding. At this time, the life and death of the third princess' fiancé is uncertain, but, the Dragon King just joked like this?

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