Entertainment: Start from a desert island

Chapter 121 Infighting Group C

"These two buddies are still on Tiger Island."

"Facts have proved that the direction is wrong, and all efforts are in vain."

"Dude relieved my bad mood today."

"Don't give up, let everyone have fun again."

Cameron sat by the bonfire, his chest heaving violently. Since the morning, he and a grass by the lake have been soaking in the pool.

One area per person.

There is no clue about the location of the shore, not to mention the conspicuous box mark or something, the stones have been turned over, but nothing is found.

The deep water area has not been completely searched, but Cameron is already suspicious.

This difficulty is too high.

Treasure hunting, it is impossible to dig another hole in the pool, it would be too deep.

It is confirmed that there is only such a water pool on Tiger Island. I found it yesterday and found nothing today.

There are only two explanations:

Or, they have trouble interpreting the cues.

It has nothing to do with the water pool at all, the clue is not here, so I can't find it.

Or, someone got there first.

The second is unlikely.

Tiger Island is not small, and the chances of the other two teams accidentally taking it away are too low.

After all, the two arrived here not long after the match started yesterday.


A grass protruded from the pool by the lake, wiped the water on his face, shook his head at Cameron, and landed on the shore with difficulty, shaking, while wiping the water off his body with his clothes.

From morning to now, more than seven hours, he got into the water dozens of times, even if the speed was not fast, he basically checked half of the pool.

"Mr. Cameron, could there be a problem!"

Cameron was furious: "There must be a problem. Are you a Chinese? Why can't you understand the meaning of the poems in your own country?"


"I seriously suspect that the clue is wrong, it is not here at all, or else, it must have been found."


"Because of your ignorance, we may have wasted our time."

A grass by the lake was also scolded: "What the hell, if you have the ability, you can solve it. I have already said it. It may not be correct. You insisted on going into the water to find it.

I went into the water a few times this morning. How about you, you are commanding on the shore like an old man. Do you know how cold it is down there?Fuck! "

After speaking, he took the clothes and went to the bonfire without looking back, without saying a word.

He was about to die of exhaustion, his whole body was trembling, and instead of thanking him, he was scolded all over his head and face, and broke out in an instant.

Cameron was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect the other party to retort, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

You know, in the camp before, I and James were the leaders of the members, so they followed suit.

The scene suddenly became awkward.

This is not the first quarrel in the show. The contestants in the three groups had minor frictions during the survival period. The show crew didn't care, and the audience loved it.

Tear it up.

Cameron was a little embarrassed, but he knew that countless audiences were paying attention. He wanted to teach the members a lesson, but he was pushed and didn't know what to say.

We can only come up with clues and study them pretendingly.

The weather is not beautiful, the original drizzle has become bigger again.

Cameron had no choice but to return to the shelter.

"Yao, I'm sorry, I was too anxious."

The foreigner can bend and stretch, and apologizes on his own initiative.

A blade of grass by the lake is not stupid, just go down the steps.

Otherwise, what should I do? It’s impossible to leave. It’s just such a small place, and it’s still raining. Where else can I go.

After the reconciliation, Cameron recounted his analysis.

Yikecao frowned: "Although I don't understand it very well, the key words in the poem are pools, which is definitely true, but if there is any information related to the author, then I don't know.

And the second possibility exists, it took us more than two hours to get here, during the period..."

When Cameron heard this, he picked up the walkie-talkie: "Program group, program group, are the clues from other groups placed in the same place as ours?"

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no response.

"What do you mean?" A grass by the lake couldn't figure out what the program group's failure to answer meant.

Cameron shook his head: "The island is so big, they must have considered it. They will not put the three sets of clues in one place. If a certain team takes them wrong or takes them all away, the game will be meaningless."

"Then what do we do next?"

"Wait for the rain to stop," Cameron said, looking at the drizzle, "Persist for another night, and don't give up easily."

A grass by the lake sighed slightly, this variable is too difficult.

However, after three o'clock in the afternoon, the two couldn't hold on anymore.

Since we can't get into the water, let's prepare lunch.

The fish had been eaten long ago, and some plantains were left, which were put into the fire and roasted slowly.

Less than 10 minutes after Basho was buried, the shack suddenly opened and there was a crash.

The rainwater flowed down the opening, impartially, and poured directly on the position of the campfire. A puff of blue smoke rose, and the campfire went out.

Although the two tried their best to rescue them, it was too late.

Not only was the fire extinguished, but the firewood prepared by the side was drenched again.


Probably it is the truest portrayal of the leak in the house and the continuous night rain.

A grass by the lake wants to cry but has no tears.

The chest was already hungry and the back was pressed against the back, and the plantains were pulled out, and the skin could not be peeled off, let alone eaten.

Cameron also collapsed and couldn't live his life.

It rained, there was no food, the point was, the fire was put out, and it was unlikely to start again.

"Yao, now we have two options.

First, go into the water again and search for it one last time. If you find it, continue to the next task.

Second, quit the game directly. "

A grass by the lake is now ashen-faced: "You tell me, I'll listen to you."

"Then look for it one last time, so that you have a clear conscience."

It has to be said that although the two of them did useless work, some viewers still admire them.

Even after repeated setbacks, he still perseveres and his spirit is commendable.

However, this insistence did not last long, or, the two of them were just seeking psychological comfort.

Half an hour later, Cameron picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Call the program team, we quit the game."

"Got it, please go to the nearest beach."

The two packed up their things, stopped talking, and walked for a while in the rain to the beach.

When I met the staff, I felt very friendly.

The game in less than two days, for them, feels like a year.

Too much work.

The staff provided temporary warm blankets and served ginger tea.

Cameron shook his body, and the boat started to move. He turned his head and looked at Tiger Island, which was gradually leaving.

"Excuse me, who are we the first to leave? Is there anyone else on the island?"

The staff shook his head: "You are the last group, there is no one left."

The two were taken aback for a moment, no way.

"Has the champion come out, or have they all given up early? When did the others leave? Is our clue in the pool..."

A series of questions blurted out.

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